

Statistical Learning of Distributionally Robust Stochastic Control in Continuous State Spaces

Wang, S., Si, N., Blanchet, J., & Zhou, Z. (2024). Statistical Learning of Distributionally Robust Stochastic Control in Continuous State Spaces. ArXiv. /abs/2406.11281


We explore the control of stochastic systems with potentially continuous state and action spaces, characterized by the state dynamics . Here, , , and represent the state, action, and exogenous random noise processes, respectively, with denoting a known function that describes state transitions. Traditionally, the noise process is assumed to be independent and identically distributed, with a distribution that is either fully known or can be consistently estimated. However, the occurrence of distributional shifts, typical in engineering settings, necessitates the consideration of the robustness of the policy. This paper introduces a distributionally robust stochastic control paradigm that accommodates possibly adaptive adversarial perturbation to the noise distribution within a prescribed ambiguity set. We examine two adversary models: current-action-aware and current-action-unaware, leading to different dynamic programming equations. Furthermore, we characterize the optimal finite sample minimax rates for achieving uniform learning of the robust value function across continuum states under both adversary types, considering ambiguity sets defined by -divergence and Wasserstein distance. Finally, we demonstrate the applicability of our framework across various real-world settings.

Shengbo Wang, Nian Si, Jose Blanchet, Zhengyuan Zhou
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.11281

Modeling shortest paths in polymeric networks using spatial branching processes

Zhang, Z., Mohanty, S., Blanchet, J., & Cai, W. (2024). Modeling shortest paths in polymeric networks using spatial branching processes. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 187, 105636.


Recent studies have established a connection between the macroscopic mechanical response of polymeric materials and the statistics of the shortest path (SP) length between distant nodes in the polymer network. Since these statistics can be costly to compute and difficult to study theoretically, we introduce a branching random walk (BRW) model to describe the SP statistics from the coarse-grained molecular dynamics (CGMD) simulations of polymer networks. We postulate that the first passage time (FPT) of the BRW to a given termination site can be used to approximate the statistics of the SP between distant nodes in the polymer network. We develop a theoretical framework for studying the FPT of spatial branching processes and obtain an analytical expression for estimating the FPT distribution as a function of the cross-link density. We demonstrate by extensive numerical calculations that the distribution of the …

Zhenyuan Zhang, Shaswat Mohanty, Jose Blanchet, Wei Cai
Publication date
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids

Deep Learning for Computing Convergence Rates of Markov Chains

Qu, Y., Blanchet, J., & Glynn, P. (2024). Deep Learning for Computing Convergence Rates of Markov Chains. ArXiv. /abs/2405.20435


Convergence rate analysis for general state-space Markov chains is fundamentally important in areas such as Markov chain Monte Carlo and algorithmic analysis (for computing explicit convergence bounds). This problem, however, is notoriously difficult because traditional analytical methods often do not generate practically useful convergence bounds for realistic Markov chains. We propose the Deep Contractive Drift Calculator (DCDC), the first general-purpose sample-based algorithm for bounding the convergence of Markov chains to stationarity in Wasserstein distance. The DCDC has two components. First, inspired by the new convergence analysis framework in (Qu, 2023), we introduce the Contractive Drift Equation (CDE), the solution of which leads to an explicit convergence bound. Second, we develop an efficient neural-network-based CDE solver. Equipped with these two components, DCDC solves the CDE and converts the solution into a convergence bound. We analyze the sample complexity of the algorithm and further demonstrate the effectiveness of the DCDC by generating convergence bounds for realistic Markov chains arising from stochastic processing networks as well as constant step-size stochastic optimization.

Yanlin Qu, Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.20435

Provably Mitigating Overoptimization in RLHF: Your SFT Loss is Implicitly an Adversarial Regularizer

Liu, Z., Lu, M., Zhang, S., Liu, B., Guo, H., Yang, Y., Blanchet, J., & Wang, Z. (2024). Provably Mitigating Overoptimization in RLHF: Your SFT Loss is Implicitly an Adversarial Regularizer. ArXiv. /abs/2405.16436


Aligning generative models with human preference via RLHF typically suffers from overoptimization, where an imperfectly learned reward model can misguide the generative model to output undesired responses. We investigate this problem in a principled manner by identifying the source of the misalignment as a form of distributional shift and uncertainty in learning human preferences. To mitigate overoptimization, we first propose a theoretical algorithm that chooses the best policy for an adversarially chosen reward model; one that simultaneously minimizes the maximum likelihood estimation of the loss and a reward penalty term. Here, the reward penalty term is introduced to prevent the policy from choosing actions with spurious high proxy rewards, resulting in provable sample efficiency of the algorithm under a partial coverage style condition. Moving from theory to practice, the proposed algorithm further enjoys an equivalent but surprisingly easy-to-implement reformulation. Using the equivalence between reward models and the corresponding optimal policy, the algorithm features a simple objective that combines: (i) a preference optimization loss that directly aligns the policy with human preference, and (ii) a supervised learning loss that explicitly imitates the policy with a (suitable) baseline distribution. In the context of aligning large language models (LLM), this objective fuses the direct preference optimization (DPO) loss with the supervised fune-tuning (SFT) loss to help mitigate the overoptimization towards undesired responses, for which we name the algorithm Regularized Preference Optimization (RPO). Experiments of aligning LLMs …

Zhihan Liu, Miao Lu, Shenao Zhang, Boyi Liu, Hongyi Guo, Yingxiang Yang, Jose Blanchet, Zhaoran Wang
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.16436

Consistency of Neural Causal Partial Identification

Tan, J., Blanchet, J., & Syrgkanis, V. (2024). Consistency of Neural Causal Partial Identification. ArXiv. /abs/2405.15673


Recent progress in Neural Causal Models (NCMs) showcased how identification and partial identification of causal effects can be automatically carried out via training of neural generative models that respect the constraints encoded in a given causal graph [Xia et al. 2022, Balazadeh et al. 2022]. However, formal consistency of these methods has only been proven for the case of discrete variables or only for linear causal models. In this work, we prove consistency of partial identification via NCMs in a general setting with both continuous and categorical variables. Further, our results highlight the impact of the design of the underlying neural network architecture in terms of depth and connectivity as well as the importance of applying Lipschitz regularization in the training phase. In particular, we provide a counterexample showing that without Lipschitz regularization the NCM may not be asymptotically consistent. Our results are enabled by new results on the approximability of structural causal models via neural generative models, together with an analysis of the sample complexity of the resulting architectures and how that translates into an error in the constrained optimization problem that defines the partial identification bounds.

Jiyuan Tan, Jose Blanchet, Vasilis Syrgkanis
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.15673

Stability Evaluation via Distributional Perturbation Analysis

Blanchet, J., Cui, P., Li, J., & Liu, J. (2024). Stability Evaluation via Distributional Perturbation Analysis. ArXiv. /abs/2405.03198


The performance of learning models often deteriorates when deployed in out-of-sample environments. To ensure reliable deployment, we propose a stability evaluation criterion based on distributional perturbations. Conceptually, our stability evaluation criterion is defined as the minimal perturbation required on our observed dataset to induce a prescribed deterioration in risk evaluation. In this paper, we utilize the optimal transport (OT) discrepancy with moment constraints on the \textit{(sample, density)} space to quantify this perturbation. Therefore, our stability evaluation criterion can address both \emph{data corruptions} and \emph{sub-population shifts} -- the two most common types of distribution shifts in real-world scenarios. To further realize practical benefits, we present a series of tractable convex formulations and computational methods tailored to different classes of loss functions. The key technical tool to achieve this is the strong duality theorem provided in this paper. Empirically, we validate the practical utility of our stability evaluation criterion across a host of real-world applications. These empirical studies showcase the criterion's ability not only to compare the stability of different learning models and features but also to provide valuable guidelines and strategies to further improve models.

Jose Blanchet, Peng Cui, Jiajin Li, Jiashuo Liu
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.03198

Stability Evaluation through Distributional Perturbation Analysis

Blanchet, J., Cui, P., Li, J., & Liu, J. (2024). Stability Evaluation via Distributional Perturbation Analysis. ArXiv. /abs/2405.03198


The performance of learning models often deteriorates when deployed in out-of-sample environments. To ensure reliable deployment, we propose a stability evaluation criterion based on distributional perturbations. Conceptually, our stability evaluation criterion is defined as the minimal perturbation required on our observed dataset to induce a prescribed deterioration in risk evaluation. In this paper, we utilize the optimal transport (OT) discrepancy with moment constraints on the (sample, density) space to quantify this perturbation. Therefore, our stability evaluation criterion can address both data corruptions and sub-population shifts—the two most common types of distribution shifts in real-world scenarios. To further realize practical benefits, we present a series of tractable convex formulations and computational methods tailored to different classes of loss functions. The key technical tool to achieve this is the strong duality theorem provided in this paper. Empirically, we validate the practical utility of our stability evaluation criterion across a host of real-world applications. These empirical studies showcase the criterion's ability not only to compare the stability of different learning models and features but also to provide valuable guidelines and strategies to further improve models.

Jose Blanchet, Peng Cui, Jiajin Li, Jiashuo Liu
Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning

Fair neural networks


A system is disclosed that includes a computer that includes a processor and a memory, the memory including instructions executable by the processor to input an image acquired by a sensor to a neural network to output a prediction regarding an object included in the image. The neural network can be trained, based on (a) a distributed robust optimization that minimizes an expectation applied to probability distributions of loss functions to select training images that yield a solution with a selected uncertainty level and (b) generating additional input images based on adversarial images.

Xinru Hua, Huanzhong Xu, Jose Blanchet, Viet Anh Nguyen, Marcos Paul Gerardo Castro
Publication date
Patent office
Application number

Distributionally Robust Optimization as a Scalable Framework to Characterize Extreme Value Distributions

Kuiper, P., Hasan, A., Yang, W., Ng, Y., Bidkhori, H., Blanchet, J., & Tarokh, V. (2024). Distributionally Robust Optimization as a Scalable Framework to Characterize Extreme Value Distributions. ArXiv. /abs/2408.00131


The goal of this paper is to develop distributionally robust optimization (DRO) estimators, specifically for multidimensional Extreme Value Theory (EVT) statistics. EVT supports using semi-parametric models called max-stable distributions built from spatial Poisson point processes. While powerful, these models are only asymptotically valid for large samples. However, since extreme data is by definition scarce, the potential for model misspecification error is inherent to these applications, thus DRO estimators are natural. In order to mitigate over-conservative estimates while enhancing out-of-sample performance, we study DRO estimators informed by semi-parametric max-stable constraints in the space of point processes. We study both tractable convex formulations for some problems of interest (e.g. CVaR) and more general neural network based estimators. Both approaches are validated using synthetically generated data, recovering prescribed characteristics, and verifying the efficacy of the proposed techniques. Additionally, the proposed method is applied to a real data set of financial returns for comparison to a previous analysis. We established the proposed model as a novel formulation in the multivariate EVT domain, and innovative with respect to performance when compared to relevant alternate proposals.

Patrick Kendal Kuiper, Ali Hasan, Wenhao Yang, Jose Blanchet, Vahid Tarokh, Yuting Ng, Hoda Bidkhori
The 40th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence

Orthogonal Bootstrap: Efficient Simulation of Input Uncertainty

Liu, K., Blanchet, J., Ying, L., & Lu, Y. (2024). Orthogonal Bootstrap: Efficient Simulation of Input Uncertainty. ArXiv. /abs/2404.19145


Bootstrap is a popular methodology for simulating input uncertainty. However, it can be computationally expensive when the number of samples is large. We propose a new approach called \textbf{Orthogonal Bootstrap} that reduces the number of required Monte Carlo replications. We decomposes the target being simulated into two parts: the \textit{non-orthogonal part} which has a closed-form result known as Infinitesimal Jackknife and the \textit{orthogonal part} which is easier to be simulated. We theoretically and numerically show that Orthogonal Bootstrap significantly reduces the computational cost of Bootstrap while improving empirical accuracy and maintaining the same width of the constructed interval.

Kaizhao Liu, Jose Blanchet, Lexing Ying, Yiping Lu
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.19145

Feasible 𝑄-Learning for Average Reward Reinforcement Learning

Jin, Y., Gummadi, R., Zhou, Z. & Blanchet, J.. (2024). Feasible 𝑄-Learning for Average Reward Reinforcement Learning. Proceedings of The 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 238:1630-1638 Available from


Average reward reinforcement learning (RL) provides a suitable framework for capturing the objective (ie long-run average reward) for continuing tasks, where there is often no natural way to identify a discount factor. However, existing average reward RL algorithms with sample complexity guarantees are not feasible, as they take as input the (unknown) mixing time of the Markov decision process (MDP). In this paper, we make initial progress towards addressing this open problem. We design a feasible average-reward -learning framework that requires no knowledge of any problem parameter as input. Our framework is based on discounted -learning, while we dynamically adapt the discount factor (and hence the effective horizon) to progressively approximate the average reward. In the synchronous setting, we solve three tasks:(i) learn a policy that is -close to optimal,(ii) estimate optimal average reward with -accuracy, and (iii) estimate the bias function (similar to -function in discounted case) with -accuracy. We show that with carefully designed adaptation schemes,(i) can be achieved with samples,(ii) with samples, and (iii) with samples, where is the mixing time, and is an MDP-dependent constant. To our knowledge, we provide the first finite-sample guarantees that are polynomial in for a feasible variant of -learning. That said, the sample complexity bounds have tremendous room for improvement, which we leave for the community’s best minds. Preliminary simulations verify that our framework is effective without prior knowledge of parameters as input.

Ying Jin, Ramki Gummadi, Zhengyuan Zhou, Jose Blanchet
Publication date
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics

On the First Passage Times of Branching Random Walks in

Blanchet, J., Cai, W., Mohanty, S., & Zhang, Z. (2024). On the First Passage Times of Branching Random Walks in $\mathbb R^d$. ArXiv. /abs/2404.09064


We study the first passage times of discrete-time branching random walks in where . Here, the genealogy of the particles follows a supercritical Galton-Watson process. We provide asymptotics of the first passage times to a ball of radius one with a distance from the origin, conditioned upon survival. We provide explicitly the linear dominating term and the logarithmic correction term as a function of . The asymptotics are precise up to an order of for general jump distributions and up to for spherically symmetric jumps. A crucial ingredient of both results is the tightness of first passage times. We also discuss an extension of the first passage time analysis to a modified branching random walk model that has been proven to successfully capture shortest path statistics in polymer networks.

Jose Blanchet, Wei Cai, Shaswat Mohanty, Zhenyuan Zhang
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.09064

Distributionally Robust Reinforcement Learning with Interactive Data Collection: Fundamental Hardness and Near-Optimal Algorithm

Lu, M., Zhong, H., Zhang, T., & Blanchet, J. (2024). Distributionally Robust Reinforcement Learning with Interactive Data Collection: Fundamental Hardness and Near-Optimal Algorithm. ArXiv. /abs/2404.03578


The sim-to-real gap, which represents the disparity between training and testing environments, poses a significant challenge in reinforcement learning (RL). A promising approach to addressing this challenge is distributionally robust RL, often framed as a robust Markov decision process (RMDP). In this framework, the objective is to find a robust policy that achieves good performance under the worst-case scenario among all environments within a pre-specified uncertainty set centered around the training environment. Unlike previous work, which relies on a generative model or a pre-collected offline dataset enjoying good coverage of the deployment environment, we tackle robust RL via interactive data collection, where the learner interacts with the training environment only and refines the policy through trial and error. In this robust RL paradigm, two main challenges emerge: managing distributional robustness while striking a balance between exploration and exploitation during data collection. Initially, we establish that sample-efficient learning without additional assumptions is unattainable owing to the curse of support shift; i.e., the potential disjointedness of the distributional supports between the training and testing environments. To circumvent such a hardness result, we introduce the vanishing minimal value assumption to RMDPs with a total-variation (TV) distance robust set, postulating that the minimal value of the optimal robust value function is zero. We prove that such an assumption effectively eliminates the support shift issue for RMDPs with a TV distance robust set, and present an algorithm with a provable sample complexity guarantee …

Miao Lu, Han Zhong, Tong Zhang, Jose Blanchet
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.03578

When are Unbiased Monte Carlo Estimators More Preferable than Biased Ones?

Wang, G., Blanchet, J., & Glynn, P. W. (2024). When are Unbiased Monte Carlo Estimators More Preferable than Biased Ones? ArXiv. /abs/2404.01431


Due to the potential benefits of parallelization, designing unbiased Monte Carlo estimators, primarily in the setting of randomized multilevel Monte Carlo, has recently become very popular in operations research and computational statistics. However, existing work primarily substantiates the benefits of unbiased estimators at an intuitive level or using empirical evaluations. The intuition being that unbiased estimators can be replicated in parallel enabling fast estimation in terms of wall-clock time. This intuition ignores that, typically, bias will be introduced due to impatience because most unbiased estimators necesitate random completion times. This paper provides a mathematical framework for comparing these methods under various metrics, such as completion time and overall computational cost. Under practical assumptions, our findings reveal that unbiased methods typically have superior completion times - the degree of superiority being quantifiable through the tail behavior of their running time distribution - but they may not automatically provide substantial savings in overall computational costs. We apply our findings to Markov Chain Monte Carlo and Multilevel Monte Carlo methods to identify the conditions and scenarios where unbiased methods have an advantage, thus assisting practitioners in making informed choices between unbiased and biased methods.

Guanyang Wang, Jose Blanchet, Peter W Glynn
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.01431

Sample-path large deviations for unbounded additive functionals of the reflected random walk

Mihail Bazhba, Jose Blanchet, Chang-Han Rhee, Bert Zwart (2024) Sample-Path Large Deviations for Unbounded Additive Functionals of the Reflected Random Walk. Mathematics of Operations Research 0(0).


We prove a sample-path large deviation principle (LDP) with sublinear speed for unbounded functionals of certain Markov chains induced by the Lindley recursion. The LDP holds in the Skorokhod space D [0, 1] equipped with the M 1′ topology. Our technique hinges on a suitable decomposition of the Markov chain in terms of regeneration cycles. Each regeneration cycle denotes the area accumulated during the busy period of the reflected random walk. We prove a large deviation principle for the area under the busy period of the Markov random walk, and we show that it exhibits a heavy-tailed behavior.

Mihail Bazhba, Jose Blanchet, Chang-Han Rhee, Bert Zwart
Publication date
Mathematics of Operations Research

Automatic outlier rectification via optimal transport

Blanchet, J., Li, J., Pelger, M., & Zanotti, G. (2024). Automatic Outlier Rectification via Optimal Transport. ArXiv. /abs/2403.14067


In this paper, we propose a novel conceptual framework to detect outliers using optimal transport with a concave cost function. Conventional outlier detection approaches typically use a two-stage procedure: first, outliers are detected and removed, and then estimation is performed on the cleaned data. However, this approach does not inform outlier removal with the estimation task, leaving room for improvement. To address this limitation, we propose an automatic outlier rectification mechanism that integrates rectification and estimation within a joint optimization framework. We take the first step to utilize an optimal transport distance with a concave cost function to construct a rectification set in the space of probability distributions. Then, we select the best distribution within the rectification set to perform the estimation task. Notably, the concave cost function we introduced in this paper is the key to making our estimator effectively identify the outlier during the optimization process. We discuss the fundamental differences between our estimator and optimal transport-based distributionally robust optimization estimator. finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of our approach over conventional approaches in extensive simulation and empirical analyses for mean estimation, least absolute regression, and the fitting of option implied volatility surfaces.

Jose Blanchet, Jiajin Li, Markus Pelger, Greg Zanotti
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.14067

Capturing Polymer Network Statistics using Branching Random Walks


Recent studies have established a connection between the macroscopic mechanical response of polymeric materials and the statistics of the shortest path (SP) length between distant nodes in the polymer network. Since these statistics can be costly to compute and difficult to study theoretically, we introduce a branching random walk (BRW) model to describe the shortest path statistics from the coarse-grained molecular dynamics (CGMD) simulations of polymer networks. We postulate that the first passage time (FPT) of the BRW to a given termination site can be used to approximate the statistics of the SP between distant nodes in the polymer network.

We develop a theoretical framework for studying the FPT of spatial branching processes and obtain an analytical expression for estimating the FPT distribution as a function of the cross-link density.

Shaswat Mohanty, Wei Cai, Zhenyuan Zhang, Jose Blanchet
Publication date
Bulletin of the American Physical Society
American Physical Society

Efficient Scenario Generation for Heavy-Tailed Chance Constrained Optimization

Jose Blanchet, Fan Zhang, Bert Zwart (2023) Efficient Scenario Generation for Heavy-Tailed Chance Constrained Optimization. Stochastic Systems 14(1):22-46.


We consider a generic class of chance-constrained optimization problems with heavy-tailed (i.e., power-law type) risk factors. As the most popular generic method for solving chance constrained optimization, the scenario approach generates sampled optimization problem as a precise approximation with provable reliability, but the computational complexity becomes intractable when the risk tolerance parameter is small. To reduce the complexity, we sample the risk factors from a conditional distribution given that the risk factors are in an analytically tractable event that encompasses all the plausible events of constraints violation. Our approximation is proven to have optimal value within a constant factor to the optimal value of the original chance constraint problem with high probability, uniformly in the risk tolerance parameter. To the best of our knowledge, our result is the first uniform performance guarantee of this …

Jose Blanchet, Fan Zhang, Bert Zwart
Publication date
Stochastic Systems

Double pessimism is provably efficient for distributionally robust offline reinforcement learning: Generic algorithm and robust partial coverage


We study distributionally robust offline reinforcement learning (RL), which seeks to find an optimal robust policy purely from an offline dataset that can perform well in perturbed environments. We propose a generic algorithm framework Doubly Pessimistic Model-based Policy Optimization () for robust offline RL, which features a novel combination of a flexible model estimation subroutine and a doubly pessimistic policy optimization step. Here the double pessimism principle is crucial to overcome the distribution shift incurred by i) the mismatch between behavior policy and the family of target policies; and ii) the perturbation of the nominal model. Under certain accuracy assumptions on the model estimation subroutine, we show that is provably sample-efficient with robust partial coverage data, which means that the offline dataset has good coverage of the distributions induced by the optimal robust policy and perturbed models around the nominal model. By tailoring specific model estimation subroutines for concrete examples including tabular Robust Markov Decision Process (RMDP), factored RMDP, and RMDP with kernel and neural function approximations, we show that enjoys a convergence rate, where is the number of trajectories in the offline dataset. Notably, these models, except for the tabular case, are first identified and proven tractable by this paper. To the best of our knowledge, we first propose a general learning principle---double pessimism---for robust offline RL and show that it is provably efficient in the context of general function approximations.

Jose Blanchet, Miao Lu, Tong Zhang, Han Zhong
Publication date
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems

When can Regression-Adjusted Control Variate Help? Rare Events, Sobolev Embedding and Minimax Optimality


This paper studies the use of a machine learning-based estimator as a control variate for mitigating the variance of Monte Carlo sampling. Specifically, we seek to uncover the key factors that influence the efficiency of control variates in reducing variance. We examine a prototype estimation problem that involves simulating the moments of a Sobolev function based on observations obtained from (random) quadrature nodes. Firstly, we establish an information-theoretic lower bound for the problem. We then study a specific quadrature rule that employs a nonparametric regression-adjusted control variate to reduce the variance of the Monte Carlo simulation. We demonstrate that this kind of quadrature rule can improve the Monte Carlo rate and achieve the minimax optimal rate under a sufficient smoothness assumption. Due to the Sobolev Embedding Theorem, the sufficient smoothness assumption eliminates the existence of rare and extreme events. Finally, we show that, in the presence of rare and extreme events, a truncated version of the Monte Carlo algorithm can achieve the minimax optimal rate while the control variate cannot improve the convergence rate.

Jose Blanchet, Haoxuan Chen, Yiping Lu, Lexing Ying
Publication date
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems

Payoff-based learning with matrix multiplicative weights in quantum games

Jose Blanchet, Fan Zhang, Bert Zwart (2023) Efficient Scenario Generation for Heavy-Tailed Chance Constrained Optimization. Stochastic Systems 14(1):22-46.


In this paper, we study the problem of learning in quantum games-and other classes of semidefinite games-with scalar, payoff-based feedback. For concreteness, we focus on the widely used matrix multiplicative weights (MMW) algorithm and, instead of requiring players to have full knowledge of the game (and/or each other's chosen states), we introduce a suite of minimal-information matrix multiplicative weights (3MW) methods tailored to different information frameworks. The main difficulty to attaining convergence in this setting is that, in contrast to classical finite games, quantum games have an infinite continuum of pure states (the quantum equivalent of pure strategies), so standard importance-weighting techniques for estimating payoff vectors cannot be employed. Instead, we borrow ideas from bandit convex optimization and we design a zeroth-order gradient sampler adapted to the semidefinite geometry of the problem at hand. As a first result, we show that the 3MW method with deterministic payoff feedback retains the convergence rate of the vanilla, full information MMW algorithm in quantum min-max games, even though the players only observe a single scalar. Subsequently, we relax the algorithm's information requirements even further and we provide a 3MW method that only requires players to observe a random realization of their payoff observable, and converges to equilibrium at an rate. Finally, going beyond zero-sum games, we show that a regularized variant of the proposed 3MW method guarantees local convergence with high probability to all equilibria that satisfy a certain first-order stability condition.

Kyriakos Lotidis, Panayotis Mertikopoulos, Nicholas Bambos, Jose Blanchet
Publication date
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems

Universal gradient descent ascent method for nonconvex-nonconcave minimax optimization

Zheng, T., Zhu, L., So, A. M., Blanchet, J., & Li, J. (2022). Universal Gradient Descent Ascent Method for Nonconvex-Nonconcave Minimax Optimization. ArXiv. /abs/2212.12978


Nonconvex-nonconcave minimax optimization has received intense attention over the last decade due to its broad applications in machine learning. Most existing algorithms rely on one-sided information, such as the convexity (resp. concavity) of the primal (resp. dual) functions, or other specific structures, such as the Polyak-Łojasiewicz (PŁ) and Kurdyka-Łojasiewicz (KŁ) conditions. However, verifying these regularity conditions is challenging in practice. To meet this challenge, we propose a novel universally applicable single-loop algorithm, the doubly smoothed gradient descent ascent method (DS-GDA), which naturally balances the primal and dual updates. That is, DS-GDA with the same hyperparameters is able to uniformly solve nonconvex-concave, convex-nonconcave, and nonconvex-nonconcave problems with one-sided KŁ properties, achieving convergence with complexity. Sharper (even optimal) iteration complexity can be obtained when the KŁ exponent is known. Specifically, under the one-sided KŁ condition with exponent , DS-GDA converges with an iteration complexity of $\mathcal {O}(\epsilon^{-2\max\\{2\theta, 1\\}}) $. They all match the corresponding best results in the literature. Moreover, we show that DS-GDA is practically applicable to general nonconvex-nonconcave problems even without any regularity conditions, such as the PŁ condition, KŁ condition, or weak Minty variational inequalities condition. For various challenging nonconvex-nonconcave examples in the literature, including* Forsaken*,* Bilinearly-coupled minimax*,* Sixth-order polynomial*, and* PolarGame*, the proposed DS-GDA can all get …

Taoli Zheng, Linglingzhi Zhu, Anthony Man-Cho So, José Blanchet, Jiajin Li
Publication date
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems

Is a high-throughput experimental dataset large enough to accurately estimate a statistic?

Zhou, Y., Lin, S., Zhang, X., Wu, H., Blanchet, J., Suo, Z., & Lu, T. (2024). Is a high-throughput experimental dataset large enough to accurately estimate a statistic? Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 183, 105521.


In materials science, experimental datasets are commonly used to estimate various statistics of random variables. This paper focuses on a specific random variable: the rupture stretch of a material. Examples of statistics include average, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, and different quantiles. How accurate is the estimate of such a statistic? The answer depends on the statistic, the size of the experimental dataset, and how much the random variable scatters. Here we demonstrate a procedure to generate a large experimental dataset and use the experimental dataset to estimate the accuracy of various statistics of the rupture stretch. We use a high-throughput experiment to measure the rupture stretches of 160 specimens of a silicone rubber. We then use the bootstrap method to determine the 90 % confidence intervals of several statistics. We find that the experimental dataset accurately estimates the …

Yifan Zhou, Sirui Lin, Xuhui Zhang, Hou Wu, Jose Blanchet, Zhigang Suo, Tongqing Lu
Publication date
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids

Delay-adaptive learning in generalized linear contextual bandits

Jose Blanchet, Renyuan Xu, Zhengyuan Zhou (2023) Delay-Adaptive Learning in Generalized Linear Contextual Bandits. Mathematics of Operations Research 49(1):326-345.


In this paper, we consider online learning in generalized linear contextual bandits where rewards are not immediately observed. Instead, rewards are available to the decision maker only after some delay, which is unknown and stochastic. Such delayed feedback occurs in several active learning settings, including product recommendation, personalized medical treatment selection, bidding in first-price auctions, and bond trading in over-the-counter markets. We study the performance of two well-known algorithms adapted to this delayed setting: one based on upper confidence bounds and the other based on Thompson sampling. We describe modifications on how these two algorithms should be adapted to handle delays and give regret characterizations for both algorithms. To the best of our knowledge, our regret bounds provide the first theoretical characterizations in generalized linear contextual bandits with …

Jose Blanchet, Renyuan Xu, Zhengyuan Zhou
Publication date
Mathematics of Operations Research

Distributionally robust optimization and robust statistics

Blanchet, J., Li, J., Lin, S., & Zhang, X. (2024). Distributionally Robust Optimization and Robust Statistics. ArXiv. /abs/2401.14655


We review distributionally robust optimization (DRO), a principled approach for constructing statistical estimators that hedge against the impact of deviations in the expected loss between the training and deployment environments. Many well-known estimators in statistics and machine learning (e.g. AdaBoost, LASSO, ridge regression, dropout training, etc.) are distributionally robust in a precise sense. We hope that by discussing the DRO interpretation of well-known estimators, statisticians who may not be too familiar with DRO may find a way to access the DRO literature through the bridge between classical results and their DRO equivalent formulation. On the other hand, the topic of robustness in statistics has a rich tradition associated with removing the impact of contamination. Thus, another objective of this paper is to clarify the difference between DRO and classical statistical robustness. As we will see, these are two fundamentally different philosophies leading to completely different types of estimators. In DRO, the statistician hedges against an environment shift that occurs after the decision is made; thus DRO estimators tend to be pessimistic in an adversarial setting, leading to a min-max type formulation. In classical robust statistics, the statistician seeks to correct contamination that occurred before a decision is made; thus robust statistical estimators tend to be optimistic leading to a min-min type formulation.

Jose Blanchet, Jiajin Li, Sirui Lin, Xuhui Zhang
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.14655

Empirical martingale projections via the adapted Wasserstein distance

Blanchet, J., Wiesel, J., Zhang, E., & Zhang, Z. (2024). Empirical martingale projections via the adapted Wasserstein distance. ArXiv. /abs/2401.12197


Given a collection of multidimensional pairs , we study the problem of projecting the associated suitably smoothed empirical measure onto the space of martingale couplings (i.e. distributions satisfying ) using the adapted Wasserstein distance. We call the resulting distance the smoothed empirical martingale projection distance (SE-MPD), for which we obtain an explicit characterization. We also show that the space of martingale couplings remains invariant under the smoothing operation. We study the asymptotic limit of the SE-MPD, which converges at a parametric rate as the sample size increases if the pairs are either i.i.d. or satisfy appropriate mixing assumptions. Additional finite-sample results are also investigated. Using these results, we introduce a novel consistent martingale coupling hypothesis test, which we apply to test the existence of arbitrage opportunities in recently introduced neural network-based generative models for asset pricing calibration.

Jose Blanchet, Johannes Wiesel, Erica Zhang, Zhenyuan Zhang
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.12197

Quadratic Speed-up in Infinite Variance Quantum Monte Carlo

Blanchet, J., Szegedy, M., & Wang, G. (2024). Quadratic Speed-up in Infinite Variance Quantum Monte Carlo. ArXiv. /abs/2401.07497


In this study, we give an extension of Montanaro's arXiv/archive:1504.06987 quantum Monte Carlo method, tailored for computing expected values of random variables that exhibit infinite variance. This addresses a challenge in analyzing heavy-tailed distributions, which are commonly encountered in various scientific and engineering fields. Our quantum algorithm efficiently estimates means for variables with a finite moment, where lies between 0 and 1. It provides a quadratic speedup over the classical Monte Carlo method in both the accuracy parameter and the specified moment of the distribution. We establish both classical and quantum lower bounds, showcasing the near-optimal efficiency of our algorithm among quantum methods. Our work focuses not on creating new algorithms, but on analyzing the execution of existing algorithms with available additional information about the random variable. Additionally, we categorize these scenarios and demonstrate a hierarchy in the types of supplementary information that can be provided.

Jose Blanchet, Mario Szegedy, Guanyang Wang
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.07497

Accelerated Sampling of Rare Events using a Neural Network Bias Potential

Hua, X., Ahmad, R., Blanchet, J., & Cai, W. (2024). Accelerated Sampling of Rare Events using a Neural Network Bias Potential. ArXiv. /abs/2401.06936


In the field of computational physics and material science, the efficient sampling of rare events occurring at atomic scale is crucial. It aids in understanding mechanisms behind a wide range of important phenomena, including protein folding, conformal changes, chemical reactions and materials diffusion and deformation. Traditional simulation methods, such as Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo, often prove inefficient in capturing the timescale of these rare events by brute force. In this paper, we introduce a practical approach by combining the idea of importance sampling with deep neural networks (DNNs) that enhance the sampling of these rare events. In particular, we approximate the variance-free bias potential function with DNNs which is trained to maximize the probability of rare event transition under the importance potential function. This method is easily scalable to high-dimensional problems and provides robust statistical guarantees on the accuracy of the estimated probability of rare event transition. Furthermore, our algorithm can actively generate and learn from any successful samples, which is a novel improvement over existing methods. Using a 2D system as a test bed, we provide comparisons between results obtained from different training strategies, traditional Monte Carlo sampling and numerically solved optimal bias potential function under different temperatures. Our numerical results demonstrate the efficacy of the DNN-based importance sampling of rare events.

Xinru Hua, Rasool Ahmad, Jose Blanchet, Wei Cai
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.06936

Towards optimal running timesfor optimal transport

Blanchet, J., Jambulapati, A., Kent, C., & Sidford, A. (2023). Towards optimal running times for optimal transport. Operations Research Letters, 52, 107054.


We provide faster algorithms for approximating the optimal transport distance, eg earth mover's distance, between two discrete probability distributions on n elements. We present two algorithms which compute couplings between marginal distributions with an expected transportation cost that is within an additive ϵ of optimal in time O˜(n 2/ϵ); one algorithm is straightforward to parallelize and implementable in depth O˜(1/ϵ). Further, we show that additional improvements on our results must be coupled with breakthroughs in algorithmic graph theory.

Jose Blanchet, Arun Jambulapati, Carson Kent, Aaron Sidford
Publication date
Operations Research Letters


Wasserstein-based Minimax Estimation of Dependence in Multivariate Regularly Varying Extremes

Zhang, X., Blanchet, J., Marzouk, Y., Nguyen, V. A., & Wang, S. (2023). Wasserstein-based Minimax Estimation of Dependence in Multivariate Regularly Varying Extremes. ArXiv. /abs/2312.09862


We study minimax risk bounds for estimators of the spectral measure in multivariate linear factor models, where observations are linear combinations of regularly varying latent factors. Non-asymptotic convergence rates are derived for the multivariate Peak-over-Threshold estimator in terms of the -th order Wasserstein distance, and information-theoretic lower bounds for the minimax risks are established. The convergence rate of the estimator is shown to be minimax optimal under a class of Pareto-type models analogous to the standard class used in the setting of one-dimensional observations known as the Hall-Welsh class. When the estimator is minimax inefficient, a novel two-step estimator is introduced and demonstrated to attain the minimax lower bound. Our analysis bridges the gaps in understanding trade-offs between estimation bias and variance in multivariate extreme value theory.

Xuhui Zhang, Jose Blanchet, Youssef Marzouk, Viet Anh Nguyen, Sven Wang
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.09862

Statistical limit theorems in distributionally robust optimization

J. Blanchet and A. Shapiro, “Statistical Limit Theorems in Distributionally Robust Optimization,” 2023 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), San Antonio, TX, USA, 2023, pp. 31-45, doi: 10.1109/WSC60868.2023.10408421.


The goal of this paper is to develop a methodology for the systematic analysis of asymptotic statistical properties of data-driven DRO formulations based on their corresponding non-DRO counterparts. We illustrate our approach in various settings, including both phi-divergence and Wasserstein uncertainty sets. Different types of asymptotic behaviors are obtained depending on the rate at which the uncertainty radius decreases to zero as a function of the sample size and the geometry of the uncertainty sets.

Jose Blanchet, Alexander Shapiro
Publication date
2023 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)

Unbiased optimal stopping via the MUSE

Zhou, Z., Wang, G., Blanchet, J. H., & Glynn, P. W. (2023). Unbiased Optimal Stopping via the MUSE. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 166, 104088.


We propose a new unbiased estimator for estimating the utility of the optimal stopping problem. The MUSE, short for ‘Multilevel Unbiased Stopping Estimator’, constructs the unbiased Multilevel Monte Carlo (MLMC) estimator at every stage of the optimal stopping problem in a backward recursive way. In contrast to traditional sequential methods, the MUSE can be implemented in parallel. We prove the MUSE has finite variance, finite computational complexity, and achieves ɛ-accuracy with O (1/ɛ 2) computational cost under mild conditions. We demonstrate MUSE empirically in an option pricing problem involving a high-dimensional input and the use of many parallel processors.

Zhengqing Zhou, Guanyang Wang, Jose H Blanchet, Peter W Glynn
Publication date
Stochastic Processes and their Applications

Surgical scheduling via optimization and machine learning with long-tailed data: Health care management science, in press

Shi, Y., Mahdian, S., Blanchet, J. et al. Surgical scheduling via optimization and machine learning with long-tailed data. Health Care Manag Sci 26, 692–718 (2023).


Using data from cardiovascular surgery patients with long and highly variable post-surgical lengths of stay (LOS), we develop a modeling framework to reduce recovery unit congestion. We estimate the LOS and its probability distribution using machine learning models, schedule procedures on a rolling basis using a variety of optimization models, and estimate performance with simulation. The machine learning models achieved only modest LOS prediction accuracy, despite access to a very rich set of patient characteristics. Compared to the current paper-based system used in the hospital, most optimization models failed to reduce congestion without increasing wait times for surgery. A conservative stochastic optimization with sufficient sampling to capture the long tail of the LOS distribution outperformed the current manual process and other stochastic and robust optimization approaches. These results highlight …

Yuan Shi, Saied Mahdian, Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn, Andrew Y Shin, David Scheinker
Publication date
Health Care Management Science
Springer US

On the foundation of distributionally robust reinforcement learning

Wang, S., Si, N., Blanchet, J., & Zhou, Z. (2023). On the Foundation of Distributionally Robust Reinforcement Learning. ArXiv. /abs/2311.09018


Motivated by the need for a robust policy in the face of environment shifts between training and the deployment, we contribute to the theoretical foundation of distributionally robust reinforcement learning (DRRL). This is accomplished through a comprehensive modeling framework centered around distributionally robust Markov decision processes (DRMDPs). This framework obliges the decision maker to choose an optimal policy under the worst-case distributional shift orchestrated by an adversary. By unifying and extending existing formulations, we rigorously construct DRMDPs that embraces various modeling attributes for both the decision maker and the adversary. These attributes include adaptability granularity, exploring history-dependent, Markov, and Markov time-homogeneous decision maker and adversary dynamics. Additionally, we delve into the flexibility of shifts induced by the adversary, examining SA and S-rectangularity. Within this DRMDP framework, we investigate conditions for the existence or absence of the dynamic programming principle (DPP). From an algorithmic standpoint, the existence of DPP holds significant implications, as the vast majority of existing data and computationally efficiency RL algorithms are reliant on the DPP. To study its existence, we comprehensively examine combinations of controller and adversary attributes, providing streamlined proofs grounded in a unified methodology. We also offer counterexamples for settings in which a DPP with full generality is absent.

Shengbo Wang, Nian Si, Jose Blanchet, Zhengyuan Zhou
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.09018

Representation Learning for Extremes


Extreme events are potentially catastrophic events that occur infrequently within an observation time frame, and it is necessary to understand the distribution of these events to properly plan for them. Extreme value theory provides a theoretical framework for extrapolating to the tails of a distribution using limited observations. However, for high-dimensional data such as images, covariates are generally not extreme but perhaps the features are extreme. In this work, we propose a framework for learning representations according to properties of extreme value theory. Specifically, we use the max-stability property of extreme value distributions to inform the representations of the model such that they extrapolate to the rare data observations. We theoretically characterize the properties of the model and provide an identifiability result for the parameters of the latent distribution. Our preliminary results suggest the promise of the method for extrapolating to regions of the distribution with little density.

Ali Hasan, Yuting Ng, Jose Blanchet, Vahid Tarokh
NeurIPS 2023 Workshop Heavy Tails in Machine Learning

Optimal sample complexity for average reward markov decision processes

Wang, S., Blanchet, J., & Glynn, P. (2023). Optimal Sample Complexity for Average Reward Markov Decision Processes. ArXiv. /abs/2310.08833


We settle the sample complexity of policy learning for the maximization of the long run average reward associated with a uniformly ergodic Markov decision process (MDP), assuming a generative model. In this context, the existing literature provides a sample complexity upper bound of and a lower bound of . In these expressions, and denote the cardinalities of the state and action spaces respectively, serves as a uniform upper limit for the total variation mixing times, and signifies the error tolerance. Therefore, a notable gap of still remains to be bridged. Our primary contribution is to establish an estimator for the optimal policy of average reward MDPs with a sample complexity of , effectively reaching the lower bound in the literature. This is achieved by combining algorithmic ideas in Jin and Sidford (2021) with those of Li et al. (2020).

Shengbo Wang, Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.08833

Distributionally robust batch contextual bandits

Nian Si, Fan Zhang, Zhengyuan Zhou, Jose Blanchet (2023) Distributionally Robust Batch Contextual Bandits. Management Science 69(10):5772-5793.


Policy learning using historical observational data are an important problem that has widespread applications. Examples include selecting offers, prices, or advertisements for consumers; choosing bids in contextual first-price auctions; and selecting medication based on patients’ characteristics. However, existing literature rests on the crucial assumption that the future environment where the learned policy will be deployed is the same as the past environment that has generated the data: an assumption that is often false or too coarse an approximation. In this paper, we lift this assumption and aim to learn a distributionally robust policy with incomplete observational data. We first present a policy evaluation procedure that allows us to assess how well the policy does under worst-case environment shift. We then establish a central limit theorem type guarantee for this proposed policy evaluation scheme. Leveraging this …

Nian Si, Fan Zhang, Zhengyuan Zhou, Jose Blanchet
Publication date
Management Science

Robustify the Latent Space: Offline Distributionally Robust Reinforcement Learning with Linear Function Approximation


Among the reasons hindering the applications of reinforcement learning (RL) to real-world problems, two factors are critical: limited data and the mismatch between the test environment (real environment in which the policy is deployed) and the training environment (e.g., a simulator). This paper simultaneously addresses these issues with offline distributionally robust RL, where a distributionally robust policy is learned using historical data from the source environment by optimizing against a worst-case perturbation thereof. In particular, we move beyond tabular settings and design a novel linear function approximation framework that robustifies the latent space. Our framework is instantiated into two settings, one where the dataset is well-explored and the other where the dataset has weaker data coverage. In addition, we introduce a value shift algorithmic technique specifically designed to suit the distributionally robust nature, which contributes to our improved theoretical results and empirical performance. Sample complexities and are established respectively as the first non-asymptotic results in these settings, where denotes the dimension in the linear function space and represents the number of trajectories in the dataset. Diverse experiments are conducted to demonstrate our theoretical findings, showing the superiority of our algorithms against the non-robust one.

Zhipeng Liang, Xiaoteng Ma, Jose Blanchet, Mingwen Liu, Jiheng Zhang, Zhengyuan Zhou

Computable Bounds on Convergence of Markov Chains in Wasserstein Distance

Qu, Y., Blanchet, J., & Glynn, P. (2023). Computable Bounds on Convergence of Markov Chains in Wasserstein Distance. ArXiv. /abs/2308.10341


We introduce a unified framework to estimate the convergence of Markov chains to equilibrium using Wasserstein distance. The framework provides convergence bounds with various rates, ranging from polynomial to exponential, all derived from a single contractive drift condition. This approach removes the need for finding a specific set with drift outside and contraction inside. The convergence bounds are explicit, as they can be estimated based on one-step expectations and do not rely on equilibrium-related quantities. To enhance the applicability of the framework, we introduce the large M technique and the boundary removal technique. We illustrate these methods in queueing models and algorithms in stochastic optimization.

Yanlin Qu, Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.10341

Unifying distributionally robust optimization via optimal transport theory

Blanchet, J., Kuhn, D., Li, J., & Taskesen, B. (2023). Unifying Distributionally Robust Optimization via Optimal Transport Theory. ArXiv. /abs/2308.05414


In the past few years, there has been considerable interest in two prominent approaches for Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO): Divergence-based and Wasserstein-based methods. The divergence approach models misspecification in terms of likelihood ratios, while the latter models it through a measure of distance or cost in actual outcomes. Building upon these advances, this paper introduces a novel approach that unifies these methods into a single framework based on optimal transport (OT) with conditional moment constraints. Our proposed approach, for example, makes it possible for optimal adversarial distributions to simultaneously perturb likelihood and outcomes, while producing an optimal (in an optimal transport sense) coupling between the baseline model and the adversarial model.Additionally, the paper investigates several duality results and presents tractable reformulations that enhance the practical applicability of this unified framework.

Jose Blanchet, Daniel Kuhn, Jiajin Li, Bahar Taskesen
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.05414

Neural network accelerated process design of polycrystalline microstructures

Lin, J., Hasan, M., Acar, P., Blanchet, J., & Tarokh, V. (2023). Neural network accelerated process design of polycrystalline microstructures. Materials Today Communications, 36, 106884.


Computational experiments are exploited in finding a well-designed processing path to optimize material structures for desired properties. This requires understanding the interplay between the processing-(micro)structure–property linkages using a multi-scale approach that connects the macro-scale (process parameters) to meso (homogenized properties) and micro (crystallographic texture) scales. Due to the nature of the problem’s multi-scale modeling setup, possible processing path choices could grow exponentially as the decision tree becomes deeper, and the traditional simulators’ speed reaches a critical computational threshold. To lessen the computational burden for predicting microstructural evolution under given loading conditions, we develop a neural network (NN)-based method with physics-infused constraints. The NN aims to learn the evolution of microstructures under each elementary process. Our …

Junrong Lin, Mahmudul Hasan, Pınar Acar, Jose Blanchet, Vahid Tarokh
Publication date
Materials Today Communications

Approximations for the distribution of perpetuities with small discount rates

Blanchet, J., & Glynn, P. (2023). Approximations for the distribution of perpetuities with small discount rates. Naval Research Logistics (NRL), 70(5), 454-471.


Perpetuities (i.e., random variables of the form D=∫0∞e−Γ(t−)dΛ(t)$$ D={\int}_0^{\infty }{e}^{-\Gamma \left(t-\right)}d\Lambda (t) $$ play an important role in many application settings. We develop approximations for the distribution of D$$ D $$ when the “accumulated short rate process”, Γ$$ \Gamma $$, is small. We provide: (1) characterizations for the distribution of D$$ D $$ when Γ$$ \Gamma $$ and Λ$$ \Lambda $$ are driven by Markov processes; (2) general sufficient conditions under which weak convergence results can be derived for D$$ D $$, and (3) Edgeworth expansions for the distribution of D$$ D $$ in the iid case and the case in which Λ$$ \Lambda $$ is a Levy process and the interest rate is a function of an ergodic Markov process.

Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn
Publication date
Naval Research Logistics (NRL)
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Sample complexity of variance-reduced distributionally robust Q-learning

Wang, S., Si, N., Blanchet, J., & Zhou, Z. (2023). Sample Complexity of Variance-reduced Distributionally Robust Q-learning. ArXiv. /abs/2305.18420


Dynamic decision making under distributional shifts is of fundamental interest in theory and applications of reinforcement learning: The distribution of the environment on which the data is collected can differ from that of the environment on which the model is deployed. This paper presents two novel model-free algorithms, namely the distributionally robust Q-learning and its variance-reduced counterpart, that can effectively learn a robust policy despite distributional shifts. These algorithms are designed to efficiently approximate the -function of an infinite-horizon -discounted robust Markov decision process with Kullback-Leibler uncertainty set to an entry-wise -degree of precision. Further, the variance-reduced distributionally robust Q-learning combines the synchronous Q-learning with variance-reduction techniques to enhance its performance. Consequently, we establish that it attains a minmax sample complexity upper bound of , where and denote the state and action spaces. This is the first complexity result that is independent of the uncertainty size , thereby providing new complexity theoretic insights. Additionally, a series of numerical experiments confirm the theoretical findings and the efficiency of the algorithms in handling distributional shifts.

Shengbo Wang, Nian Si, Jose Blanchet, Zhengyuan Zhou
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.18420

Detection and reduction of systematic bias in high-throughput rupture experiments

Wu, H., Zhang, X., Zhou, Y., Blanchet, J., Suo, Z., & Lu, T. (2023). Detection and reduction of systematic bias in high-throughput rupture experiments. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 174, 105249.


Some high-throughput experiments aim to test many samples simultaneously under nominally the same conditions. However, whether a particular high-throughput experiment does so must be certified. We previously described a high-throughput experiment to study the statistics of rupture stretch of materials. In such an experiment, a large set of samples were tested simultaneously. We noticed a systematic bias that samples in different subsets give different statistical distributions of rupture stretch. Here we describe an approach to detect and reduce systematic bias in the high-throughput experiment. We divide the whole set of the data of the experiment into subsets, obtain the statistical distribution of rupture stretches for each subset, and compare the “closeness” of the distributions among the pairs of subsets by using the Anderson-Darling (A-D) test. We then try to reduce the systematic bias by improving the …

Hou Wu, Xuhui Zhang, Yifan Zhou, Jose Blanchet, Zhigang Suo, Tongqing Lu
Publication date
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids

A finite sample complexity bound for distributionally robust q-learning

Wang, S., Si, N., Blanchet, J. & Zhou, Z.. (2023). A Finite Sample Complexity Bound for Distributionally Robust Q-learning. Proceedings of The 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 206:3370-3398 Available from


We consider a reinforcement learning setting in which the deployment environment is different from the training environment. Applying a robust Markov decision processes formulation, we extend the distributionally robust Q-learning framework studied in [Liu et. al. 2022]. Further, we improve the design and analysis of their multi-level Monte Carlo estimator. Assuming access to a simulator, we prove that the worst-case expected sample complexity of our algorithm to learn the optimal robust Q-function within an error in the sup norm is upper bounded by , where is the discount rate, is the non-zero minimal support probability of the transition kernels and is the uncertainty size. This is the first sample complexity result for the model-free robust RL problem. Simulation studies further validate our theoretical results.

Shengbo Wang, Nian Si, Jose Blanchet, Zhengyuan Zhou
Publication date
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics

Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Linear-Quadratic Estimation under Martingale Constraints

Lotidis, K., Bambos, N., Blanchet, J. & Li, J.. (2023). Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Linear-Quadratic Estimation under Martingale Constraints. Proceedings of The 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 206:8629-8644 Available from


We focus on robust estimation of the unobserved state of a discrete-time stochastic system with linear dynamics. A standard analysis of this estimation problem assumes a baseline innovation model; with Gaussian innovations we recover the Kalman filter. However, in many settings, there is insufficient or corrupted data to validate the baseline model. To cope with this problem, we minimize the worst-case mean-squared estimation error of adversarial models chosen within a Wasserstein neighborhood around the baseline. We also constrain the adversarial innovations to form a martingale difference sequence. The martingale constraint relaxes the iid assumptions which are often imposed on the baseline model. Moreover, we show that the martingale constraints guarantee that the adversarial dynamics remain adapted to the natural time-generated information. Therefore, adding the martingale constraint allows to improve upon over-conservative policies that also protect against unrealistic omniscient adversaries. We establish a strong duality result which we use to develop an efficient subgradient method to compute the distributionally robust estimation policy. If the baseline innovations are Gaussian, we show that the worst-case adversary remains Gaussian. Our numerical experiments indicate that the martingale constraint may also aid in adding a layer of robustness in the choice of the adversarial power.

Kyriakos Lotidis, Nicholas Bambos, Jose Blanchet, Jiajin Li
Publication date
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics

Optimal bidding and experimentation for multi-layer auctions in online advertising

Si, Nian and Gultekin, San and Blanchet, Jose and Flores, Aaron, Optimal Bidding and Experimentation for Multi-Layer Auctions in Online Advertising (March 19, 2023). Available at SSRN: or


The digital advertising industry heavily relies on online auctions, which are mostly of first-price type. For first-price auctions, the success of a good bidding algorithm crucially relies on accurately estimating the highest bid distribution based on historical data which is often censored. In practice, a sequence of first-price auctions often takes place through multiple layers, a feature that has been ignored in the literature on data-driven optimal bidding strategies. In this paper, we introduce a two-step algorithmic procedure specifically for this multi-layer first-price auction structure. Furthermore, to examine the performance of our procedure, we develop a novel inference scheme for A/B testing under budget interference (an experimental design which is also often used in practice). Our inference methodology uses a weighted local linear regression estimation to control for the interference incurred by the amount of spending in control/test groups given the budget constraint. Our bidding algorithm has been deployed in a major demand-side platform in the United States. Moreover, in such an industrial environment, our tests show that our bidding algorithm outperforms the benchmark algorithm by 0.5% to 1.5%.

Nian Si, San Gultekin, Jose Blanchet, Aaron Flores
Publication date
Available at SSRN 4358914

A convergent single-loop algorithm for relaxation of gromov-wasserstein in graph data

Li, J., Tang, J., Kong, L., Liu, H., Li, J., So, A. M., & Blanchet, J. (2023). A Convergent Single-Loop Algorithm for Relaxation of Gromov-Wasserstein in Graph Data. ArXiv. /abs/2303.06595


In this work, we present the Bregman Alternating Projected Gradient (BAPG) method, a single-loop algorithm that offers an approximate solution to the Gromov-Wasserstein (GW) distance. We introduce a novel relaxation technique that balances accuracy and computational efficiency, albeit with some compromises in the feasibility of the coupling map. Our analysis is based on the observation that the GW problem satisfies the Luo-Tseng error bound condition, which relates to estimating the distance of a point to the critical point set of the GW problem based on the optimality residual. This observation allows us to provide an approximation bound for the distance between the fixed-point set of BAPG and the critical point set of GW. Moreover, under a mild technical assumption, we can show that BAPG converges to its fixed point set. The effectiveness of BAPG has been validated through comprehensive numerical experiments in graph alignment and partition tasks, where it outperforms existing methods in terms of both solution quality and wall-clock time.

Jiajin Li, Jianheng Tang, Lemin Kong, Huikang Liu, Jia Li, Anthony Man-Cho So, Jose Blanchet
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.06595

Optimal Sample Complexity of Reinforcement Learning for Mixing Discounted Markov Decision Processes

Wang, S., Blanchet, J., & Glynn, P. (2023). Optimal Sample Complexity of Reinforcement Learning for Mixing Discounted Markov Decision Processes. ArXiv. /abs/2302.07477


We consider the optimal sample complexity theory of tabular reinforcement learning (RL) for maximizing the infinite horizon discounted reward in a Markov decision process (MDP). Optimal worst-case complexity results have been developed for tabular RL problems in this setting, leading to a sample complexity dependence on and of the form , where denotes the discount factor and is the solution error tolerance. However, in many applications of interest, the optimal policy (or all policies) induces mixing. We establish that in such settings, the optimal sample complexity dependence is , where is the total variation mixing time. Our analysis is grounded in regeneration-type ideas, which we believe are of independent interest, as they can be used to study RL problems for general state space MDPs.

Shengbo Wang, Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.07477

Dynamic flows on curved space generated by labeled data

Hua, X., Nguyen, T., Le, T., Blanchet, J., & Nguyen, V. A. (2023). Dynamic Flows on Curved Space Generated by Labeled Data. ArXiv.


The scarcity of labeled data is a long-standing challenge for many machine learning tasks. We propose our gradient flow method to leverage the existing dataset (i.e., source) to generate new samples that are close to the dataset of interest (i.e., target). We lift both datasets to the space of probability distributions on the feature-Gaussian manifold, and then develop a gradient flow method that minimizes the maximum mean discrepancy loss. To perform the gradient flow of distributions on the curved feature-Gaussian space, we unravel the Riemannian structure of the space and compute explicitly the Riemannian gradient of the loss function induced by the optimal transport metric. For practical applications, we also propose a discretized flow, and provide conditional results guaranteeing the global convergence of the flow to the optimum. We illustrate the results of our proposed gradient flow method on several real-world datasets and show our method can improve the accuracy of classification models in transfer learning settings.

Xinru Hua, Truyen Nguyen, Tam Le, Jose Blanchet, Viet Anh Nguyen
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.00061

Single-trajectory distributionally robust reinforcement learning

Liang, Z., Ma, X., Blanchet, J., Zhang, J., & Zhou, Z. (2023). Single-Trajectory Distributionally Robust Reinforcement Learning. ArXiv. /abs/2301.11721


As a framework for sequential decision-making, Reinforcement Learning (RL) has been regarded as an essential component leading to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). However, RL is often criticized for having the same training environment as the test one, which also hinders its application in the real world. To mitigate this problem, Distributionally Robust RL (DRRL) is proposed to improve the worst performance in a set of environments that may contain the unknown test environment. Due to the nonlinearity of the robustness goal, most of the previous work resort to the model-based approach, learning with either an empirical distribution learned from the data or a simulator that can be sampled infinitely, which limits their applications in simple dynamics environments. In contrast, we attempt to design a DRRL algorithm that can be trained along a single trajectory, i.e., no repeated sampling from a state. Based on the standard Q-learning, we propose distributionally robust Q-learning with the single trajectory (DRQ) and its average-reward variant named differential DRQ. We provide asymptotic convergence guarantees and experiments for both settings, demonstrating their superiority in the perturbed environments against the non-robust ones.

Zhipeng Liang, Xiaoteng Ma, Jose Blanchet, Jiheng Zhang, Zhengyuan Zhou
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.11721

Navigating Publication Outlets for Simulation Research: Insights from Journal Editors

Tom Berg, Jose Blanchet, Weiwei Chen, Christine S M Currie, Peter J Haas, et al.. Navigating Publication Outlets for Simulation Research: Insights from Journal Editors. 2023, pp.1-4. ⟨hal-04215725⟩


This panel discussion is designed to provide young scholars in the field of simulation with valuable insights into identifying suitable publication avenues for their research endeavors. Senior journal editors will serve as panelists and share their wealth of experience and perspectives. Journals represented include ACM TOMACS, IISE Transactions, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Journal of Simulation, Operations Research, and Stochastic Systems. Specifically, the panelists will introduce preferred topics, focuses, and future trends for each journal. Panelists will also share their own experiences and suggestions on the peer review process, such as how to navigate through revisions and rejections, and ethical policies. Young scholars will also learn the importance of serving the community as a reviewer, and what senior editors expect from reviewers.

Tom Berg, Jose Blanchet, Weiwei Chen, Christine SM Currie, Peter J Haas, L Jeff Hong, Bruno Tuffin, Jie Xu
Publication date

Optimal sample complexity of reinforcement learning for uniformly ergodic discounted markov decision processes. 3

Wang, S., Blanchet, J., & Glynn, P. (2023). Optimal sample complexity of reinforcement learning for uniformly ergodic discounted markov decision processes. 3. CoRR.


Shengbo Wang, J Blanchet, P Glynn
Publication date

Dropout training is distributionally robust optimal


This paper shows that dropout training in generalized linear models is the minimax solution of a two-player, zero-sum game where an adversarial nature corrupts a statistician's covariates using a multiplicative nonparametric errors-in-variables model. In this game, nature's least favorable distribution is dropout noise, where nature independently deletes entries of the covariate vector with some fixed probability δ. This result implies that dropout training indeed provides out-of-sample expected loss guarantees for distributions that arise from multiplicative perturbations of in-sample data. The paper makes a concrete recommendation on how to select the tuning parameter δ. The paper also provides a novel, parallelizable, unbiased multi-level Monte Carlo algorithm to speed-up the implementation of dropout training. Our algorithm has a much smaller computational cost compared to the naive implementation of dropout, provided the number of data points is much smaller than the dimension of the covariate vector.

José Blanchet, Yang Kang, José Luis Montiel Olea, Viet Anh Nguyen, Xuhui Zhang
Publication date
Journal of Machine Learning Research


Rare event simulation techniques

J. Blanchet and H. Lam, “Rare event simulation techniques,” Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Phoenix, AZ, USA, 2011, pp. 146-160, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2011.6147747.


We discuss rare event simulation techniques based on state-dependent importance sampling. Classical examples and counter-examples are shown to illustrate the reach and limitations of the state-independent approach. State-dependent techniques are helpful to deal with these limitations. These techniques can be applied to both light and heavy tailed systems and often are based on subsolutions to an associated Isaacs equation and on Lyapunov bounds.

Jose Blanchet, Henry Lam
Publication date
Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)

Human imperceptible attacks and applications to improve fairness

X. Hua, H. Xu, J. Blanchet and V. A. Nguyen, “Human Imperceptible Attacks and Applications to Improve Fairness,” 2022 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Singapore, 2022, pp. 2641-2652, doi: 10.1109/WSC57314.2022.10015376.


Modern neural networks are able to perform at least as well as humans in numerous tasks involving object classification and image generation. However, small perturbations which are imperceptible to humans may significantly degrade the performance of well-trained deep neural networks. We provide a Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) framework which integrates human-based image quality assessment methods to design optimal attacks that are imperceptible to humans but significantly damaging to deep neural networks. Through extensive experiments, we show that our attack algorithm generates better-quality (less perceptible to humans) attacks than other state-of-the-art human imperceptible attack methods. Moreover, we demonstrate that DRO training using our optimally designed human imperceptible attacks can improve group fairness in image classification. Towards the end, we provide an …

Xinru Hua, Huanzhong Xu, Jose Blanchet, Viet Anh Nguyen
Publication date
2022 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)

Tikhonov regularization is optimal transport robust under martingale constraints

Li, J., Lin, S., Blanchet, J., & Nguyen, V. A. (2022). Tikhonov Regularization is Optimal Transport Robust under Martingale Constraints. ArXiv. /abs/2210.01413


Distributionally robust optimization (DRO) has been shown to offer a principled way to regularize learning models. In this paper, we find that Tikhonov regularization is distributionally robust in an optimal transport sense (ie if an adversary chooses distributions in a suitable optimal transport neighborhood of the empirical measure), provided that suitable martingale constraints are also imposed. Further, we introduce a relaxation of the martingale constraints which not only provide a unified viewpoint to a class of existing robust methods but also lead to new regularization tools. To realize these novel tools, provably efficient computational algorithms are proposed. As a byproduct, the strong duality theorem proved in this paper can be potentially applied to other problems of independent interest.

Jiajin Li, Sirui Lin, José Blanchet, Viet Anh Nguyen
Publication date
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems

Sobolev acceleration and statistical optimality for learning elliptic equations via gradient descent

Lu, Y., Blanchet, J., & Ying, L. (2022). Sobolev Acceleration and Statistical Optimality for Learning Elliptic Equations via Gradient Descent. ArXiv. /abs/2205.07331


In this paper, we study the statistical limits in terms of Sobolev norms of gradient descent for solving inverse problem from randomly sampled noisy observations using a general class of objective functions. Our class of objective functions includes Sobolev training for kernel regression, Deep Ritz Methods (DRM), and Physics Informed Neural Networks (PINN) for solving elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs) as special cases. We consider a potentially infinite-dimensional parameterization of our model using a suitable Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space and a continuous parameterization of problem hardness through the definition of kernel integral operators. We prove that gradient descent over this objective function can also achieve statistical optimality and the optimal number of passes over the data increases with sample size. Based on our theory, we explain an implicit acceleration of using a Sobolev norm as the objective function for training, inferring that the optimal number of epochs of DRM becomes larger than the number of PINN when both the data size and the hardness of tasks increase, although both DRM and PINN can achieve statistical optimality.

Yiping Lu, Jose Blanchet, Lexing Ying
Publication date
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems

Smoothed variable sample-size accelerated proximal methods for nonsmooth stochastic convex programs

Afrooz Jalilzadeh, Uday Shanbhag, Jose Blanchet, Peter W. Glynn (2022) Smoothed Variable Sample-Size Accelerated Proximal Methods for Nonsmooth Stochastic Convex Programs. Stochastic Systems 12(4):373-410.


We consider the unconstrained minimization of the function F, where F = f + g, f is an expectation-valued nonsmooth convex or strongly convex function, and g is a closed, convex, and proper function. (I) Strongly convex f. When f is μ-strongly convex in x, traditional stochastic subgradient schemes often display poor behavior, arising in part from noisy subgradients and diminishing steplengths. Instead, we apply a variable sample-size accelerated proximal scheme (VS-APM) on F, the Moreau envelope of F; we term such a scheme as and in contrast with schemes, utilizes constant steplengths and increasingly exact gradients. We consider two settings. (a) Bounded domains. In this setting, displays linear convergence in inexact gradient steps, each of which requires utilizing an inner scheme. Specically, achieves an optimal oracle complexity in steps of with an iteration complexity of in inexact (outer …

Afrooz Jalilzadeh, Uday Shanbhag, Jose Blanchet, Peter W Glynn
Publication date
Stochastic Systems

Exact Sampling for the Maximum of Infinite Memory Gaussian Processes

Blanchet, J., Chen, L., Dong, J. (2022). Exact Sampling for the Maximum of Infinite Memory Gaussian Processes. In: Botev, Z., Keller, A., Lemieux, C., Tuffin, B. (eds) Advances in Modeling and Simulation. Springer, Cham.


We develop an exact sampling algorithm for the all-time maximum of Gaussian processes with negative drift and general covariance structures. In particular, our algorithm can handle non-Markovian processes even with long-range dependence. Our development combines a milestone-event construction with rare-event simulation techniques. This allows us to find a random time beyond which the running time maximum will never be reached again. The complexity of the algorithm is random but has finite moments of all orders. We also test the performance of the algorithm numerically.

Jose Blanchet, Lin Chen, Jing Dong
Publication date
Advances in Modeling and Simulation: Festschrift for Pierre L'Ecuyer
Springer International Publishing

Synthetic Principal Component Design: Fast Covariate Balancing with Synthetic Controls

Lu, Y., Li, J., Ying, L., & Blanchet, J. (2022). Synthetic Principal Component Design: Fast Covariate Balancing with Synthetic Controls. ArXiv. /abs/2211.15241


The optimal design of experiments typically involves solving an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem. In this paper, we aim to develop a globally convergent and practically efficient optimization algorithm. Specifically, we consider a setting where the pre-treatment outcome data is available and the synthetic control estimator is invoked. The average treatment effect is estimated via the difference between the weighted average outcomes of the treated and control units, where the weights are learned from the observed data. {Under this setting, we surprisingly observed that the optimal experimental design problem could be reduced to a so-called \textit{phase synchronization} problem.} We solve this problem via a normalized variant of the generalized power method with spectral initialization. On the theoretical side, we establish the first global optimality guarantee for experiment design when pre-treatment data is sampled from certain data-generating processes. Empirically, we conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on both the US Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Abadie-Diemond-Hainmueller California Smoking Data. In terms of the root mean square error, our algorithm surpasses the random design by a large margin.

Yiping Lu, Jiajin Li, Lexing Ying, Jose Blanchet
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.15241

Asymptotically optimal control of a centralized dynamic matching market with general utilities

Jose H. Blanchet, Martin I. Reiman, Virag Shah, Lawrence M. Wein, Linjia Wu (2022) Asymptotically Optimal Control of a Centralized Dynamic Matching Market with General Utilities. Operations Research 70(6):3355-3370.


We consider a matching market where buyers and sellers arrive according to independent Poisson processes at the same rate and independently abandon the market if not matched after an exponential amount of time with the same mean. In this centralized market, the utility for the system manager from matching any buyer and any seller is a general random variable. We consider a sequence of systems indexed by n where the arrivals in the nth system are sped up by a factor of n. We analyze two families of one-parameter policies: the population threshold policy immediately matches an arriving agent to its best available mate only if the number of mates in the system is above a threshold, and the utility threshold policy matches an arriving agent to its best available mate only if the corresponding utility is above a threshold. Using an asymptotic fluid analysis of the two-dimensional Markov process of buyers and sellers …

Jose H Blanchet, Martin I Reiman, Virag Shah, Lawrence M Wein, Linjia Wu
Publication date
Operations Research

Minimax optimal kernel operator learning via multilevel training

Jin, J., Lu, Y., Blanchet, J., & Ying, L. (2022). Minimax Optimal Kernel Operator Learning via Multilevel Training. ArXiv. /abs/2209.14430


Learning mappings between infinite-dimensional function spaces have achieved empirical success in many disciplines of machine learning, including generative modeling, functional data analysis, causal inference, and multi-agent reinforcement learning. In this paper, we study the statistical limit of learning a Hilbert-Schmidt operator between two infinite-dimensional Sobolev reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. We establish the information-theoretic lower bound in terms of the Sobolev Hilbert-Schmidt norm and show that a regularization that learns the spectral components below the bias contour and ignores the ones above the variance contour can achieve the optimal learning rate. At the same time, the spectral components between the bias and variance contours give us flexibility in designing computationally feasible machine learning algorithms. Based on this observation, we develop a multilevel kernel operator learning algorithm that is optimal when learning linear operators between infinite-dimensional function spaces.

Jikai Jin, Yiping Lu, Jose Blanchet, Lexing Ying
Publication date
The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations

Distributionally robust offline reinforcement learning with linear function approximation

Ma, X., Liang, Z., Blanchet, J., Liu, M., Xia, L., Zhang, J., Zhao, Q., & Zhou, Z. (2022). Distributionally Robust Offline Reinforcement Learning with Linear Function Approximation. ArXiv. /abs/2209.06620


Among the reasons hindering reinforcement learning (RL) applications to real-world problems, two factors are critical: limited data and the mismatch between the testing environment (real environment in which the policy is deployed) and the training environment (e.g., a simulator). This paper attempts to address these issues simultaneously with distributionally robust offline RL, where we learn a distributionally robust policy using historical data obtained from the source environment by optimizing against a worst-case perturbation thereof. In particular, we move beyond tabular settings and consider linear function approximation. More specifically, we consider two settings, one where the dataset is well-explored and the other where the dataset has sufficient coverage of the optimal policy. We propose two algorithms~-- one for each of the two settings~-- that achieve error bounds and respectively, where is the dimension in the linear function approximation and is the number of trajectories in the dataset. To the best of our knowledge, they provide the first non-asymptotic results of the sample complexity in this setting. Diverse experiments are conducted to demonstrate our theoretical findings, showing the superiority of our algorithm against the non-robust one.

Xiaoteng Ma, Zhipeng Liang, Jose Blanchet, Mingwen Liu, Li Xia, Jiheng Zhang, Qianchuan Zhao, Zhengyuan Zhou
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.06620

Modeling extremes with 𝑑-max-decreasing neural networks

Hasan, A., Elkhalil, K., Ng, Y., Pereira, J.M., Farsiu, S., Blanchet, J. & Tarokh, V.. (2022). Modeling extremes with $d$-max-decreasing neural networks. Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 180:759-768 Available from


We propose a neural network architecture that enables non-parametric calibration and generation of multivariate extreme value distributions (MEVs). MEVs arise from Extreme Value Theory (EVT) as the necessary class of models when extrapolating a distributional fit over large spatial and temporal scales based on data observed in intermediate scales. In turn, EVT dictates that -max-decreasing, a stronger form of convexity, is an essential shape constraint in the characterization of MEVs. As far as we know, our proposed architecture provides the first class of non-parametric estimators for MEVs that preserve these essential shape constraints. We show that the architecture approximates the dependence structure encoded by MEVs at parametric rate. Moreover, we present a new method for sampling high-dimensional MEVs using a generative model. We demonstrate our methodology on a wide range of experimental settings, ranging from environmental sciences to financial mathematics and verify that the structural properties of MEVs are retained compared to existing methods.

Ali Hasan, Khalil Elkhalil, Yuting Ng, João M Pereira, Sina Farsiu, Jose Blanchet, Vahid Tarokh
Publication date
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence

Distributionally Robust 𝑄-Learning

Liu, Z., Bai, Q., Blanchet, J., Dong, P., Xu, W., Zhou, Z. & Zhou, Z.. (2022). Distributionally Robust $Q$-Learning. Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 162:13623-13643 Available from


Reinforcement learning (RL) has demonstrated remarkable achievements in simulated environments. However, carrying this success to real environments requires the important attribute of robustness, which the existing RL algorithms often lack as they assume that the future deployment environment is the same as the training environment (ie simulator) in which the policy is learned. This assumption often does not hold due to the discrepancy between the simulator and the real environment and, as a result, and hence renders the learned policy fragile when deployed. In this paper, we propose a novel distributionally robust -learning algorithm that learns the best policy in the worst distributional perturbation of the environment. Our algorithm first transforms the infinite-dimensional learning problem (since the environment MDP perturbation lies in an infinite-dimensional space) into a finite-dimensional dual problem and subsequently uses a multi-level Monte-Carlo scheme to approximate the dual value using samples from the simulator. Despite the complexity, we show that the resulting distributionally robust -learning algorithm asymptotically converges to optimal worst-case policy, thus making it robust to future environment changes. Simulation results further demonstrate its strong empirical robustness.

Zijian Liu, Qinxun Bai, Jose Blanchet, Perry Dong, Wei Xu, Zhengqing Zhou, Zhengyuan Zhou
Publication date
International Conference on Machine Learning

Confidence regions in Wasserstein distributionally robust estimation

Jose Blanchet, Karthyek Murthy, Nian Si, Confidence regions in Wasserstein distributionally robust estimation, Biometrika, Volume 109, Issue 2, June 2022, Pages 295–315,


Estimators based on Wasserstein distributionally robust optimization are obtained as solutions of min-max problems in which the statistician selects a parameter minimizing the worst-case loss among all probability models within a certain distance from the underlying empirical measure in a Wasserstein sense. While motivated by the need to identify optimal model parameters or decision choices that are robust to model misspecification, these distributionally robust estimators recover a wide range of regularized estimators, including square-root lasso and support vector machines, among others. This paper studies the asymptotic normality of these distributionally robust estimators as well as the properties of an optimal confidence region induced by the Wasserstein distributionally robust optimization formulation. In addition, key properties of min-max distributionally robust optimization problems are also studied …

Authors: Jose Blanchet, Karthyek Murthy, Nian Si
Publication date: 2022/6/1
Journal: Biometrika
Volume: 109
Issue: 2
Pages: 295-315
Publisher: Oxford University Press

Distributionally Robust Gaussian Process Regression and Bayesian Inverse Problems

Zhang, X., Blanchet, J., Marzouk, Y., Nguyen, V. A., & Wang, S. (2022). Distributionally Robust Gaussian Process Regression and Bayesian Inverse Problems. ArXiv. /abs/2205.13111


We study a distributionally robust optimization formulation (i.e., a min-max game) for two representative problems in Bayesian nonparametric estimation: Gaussian process regression and, more generally, linear inverse problems. Our formulation seeks the best mean-squared error predictor, in an infinite-dimensional space, against an adversary who chooses the worst-case model in a Wasserstein ball around a nominal infinite-dimensional Bayesian model. The transport cost is chosen to control features such as the degree of roughness of the sample paths that the adversary is allowed to inject. We show that the game has a well-defined value (i.e., strong duality holds in the sense that max-min equals min-max) and that there exists a unique Nash equilibrium which can be computed by a sequence of finite-dimensional approximations. Crucially, the worst-case distribution is itself Gaussian. We explore properties of the Nash equilibrium and the effects of hyperparameters through a set of numerical experiments, demonstrating the versatility of our modeling framework.

Xuhui Zhang, Jose Blanchet, Youssef Marzouk, Viet Anh Nguyen, Sven Wang
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.13111

Fast and Provably Convergent Algorithms for Gromov-Wasserstein in Graph Data

Li, J., Tang, J., Kong, L., Liu, H., Li, J., So, A. M., & Blanchet, J. (2022). Fast and Provably Convergent Algorithms for Gromov-Wasserstein in Graph Data. ArXiv. /abs/2205.08115


In this paper, we study the design and analysis of a class of efficient algorithms for computing the Gromov-Wasserstein (GW) distance tailored to large-scale graph learning tasks. Armed with the Luo-Tseng error bound condition~\citep{luo1992error}, two proposed algorithms, called Bregman Alternating Projected Gradient (BAPG) and hybrid Bregman Proximal Gradient (hBPG) enjoy the convergence guarantees. Upon task-specific properties, our analysis further provides novel theoretical insights to guide how to select the best-fit method. As a result, we are able to provide comprehensive experiments to validate the effectiveness of our methods on a host of tasks, including graph alignment, graph partition, and shape matching. In terms of both wall-clock time and modeling performance, the proposed methods achieve state-of-the-art results.

Jiajin Li, Jianheng Tang, Lemin Kong, Huikang Liu, Jia Li, Anthony Man-Cho So, Jose Blanchet
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.08115

Optimal transport-based distributionally robust optimization: Structural properties and iterative schemes

Jose Blanchet, Karthyek Murthy, Fan Zhang (2021) Optimal Transport-Based Distributionally Robust Optimization: Structural Properties and Iterative Schemes. Mathematics of Operations Research 47(2):1500-1529.


We consider optimal transport-based distributionally robust optimization (DRO) problems with locally strongly convex transport cost functions and affine decision rules. Under conventional convexity assumptions on the underlying loss function, we obtain structural results about the value function, the optimal policy, and the worst-case optimal transport adversarial model. These results expose a rich structure embedded in the DRO problem (e.g., strong convexity even if the non-DRO problem is not strongly convex, a suitable scaling of the Lagrangian for the DRO constraint, etc., which are crucial for the design of efficient algorithms). As a consequence of these results, one can develop efficient optimization procedures that have the same sample and iteration complexity as a natural non-DRO benchmark algorithm, such as stochastic gradient descent.

Authors: Jose Blanchet, Karthyek Murthy, Fan Zhang
Publication date: 2022/5
Journal: Mathematics of Operations Research
Volume: 47
Issue: 2
Pages: 1500-1529
Publisher: INFORMS

A class of geometric structures in transfer learning: Minimax bounds and optimality

Zhang, X., Blanchet, J., Ghosh, S. & Squillante, M.S.. (2022). A Class of Geometric Structures in Transfer Learning: Minimax Bounds and Optimality . Proceedings of The 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 151:3794-3820 Available from


We study the problem of transfer learning, observing that previous efforts to understand its information-theoretic limits do not fully exploit the geometric structure of the source and target domains. In contrast, our study first illustrates the benefits of incorporating a natural geometric structure within a linear regression model, which corresponds to the generalized eigenvalue problem formed by the Gram matrices of both domains. We next establish a finite-sample minimax lower bound, propose a refined model interpolation estimator that enjoys a matching upper bound, and then extend our framework to multiple source domains and generalized linear models. Surprisingly, as long as information is available on the distance between the source and target parameters, negative-transfer does not occur. Simulation studies show that our proposed interpolation estimator outperforms state-of-the-art transfer learning methods in both moderate-and high-dimensional settings.

Xuhui Zhang, Jose Blanchet, Soumyadip Ghosh, Mark S Squillante
Publication date
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics

Some open problems in exact simulation of stochastic differential equations

Blanchet, J.H. Some open problems in exact simulation of stochastic differential equations. Queueing Syst 100, 509–511 (2022).


The first algorithm for exact sampling of SDEs in appeared in [2], under suitable boundedness assumptions. These assumptions were significantly weakened in [1] and further relaxed using a localization technique in [6], but using essentially the same sampling strategy as in [2]. The overall strategy in [2] relies on two essential properties which are non-restrictive in, but are very restrictive in the multidimensional setting. The first is the existence of an invertible transformation (ie, the Lamperti transformation) which, when applied to the process, results in a diffusion process with a constant diffusion matrix. Moreover, after this transformation is performed, the resulting drift coefficient of the transformed diffusion must be of gradient form.

Jose H Blanchet
Publication date
Queueing Systems
Springer US
2 Discussion

Large deviations asymptotics for unbounded additive functionals of diffusion processes

Bazhba, M., Blanchet, J., Laeven, R. J., & Zwart, B. (2022). Large deviations asymptotics for unbounded additive functionals of diffusion processes. ArXiv. /abs/2202.10799


We study large deviations asymptotics for a class of unbounded additive functionals, interpreted as normalized accumulated areas, of one-dimensional Langevin diffusions with sub-linear gradient drifts. Our results provide parametric insights on the speed and the rate functions in terms of the growth rate of the drift and the growth rate of the additive functional. We find a critical value in terms of these growth parameters that dictates regions of sub-linear speed for our large deviations asymptotics. Our approach is based upon various constructions of independent interest, including a decomposition of the diffusion process in terms of alternating renewal cycles and a detailed analysis of the paths during a cycle using suitable time and spatial scales. The key to the sub-linear behavior is a heavy-tailed large deviations phenomenon arising from the principle of a single big jump coupled with the result that at each regeneration cycle the upper-tail asymptotic behavior of the accumulated area of the diffusion process is proven to be semi-exponential (i.e., of heavy-tailed Weibull type).

Mihail Bazhba, Jose Blanchet, Roger JA Laeven, Bert Zwart
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.10799

Surgical scheduling via optimization and machine learning with long-tailed data

Shi, Y., Mahdian, S., Blanchet, J., Glynn, P., Shin, A. Y., & Scheinker, D. (2022). Surgical Scheduling via Optimization and Machine Learning with Long-Tailed Data. ArXiv. /abs/2202.06383


Using data from cardiovascular surgery patients with long and highly variable post-surgical lengths of stay (LOS), we develop a modeling framework to reduce recovery unit congestion. We estimate the LOS and its probability distribution using machine learning models, schedule procedures on a rolling basis using a variety of optimization models, and estimate performance with simulation. The machine learning models achieved only modest LOS prediction accuracy, despite access to a very rich set of patient characteristics. Compared to the current paper-based system used in the hospital, most optimization models failed to reduce congestion without increasing wait times for surgery. A conservative stochastic optimization with sufficient sampling to capture the long tail of the LOS distribution outperformed the current manual process and other stochastic and robust optimization approaches. These results highlight the perils of using oversimplified distributional models of LOS for scheduling procedures and the importance of using optimization methods well-suited to dealing with long-tailed behavior.

Yuan Shi, Saied Mahdian, Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn, Andrew Y Shin, David Scheinker
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.06383

High-throughput experiments for rare-event rupture of materials

Zhou, Yifan et al. High-throughput experiments for rare-event rupture of materials Matter, Volume 5, Issue 2, 654 – 665


The conditions for rupture of a material commonly vary from sample to sample. Of great importance to applications are the conditions for rare-event rupture, but their measurements require many samples and consume much time. Here, the conditions for rare-event rupture are measured by developing a high-throughput experiment. For each run of the experiment, 1,000 samples are printed under the same nominal conditions and pulled simultaneously to the same stretch. Identifying the rupture of individual samples is automated by processing the video of the experiment. Under monotonic load, the rupture stretch for each sample is recorded. Under cyclic load, the number of cycles to rupture for each sample is also recorded. Rare-event rupture is studied by using the Weibull distribution and the peak-over-threshold method. This work reaffirms that predicting rare events requires large datasets. The high-throughput …

Yifan Zhou, Xuhui Zhang, Meng Yang, Yudong Pan, Zhenjiang Du, Jose Blanchet, Zhigang Suo, Tongqing Lu
Publication date

Bayesian Imputation with Optimal Look-Ahead-Bias and Variance Tradeoff

Blanchet, J., Hernandez, F., Nguyen, V. A., Pelger, M., & Zhang, X. (2022). Bayesian Imputation with Optimal Look-Ahead-Bias and Variance Tradeoff. ArXiv. /abs/2202.00871


Missing time-series data is a prevalent problem in many prescriptive analytics models in operations management, healthcare and finance. Imputation methods for time-series data are usually applied to the full panel data with the purpose of training a prescriptive model for a downstream out-of-sample task. For example, the imputation of missing asset returns may be applied before estimating an optimal portfolio allocation. However, this practice can result in a look-ahead-bias in the future performance of the downstream task, and there is an inherent trade-off between the look-ahead-bias of using the entire data set for imputation and the larger variance of using only the training portion of the data set for imputation. By connecting layers of information revealed in time, we propose a Bayesian consensus posterior that fuses an arbitrary number of posteriors to optimize the variance and look-ahead-bias trade-off in the imputation. We derive tractable two-step optimization procedures for finding the optimal consensus posterior, with Kullback-Leibler divergence and Wasserstein distance as the dissimilarity measure between posterior distributions. We demonstrate in simulations and in an empirical study the benefit of our imputation mechanism for portfolio allocation with missing returns.

Jose Blanchet, Fernando Hernandez, Viet Anh Nguyen, Markus Pelger, Xuhui Zhang
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.00871

No weighted-regret learning in adversarial bandits with delays


Consider a scenario where a player chooses an action in each round t out of T rounds and observes the incurred cost after a delay of dt rounds. The cost functions and the delay sequence are chosen by an adversary. We show that in a non-cooperative game, the expected weighted ergodic distribution of play converges to the set of coarse correlated equilibria if players use algorithms that have "no weighted-regret" in the above scenario, even if they have linear regret due to too large delays. For a two-player zero-sum game, we show that no weighted-regret is sufficient for the weighted ergodic average of play to converge to the set of Nash equilibria. We prove that the FKM algorithm with n dimensions achieves an expected regret of and the EXP3 algorithm with K arms achieves an expected regret of even when D = ΣTt=1 dt and T are unknown. These bounds use a novel doubling trick that, under mild assumptions, provably retains the regret bound for when D and T are known. Using these bounds, we show that FKM and EXP3 have no weighted-regret even for dt = O (t log t). Therefore, algorithms with no weighted-regret can be used to approximate a CCE of a finite or convex unknown game that can only be simulated with bandit feedback, even if the simulation involves significant delays.

Ilai Bistritz, Zhengyuan Zhou, Xi Chen, Nicholas Bambos, Jose Blanchet
Publication date
Journal of Machine Learning Research

Fast and provably convergent algorithms for gromov-wasserstein in graph learning

Li, J., Tang, J., Kong, L., Liu, H., Li, J., So, A. M. C., & Blanchet, J. (2022). Fast and provably convergent algorithms for gromov-wasserstein in graph learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.08115.


In this paper, we study the design and analysis of a class of efficient algorithms for computing the Gromov-Wasserstein (GW) distance tailored to large-scale graph learning tasks. Armed with the Luo-Tseng error bound condition (Luo & Tseng, 1992), two proposed algorithms, called Bregman Alternating Projected Gradient (BAPG) and hybrid Bregman Proximal Gradient (hBPG) are proven to be (linearly) convergent. Upon taskspecific properties, our analysis further provides novel theoretical insights to guide how to select the best fit method. As a result, we are able to provide comprehensive experiments to validate the effectiveness of our methods on a host of tasks, including graph alignment, graph partition, and shape matching. In terms of both wall-clock time and modeling performance, the proposed methods achieve state-of-the-art results.

Jiajin Li, Jianheng Tang, Lemin Kong, Huikang Liu, Jia Li, Anthony Man-Cho So, Jose Blanchet
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.08115

Doubly smoothed gda: Global convergent algorithm for constrained nonconvex-nonconcave minimax optimization

Zheng, T., Zhu, L., So, A. M. C., Blanchet, J., & Li, J. (2022). Doubly smoothed gda: Global convergent algorithm for constrained nonconvex-nonconcave minimax optimization. arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.12978, 8.


Taoli Zheng, Linglingzhi Zhu, Anthony Man-Cho So, Jose Blanchet, Jiajin Li
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.12978


Distributionally Robust Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection with Wasserstein Distances

Jose Blanchet, Lin Chen, Xun Yu Zhou (2022) Distributionally Robust Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection with Wasserstein Distances. Management Science 68(9):6382-6410.


We revisit Markowitz’s mean-variance portfolio selection model by considering a distributionally robust version, in which the region of distributional uncertainty is around the empirical measure and the discrepancy between probability measures is dictated by the Wasserstein distance. We reduce this problem into an empirical variance minimization problem with an additional regularization term. Moreover, we extend the recently developed inference methodology to our setting in order to select the size of the distributional uncertainty as well as the associated robust target return rate in a data-driven way. Finally, we report extensive back-testing results on S&P 500 that compare the performance of our model with those of several well-known models including the Fama–French and Black–Litterman models.

Authors: Jose Blanchet, Lin Chen, Xun Yu Zhou
Publication date: 2022/9
Journal: Management Science
Volume: 68
Issue: 9
Pages: 6382-6410
Publisher: INFORMS

Measuring reliability of object detection algorithms for automated driving perception tasks

H. Xu, J. Blanchet, M. P. Gerardo-Castro and S. Paudel, “Measuring Reliability of Object Detection Algorithms for Automated Driving Perception Tasks,” 2021 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Phoenix, AZ, USA, 2021, pp. 1-12, doi: 10.1109/WSC52266.2021.9715295.


We build a data-driven methodology for the performance reliability and the improvement of sensor algorithms for automated driving perception tasks. The methodology takes as input three elements: I) one or various algorithms for object detection when the input is an image; II) a dataset of camera images that represents a sample from an environment, and III) a simple policy that serves as a proxy for a task such as driving assistance. We develop a statistical estimator, which combines I)-III) and a data augmentation technique, in order to rank the reliability of perception algorithms. Reliability is measured as the chance of collision given the speed of the ego vehicle and the distance to the closest object in range. We are able to compare algorithms in the (speed vs distance-to-closest-object) space using p-values and use this information to suggest improved-safety algorithms.

Huanzhong Xu, Jose Blanchet, Marcos Paul Gerardo-Castro, Shreyasha Paudel
Publication date
2021 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)

Adversarial regression with doubly non-negative weighting matrices

Le, T., Nguyen, T., Yamada, M., Blanchet, J., & Nguyen, V. A. (2021). Adversarial Regression with Doubly Non-negative Weighting Matrices. ArXiv. /abs/2109.14875


Many machine learning tasks that involve predicting an output response can be solved by training a weighted regression model. Unfortunately, the predictive power of this type of models may severely deteriorate under low sample sizes or under covariate perturbations. Reweighting the training samples has aroused as an effective mitigation strategy to these problems. In this paper, we propose a novel and coherent scheme for kernel-reweighted regression by reparametrizing the sample weights using a doubly non-negative matrix. When the weighting matrix is confined in an uncertainty set using either the log-determinant divergence or the Bures-Wasserstein distance, we show that the adversarially reweighted estimate can be solved efficiently using first-order methods. Numerical experiments show that our reweighting strategy delivers promising results on numerous datasets.

Tam Le, Truyen Nguyen, Makoto Yamada, Jose Blanchet, Viet Anh Nguyen
Publication date
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems

Modified Frank Wolfe in probability space


We propose a novel Frank-Wolfe (FW) procedure for the optimization of infinite-dimensional functionals of probability measures-a task which arises naturally in a wide range of areas including statistical learning (eg variational inference) and artificial intelligence (eg generative adversarial networks). Our FW procedure takes advantage of Wasserstein gradient flows and strong duality results recently developed in Distributionally Robust Optimization so that gradient steps (in the Wasserstein space) can be efficiently computed using finite-dimensional, convex optimization methods. We show how to choose the step sizes in order to guarantee exponentially fast iteration convergence, under mild assumptions on the functional to optimize. We apply our algorithm to a range of functionals arising from applications in nonparametric estimation.

Carson Kent, Jiajin Li, Jose Blanchet, Peter W Glynn
Publication date
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems

Statistical Numerical PDE: Fast Rate, Neural Scaling Law and When it’s Optimal


In this paper, we study the statistical limits of deep learning techniques for solving elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs) from random samples using the Deep Ritz Method (DRM) and Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs). To simplify the problem, we focus on a prototype elliptic PDE: the Schr\"odinger equation on a hypercube with zero Dirichlet boundary condition, which is applied in quantum-mechanical systems. We establish upper and lower bounds for both methods, which improve upon concurrently developed upper bounds for this problem via a fast rate generalization bound. We discover that the current Deep Ritz Method is sub-optimal and propose a modified version of it. We also prove that PINN and the modified version of DRM can achieve minimax optimal bounds over Sobolev spaces. Empirically, following recent work which has shown that the deep model accuracy will improve with growing training sets according to a power law, we supply computational experiments to show similar-behavior of dimension dependent power law for deep PDE solvers.

Yiping Lu, Haoxuan Chen, Jianfeng Lu, Lexing Ying, Jose Blanchet
The Symbiosis of Deep Learning and Differential Equations

Machine learning for elliptic pdes: fast rate generalization bound, neural scaling law and minimax optimality

Lu, Y., Chen, H., Lu, J., Ying, L., & Blanchet, J. (2021). Machine Learning For Elliptic PDEs: Fast Rate Generalization Bound, Neural Scaling Law and Minimax Optimality. ArXiv. /abs/2110.06897


In this paper, we study the statistical limits of deep learning techniques for solving elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs) from random samples using the Deep Ritz Method (DRM) and Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs). To simplify the problem, we focus on a prototype elliptic PDE: the Schr\"odinger equation on a hypercube with zero Dirichlet boundary condition, which has wide application in the quantum-mechanical systems. We establish upper and lower bounds for both methods, which improves upon concurrently developed upper bounds for this problem via a fast rate generalization bound. We discover that the current Deep Ritz Methods is sub-optimal and propose a modified version of it. We also prove that PINN and the modified version of DRM can achieve minimax optimal bounds over Sobolev spaces. Empirically, following recent work which has shown that the deep model accuracy will improve with growing training sets according to a power law, we supply computational experiments to show a similar behavior of dimension dependent power law for deep PDE solvers.

Yiping Lu, Haoxuan Chen, Jianfeng Lu, Lexing Ying, Jose Blanchet
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.06897

Statistical analysis of Wasserstein distributionally robust estimators

Jose Blanchet, Karthyek Murthy, Viet Anh Nguyen (2021) Statistical Analysis of Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Estimators. INFORMS TutORials in Operations Research null(null):227-254.


We consider statistical methods that invoke a min-max distributionally robust formulation to extract good out-of-sample performance in data-driven optimization and learning problems. Acknowledging the distributional uncertainty in learning from limited samples, the min-max formulations introduce an adversarial inner player to explore unseen covariate data. The resulting distributionally robust optimization (DRO) formulations, which include Wasserstein DRO formulations (our main focus), are specified using optimal transportation phenomena. Upon describing how these infinite-dimensional min-max problems can be approached via a finite-dimensional dual reformulation, this tutorial moves into its main component, namely, explaining a generic recipe for optimally selecting the size of the adversary’s budget. This is achieved by studying the limit behavior of an optimal transport projection formulation arising from an …

Jose Blanchet, Karthyek Murthy, Viet Anh Nguyen
Publication date
Tutorials in Operations Research: Emerging Optimization Methods and Modeling Techniques with Applications

Gradient flows on the feature-Gaussian manifold


The scarcity of labeled data is a long-standing challenge for cross-domain machine learning tasks. This paper leverages the existing dataset (i.e., source) to augment new samples that are close to the dataset of interest (i.e., target). To relieve the need to learn a metric on the feature-label space, we lift both datasets to the space of probability distributions on the feature-Gaussian manifold, and then develop a gradient flow that minimizes the maximum mean discrepancy loss. To perform the gradient flow of distributions on the curved feature-Gaussian space, we unravel the Riemannian structure of the space and compute explicitly the Riemannian gradient of the loss function induced by the optimal transport metric. For practical purposes, we also propose a discretized flow, and provide conditional results guaranteeing the global convergence of the flow to the optimum. We illustrate the results of our proposed gradient flow method in several real-world datasets.

Truyen Nguyen, Xinru Hua, Tam Le, Jose Blanchet, Viet Anh Nguyen

Sequential domain adaptation by synthesizing distributionally robust experts

Taskesen, B., Yue, M., Blanchet, J., Kuhn, D., & Nguyen, V. A. (2021). Sequential Domain Adaptation by Synthesizing Distributionally Robust Experts. ArXiv. /abs/2106.00322


Least squares estimators, when trained on few target domain samples, may predict poorly. Supervised domain adaptation aims to improve the predictive accuracy by exploiting additional labeled training samples from a source distribution that is close to the target distribution. Given available data, we investigate novel strategies to synthesize a family of least squares estimator experts that are robust with regard to moment conditions. When these moment conditions are specified using Kullback-Leibler or Wasserstein-type divergences, we can find the robust estimators efficiently using convex optimization. We use the Bernstein online aggregation algorithm on the proposed family of robust experts to generate predictions for the sequential stream of target test samples. Numerical experiments on real data show that the robust strategies systematically outperform non-robust interpolations of the empirical least squares estimators.

Bahar Taskesen, Man-Chung Yue, Jose Blanchet, Daniel Kuhn, Viet Anh Nguyen
Publication date
International Conference on Machine Learning

Testing group fairness via optimal transport projections

Si, N., Murthy, K., Blanchet, J. & Nguyen, V.A.. (2021). Testing Group Fairness via Optimal Transport Projections. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 139:9649-9659 Available from


We have developed a statistical testing framework to detect if a given machine learning classifier fails to satisfy a wide range of group fairness notions. Our test is a flexible, interpretable, and statistically rigorous tool for auditing whether exhibited biases are intrinsic to the algorithm or simply due to the randomness in the data. The statistical challenges, which may arise from multiple impact criteria that define group fairness and which are discontinuous on model parameters, are conveniently tackled by projecting the empirical measure to the set of group-fair probability models using optimal transport. This statistic is efficiently computed using linear programming, and its asymptotic distribution is explicitly obtained. The proposed framework can also be used to test for composite fairness hypotheses and fairness with multiple sensitive attributes. The optimal transport testing formulation improves interpretability by characterizing the minimal covariate perturbations that eliminate the bias observed in the audit.

Nian Si, Karthyek Murthy, Jose Blanchet, Viet Anh Nguyen
Publication date
International Conference on Machine Learning

Distributionally Robust Martingale Optimal Transport

Zhou, Z., Blanchet, J., & Glynn, P. W. (2021). Distributionally Robust Martingale Optimal Transport. ArXiv. /abs/2106.07191


We study the problem of bounding path-dependent expectations (within any finite time horizon ) over the class of discrete-time martingales whose marginal distributions lie within a prescribed tolerance of a given collection of benchmark marginal distributions. This problem is a relaxation of the martingale optimal transport (MOT) problem and is motivated by applications to super-hedging in financial markets. We show that the empirical version of our relaxed MOT problem can be approximated within error where is the number of samples of each of the individual marginal distributions (generated independently) and using a suitably constructed finite-dimensional linear programming problem.

Zhengqing Zhou, Jose Blanchet, Peter W Glynn
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.07191

Efficient steady-state simulation of high-dimensional stochastic networks

Jose Blanchet, Xinyun Chen, Nian Si, Peter W. Glynn (2021) Efficient Steady-State Simulation of High-Dimensional Stochastic Networks. Stochastic Systems 11(2):174-192.


We propose and study an asymptotically optimal Monte Carlo estimator for steady-state expectations of a d-dimensional reflected Brownian motion (RBM). Our estimator is asymptotically optimal in the sense that it requires (up to logarithmic factors in d) independent and identically distributed scalar Gaussian random variables in order to output an estimate with a controlled error. Our construction is based on the analysis of a suitable multilevel Monte Carlo strategy which, we believe, can be applied widely. This is the first algorithm with linear complexity (under suitable regularity conditions) for a steady-state estimation of RBM as the dimension increases.

Jose Blanchet, Xinyun Chen, Nian Si, Peter W Glynn
Publication date
Stochastic Systems

Frank-wolfe methods in probability space

Kent, C., Blanchet, J., & Glynn, P. (2021). Frank-Wolfe Methods in Probability Space. ArXiv. /abs/2105.05352


We introduce a new class of Frank-Wolfe algorithms for minimizing differentiable functionals over probability measures. This framework can be shown to encompass a diverse range of tasks in areas such as artificial intelligence, reinforcement learning, and optimization. Concrete computational complexities for these algorithms are established and demonstrate that these methods enjoy convergence in regimes that go beyond convexity and require minimal regularity of the underlying functional. Novel techniques used to obtain these results also lead to the development of new complexity bounds and duality theorems for a family of distributionally robust optimization problems. The performance of our method is demonstrated on several nonparametric estimation problems.

Carson Kent, Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.05352

Sample out-of-sample inference based on Wasserstein distance

Jose Blanchet , Yang Kang (2021) Sample Out-of-Sample Inference Based on Wasserstein Distance. Operations Research 69(3):985-1013.


We present a novel inference approach that we call sample out-of-sample inference. The approach can be used widely, ranging from semisupervised learning to stress testing, and it is fundamental in the application of data-driven distributionally robust optimization. Our method enables measuring the impact of plausible out-of-sample scenarios in a given performance measure of interest, such as a financial loss. The methodology is inspired by empirical likelihood (EL), but we optimize the empirical Wasserstein distance (instead of the empirical likelihood) induced by observations. From a methodological standpoint, our analysis of the asymptotic behavior of the induced Wasserstein-distance profile function shows dramatic qualitative differences relative to EL. For instance, in contrast to EL, which typically yields chi-squared weak convergence limits, our asymptotic distributions are often not chi-squared. Also, the …

Jose Blanchet, Yang Kang
Publication date
Operations Research

Robustifying conditional portfolio decisions via optimal transport

Nguyen, V. A., Zhang, F., Wang, S., Blanchet, J., Delage, E., & Ye, Y. (2021). Robustifying Conditional Portfolio Decisions via Optimal Transport. ArXiv. /abs/2103.16451


We propose a data-driven portfolio selection model that integrates side information, conditional estimation and robustness using the framework of distributionally robust optimization. Conditioning on the observed side information, the portfolio manager solves an allocation problem that minimizes the worst-case conditional risk-return trade-off, subject to all possible perturbations of the covariate-return probability distribution in an optimal transport ambiguity set. Despite the non-linearity of the objective function in the probability measure, we show that the distributionally robust portfolio allocation with side information problem can be reformulated as a finite-dimensional optimization problem. If portfolio decisions are made based on either the mean-variance or the mean-Conditional Value-at-Risk criterion, the resulting reformulation can be further simplified to second-order or semi-definite cone programs. Empirical studies in the US equity market demonstrate the advantage of our integrative framework against other benchmarks.

Viet Anh Nguyen, Fan Zhang, Jose Blanchet, Erick Delage, Yinyu Ye
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.16451

Finite-sample regret bound for distributionally robust offline tabular reinforcement learning

Zhou, Z., Zhou, Z., Bai, Q., Qiu, L., Blanchet, J. & Glynn, P.. (2021). Finite-Sample Regret Bound for Distributionally Robust Offline Tabular Reinforcement Learning . Proceedings of The 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 130:3331-3339 Available from


While reinforcement learning has witnessed tremendous success recently in a wide range of domains, robustness–or the lack thereof–remains an important issue that remains inadequately addressed. In this paper, we provide a distributionally robust formulation of offline learning policy in tabular RL that aims to learn a policy from historical data (collected by some other behavior policy) that is robust to the future environment arising as a perturbation of the training environment. We first develop a novel policy evaluation scheme that accurately estimates the robust value (ie how robust it is in a perturbed environment) of any given policy and establish its finite-sample estimation error. Building on this, we then develop a novel and minimax-optimal distributionally robust learning algorithm that achieves regret, meaning that with high probability, the policy learned from using training data points will be close to the optimal distributionally robust policy. Finally, our simulation results demonstrate the superiority of our distributionally robust approach compared to non-robust RL algorithms.

Authors: Zhengqing Zhou, Zhengyuan Zhou, Qinxun Bai, Linhai Qiu, Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn
Publication date: 2021/3/18
Conference: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics
Pages: 3331-3339
Publisher: PMLR

A statistical test for probabilistic fairness

Bahar Taskesen, Jose Blanchet, Daniel Kuhn, and Viet Anh Nguyen. 2021. A Statistical Test for Probabilistic Fairness. In Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT ’21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 648–665.


Algorithms are now routinely used to make consequential decisions that affect human lives. Examples include college admissions, medical interventions or law enforcement. While algorithms empower us to harness all information hidden in vast amounts of data, they may inadvertently amplify existing biases in the available datasets. This concern has sparked increasing interest in fair machine learning, which aims to quantify and mitigate algorithmic discrimination. Indeed, machine learning models should undergo intensive tests to detect algorithmic biases before being deployed at scale. In this paper, we use ideas from the theory of optimal transport to propose a statistical hypothesis test for detecting unfair classifiers. Leveraging the geometry of the feature space, the test statistic quantifies the distance of the empirical distribution supported on the test samples to the manifold of distributions that render a pre-trained …

Bahar Taskesen, Jose Blanchet, Daniel Kuhn, Viet Anh Nguyen
Publication date
Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency

No discounted-regret learning in adversarial bandits with delays

Bistritz, I., Zhou, Z., Chen, X., Bambos, N., & Blanchet, J. (2021). No Discounted-Regret Learning in Adversarial Bandits with Delays. ArXiv. /abs/2103.04550


Consider a player that in each round t out of T rounds chooses an action and observes the incurred cost after a delay of dt rounds. The cost functions and the delay sequence are chosen by an adversary. We show that even if the players’ algorithms lose their” no regret” property due to too large delays, the expected discounted ergodic distribution of play converges to the set of coarse correlated equilibrium (CCE) if the algorithms have “no discounted-regret”. For a zero-sum game, we show that no discounted-regret is sufficient for the discounted ergodic average of play to converge to the set of Nash equilibria. We prove that the FKM algorithm with n dimensions achieves a regret of O (nT 3 4+/nT 1 3 D 1 3) and the EXP3 algorithm with K arms achieves a regret of O (√ ln K (KT+ D)) even when D=∑ T t= 1 dt and T are unknown. These bounds use a novel doubling trick that provably retains the regret bound for when D and T are known. Using these bounds, we show that EXP3 and FKM have no discounted-regret even for dt= O (t log t). Therefore, the CCE of a finite or convex unknown game can be approximated even when only delayed bandit feedback is available via simulation.

Ilai Bistritz, Zhengyuan Zhou, Xi Chen, Nicholas Bambos, Jose Blanchet
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.04550

Time-series imputation with wasserstein interpolation for optimal look-ahead-bias and variance tradeoff

Blanchet, J., Hernandez, F., Nguyen, V. A., Pelger, M., & Zhang, X. (2021). Time-Series Imputation with Wasserstein Interpolation for Optimal Look-Ahead-Bias and Variance Tradeoff. ArXiv. /abs/2102.12736


Missing time-series data is a prevalent practical problem. Imputation methods in time-series data often are applied to the full panel data with the purpose of training a model for a downstream out-of-sample task. For example, in finance, imputation of missing returns may be applied prior to training a portfolio optimization model. Unfortunately, this practice may result in a look-ahead-bias in the future performance on the downstream task. There is an inherent trade-off between the look-ahead-bias of using the full data set for imputation and the larger variance in the imputation from using only the training data. By connecting layers of information revealed in time, we propose a Bayesian posterior consensus distribution which optimally controls the variance and look-ahead-bias trade-off in the imputation. We demonstrate the benefit of our methodology both in synthetic and real financial data.

Jose Blanchet, Fernando Hernandez, Viet Anh Nguyen, Markus Pelger, Xuhui Zhang
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.12736

Deep Extreme Value Copulas for Estimation and Sampling.

Hasan, A., Elkhalil, K., Pereira, J. M., Farsiu, S., Blanchet, J. H., & Tarokh, V. (2021). Deep Extreme Value Copulas for Estimation and Sampling. CoRR.


Ali Hasan, Khalil Elkhalil, João M Pereira, Sina Farsiu, Jose H Blanchet, Vahid Tarokh
Publication date


A class of optimal transport regularized formulations with applications to wasserstein gans

S. Mahdian, J. H. Blanchet and P. W. Glynn, “A Class of Optimal Transport Regularized Formulations with Applications to Wasserstein GANs,” 2020 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Orlando, FL, USA, 2020, pp. 433-444, doi: 10.1109/WSC48552.2020.9383959.


Optimal transport costs (e.g. Wasserstein distances) are used for fitting high-dimensional distributions. For example, popular artificial intelligence algorithms such as Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks (WGANs) can be interpreted as fitting a black-box simulator of structured data with certain features (e.g. images) using the Wasserstein distance. We propose a regularization of optimal transport costs and study its computational and duality properties. We obtain running time improvements for fitting WGANs with no deterioration in testing performance, relative to current benchmarks. We also derive finite sample bounds for the empirical Wasserstein distance from our regularization.

Saied Mahdian, Jose H Blanchet, Peter W Glynn
Publication date
2020 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)

Sample path large deviations for Lévy processes and random walks with Weibull increments

Mihail Bazhba. Jose Blanchet. Chang-Han Rhee. Bert Zwart. “Sample path large deviations for Lévy processes and random walks with Weibull increments.” Ann. Appl. Probab. 30 (6) 2695 – 2739, December 2020.


We study sample path large deviations for Lévy processes and random walks with heavy-tailed jump-size distributions that are of Weibull type. The sharpness and applicability of these results are illustrated by a counterexample proving the nonexistence of a full LDP in the topology, and by an application to a first passage problem.

Mihail Bazhba, Jose Blanchet, Chang-Han Rhee, Bert Zwart
Publication date

Exact simulation for multivariate Itô diffusions

Blanchet J, Zhang F. Exact simulation for multivariate Itô diffusions. Advances in Applied Probability. 2020;52(4):1003-1034. doi:10.1017/apr.2020.39


We provide the first generic exact simulation algorithm for multivariate diffusions. Current exact sampling algorithms for diffusions require the existence of a transformation which can be used to reduce the sampling problem to the case of a constant diffusion matrix and a drift which is the gradient of some function. Such a transformation, called the Lamperti transformation, can be applied in general only in one dimension. So, completely different ideas are required for the exact sampling of generic multivariate diffusions. The development of these ideas is the main contribution of this paper. Our strategy combines techniques borrowed from the theory of rough paths, on the one hand, and multilevel Monte Carlo on the other.

Jose Blanchet, Fan Zhang
Publication date
Advances in Applied Probability
Cambridge University Press

Robust bayesian classification using an optimistic score ratio

Nguyen, V.A., Si, N. & Blanchet, J.. (2020). Robust Bayesian Classification Using An Optimistic Score Ratio. Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 119:7327-7337 Available from


We build a Bayesian contextual classification model using an optimistic score ratio for robust binary classification when there is limited information on the class-conditional, or contextual, distribution. The optimistic score searches for the distribution that is most plausible to explain the observed outcomes in the testing sample among all distributions belonging to the contextual ambiguity set which is prescribed using a limited structural constraint on the mean vector and the covariance matrix of the underlying contextual distribution. We show that the Bayesian classifier using the optimistic score ratio is conceptually attractive, delivers solid statistical guarantees and is computationally tractable. We showcase the power of the proposed optimistic score ratio classifier on both synthetic and empirical data.

Viet Anh Nguyen, Nian Si, Jose Blanchet
Publication date
International Conference on Machine Learning

Distributionally robust policy evaluation and learning in offline contextual bandits

Si, N., Zhang, F., Zhou, Z. & Blanchet, J.. (2020). Distributionally Robust Policy Evaluation and Learning in Offline Contextual Bandits. Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 119:8884-8894 Available from


Policy learning using historical observational data is an important problem that has found widespread applications. However, existing literature rests on the crucial assumption that the future environment where the learned policy will be deployed is the same as the past environment that has generated the data {–} an assumption that is often false or too coarse an approximation. In this paper, we lift this assumption and aim to learn a distributionally robust policy with bandit observational data. We propose a novel learning algorithm that is able to learn a robust policy to adversarial perturbations and unknown covariate shifts. We first present a policy evaluation procedure in the ambiguous environment and also give a heuristic algorithm to solve the distributionally robust policy learning problems efficiently. Additionally, we provide extensive simulations to demonstrate the robustness of our policy.

Nian Si, Fan Zhang, Zhengyuan Zhou, Jose Blanchet
Publication date
International Conference on Machine Learning

Machine Learning's Dropout Training is Distributionally Robust Optimal

Blanchet, J., Kang, Y., Olea, J. L., Nguyen, V. A., & Zhang, X. (2020). Machine Learning’s Dropout Training is Distributionally Robust Optimal. ArXiv. /abs/2009.06111


This paper shows that dropout training in Generalized Linear Models is the minimax solution of a two-player, zero-sum game where an adversarial nature corrupts a statistician's covariates using a multiplicative nonparametric errors-in-variables model. In this game, nature's least favorable distribution is dropout noise, where nature independently deletes entries of the covariate vector with some fixed probability . This result implies that dropout training indeed provides out-of-sample expected loss guarantees for distributions that arise from multiplicative perturbations of in-sample data. In addition to the decision-theoretic analysis, the paper makes two more contributions. First, there is a concrete recommendation on how to select the tuning parameter to guarantee that, as the sample size grows large, the in-sample loss after dropout training exceeds the true population loss with some pre-specified probability. Second, the paper provides a novel, parallelizable, Unbiased Multi-Level Monte Carlo algorithm to speed-up the implementation of dropout training. Our algorithm has a much smaller computational cost compared to the naive implementation of dropout, provided the number of data points is much smaller than the dimension of the covariate vector.

José Blanchet, Yang Kang, José Luis Montiel Olea, Viet Anh Nguyen, Xuhui Zhang
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.06111

On distributionally robust extreme value analysis

Blanchet, J., He, F. & Murthy, K. On distributionally robust extreme value analysis. Extremes 23, 317–347 (2020).


We study distributional robustness in the context of Extreme Value Theory (EVT). We provide a data-driven method for estimating extreme quantiles in a manner that is robust against incorrect model assumptions underlying the application of the standard Extremal Types Theorem. Typical studies in distributional robustness involve computing worst case estimates over a model uncertainty region expressed in terms of the Kullback-Leibler discrepancy. We go beyond standard distributional robustness in that we investigate different forms of discrepancies, and prove rigorous results which are helpful for understanding the role of a putative model uncertainty region in the context of extreme quantile estimation. Finally, we illustrate our data-driven method in various settings, including examples showing how standard EVT can significantly underestimate quantiles of interest.

Jose Blanchet, Fei He, Karthyek Murthy
Publication date
Springer US

Convolution bounds on quantile aggregation

Blanchet, J., Lam, H., Liu, Y., & Wang, R. (2020). Convolution Bounds on Quantile Aggregation. ArXiv. /abs/2007.09320


Quantile aggregation with dependence uncertainty has a long history in probability theory with wide applications in finance, risk management, statistics, and operations research. Using a recent result on inf-convolution of quantile-based risk measures, we establish new analytical bounds for quantile aggregation which we call convolution bounds. Convolution bounds both unify every analytical result available in quantile aggregation and enlighten our understanding of these methods. These bounds are the best available in general. Moreover, convolution bounds are easy to compute, and we show that they are sharp in many relevant cases. They also allow for interpretability on the extremal dependence structure. The results directly lead to bounds on the distribution of the sum of random variables with arbitrary dependence. We discuss relevant applications in risk management and economics.

Jose Blanchet, Henry Lam, Yang Liu, Ruodu Wang
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.09320

A distributionally robust approach to fair classification

Taskesen, B., Nguyen, V. A., Kuhn, D., & Blanchet, J. (2020). A Distributionally Robust Approach to Fair Classification. ArXiv. /abs/2007.09530


We propose a distributionally robust logistic regression model with an unfairness penalty that prevents discrimination with respect to sensitive attributes such as gender or ethnicity. This model is equivalent to a tractable convex optimization problem if a Wasserstein ball centered at the empirical distribution on the training data is used to model distributional uncertainty and if a new convex unfairness measure is used to incentivize equalized opportunities. We demonstrate that the resulting classifier improves fairness at a marginal loss of predictive accuracy on both synthetic and real datasets. We also derive linear programming-based confidence bounds on the level of unfairness of any pre-trained classifier by leveraging techniques from optimal uncertainty quantification over Wasserstein balls.

Bahar Taskesen, Viet Anh Nguyen, Daniel Kuhn, Jose Blanchet
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.09530

Appendix–Robust Bayesian Classification Using an Optimistic Score Ratio

Nguyen, V. A., Si, N., & Blanchet, J. (2020). Robust Bayesian Classification Using an Optimistic Score Ratio. ArXiv. /abs/2007.04458


This value τ (x) can be found by evaluating the minimum likelihood values fmin 0 (x) and fmin 0 (x). Unfortunately, it remains intractable to find the exact values of fmin 0 (x) and fmin 1 (x). To demonstrate this fact, we consider the Gaussian parametric setting as in Section 4, and evaluating the minimum likelihood in this case is equivalent to solving min−(µ− x) Σ− 1 (µ− x)− log det Σ st µ∈ Rd, Σ∈ Sd

Viet Anh Nguyen, Nian Si, Jose Blanchet

A model of bed demand to facilitate the implementation of data-driven recommendations for COVID-19 capacity management

Zhang T, McFarlane K, Vallon J, et al. A Model of Bed Demand to Facilitate the Implementation of Data-driven Recommendations for COVID-19 Capacity Management. Research Square; 2020. DOI: 10.21203/



We sought to build an accessible interactive model that could facilitate hospital capacity planning in the presence of significant uncertainty about the proportion of the population that is positive forcoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the rate at which COVID-19 is spreading in the population. Our goal was to facilitate the implementation of data-driven recommendations for capacity management with a transparent mathematical simulation designed to answer the specific, local questions hospital leadership considered critical.


The model facilitates hospital planning with estimates of the number of Intensive Care (IC) beds, Acute Care (AC) beds, and ventilators necessary to accommodate patients who require hospitalization for COVID-19 and how these compare to the available resources. Inputs to the model include estimates of the characteristics of the patient population and hospital capacity. We deployed this model as an interactive online tool with modifiable parameters.


The use of the model is illustrated by estimating the demand generated by COVID-19+ arrivals for a hypothetical acute care medical center. The model calculated that the number of patients requiring an IC bed would equal the number of IC beds on Day 23, the number of patients requiring a ventilator would equal the number of ventilators available on Day 27, and the number of patients requiring an AC bed and coverage by the Medicine Service would equal the capacity of the Medicine service on Day 21. The model was used to inform COVID-19 planning and decision-making, including Intensive Care Unit (ICU) staffing and ventilator

Teng Zhang, Kelly McFarlane, Jacqueline Vallon, Linying Yang, Jin Xie, Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn, Kristan Staudenmayer, Kevin Schulman, David Scheinker
Publication date

Rates of convergence to stationarity for reflected Brownian motion

Jose Blanchet, Xinyun Chen (2020) Rates of Convergence to Stationarity for Reflected Brownian Motion. Mathematics of Operations Research 45(2):660-681.


We provide the first rate of convergence to stationarity analysis for reflected Brownian motion (RBM) as the dimension grows under some uniformity conditions. In particular, if the underlying routing matrix is uniformly contractive, uniform stability of the drift vector holds, and the variances of the underlying Brownian motion (BM) are bounded, then we show that the RBM converges exponentially fast to stationarity with a relaxation time of order as the dimension d → ∞. Our bound for the relaxation time follows as a corollary of the nonasymptotic bound we obtain for the initial transient effect, which is explicit in terms of the RBM parameters.

Jose Blanchet, Xinyun Chen
Publication date
Mathematics of Operations Research

Semi‐supervised Learning Based on Distributionally Robust Optimization

Blanchet , J. and Kang , Y. (2020). Semi-supervised Learning Based on Distributionally Robust Optimization. In Data Analysis and Applications 3 (eds A. Makrides, A. Karagrigoriou and C.H. Skiadas).


This chapter proposes a novel method for semi‐supervised learning (SSL) based on data‐driven distributionally robust optimization (DRO) using optimal transport metrics. The proposed method enhances generalization error by using the non‐labeled data to restrict the support of the worstcase distribution in DRO formulation. The chapter describes the implementation of DRO formulation by proposing a stochastic gradient descent algorithm, and demonstrates that semi‐supervised DRO method is able to improve the generalization error over natural supervised procedures and state‐of‐the‐art SSL estimators. It includes a discussion on the large sample behavior of the optimal uncertainty region in the DRO formulation. The discussion exposes important aspects such as the role of dimension reduction in SSL.

Jose Blanchet, Yang Kang
Publication date
Data Analysis and Applications 3: Computational, Classification, Financial, Statistical and Stochastic Methods
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Sequential batch learning in finite-action linear contextual bandits

Han, Y., Zhou, Z., Zhou, Z., Blanchet, J., Glynn, P. W., & Ye, Y. (2020). Sequential Batch Learning in Finite-Action Linear Contextual Bandits. ArXiv. /abs/2004.06321


We study the sequential batch learning problem in linear contextual bandits with finite action sets, where the decision maker is constrained to split incoming individuals into (at most) a fixed number of batches and can only observe outcomes for the individuals within a batch at the batch's end. Compared to both standard online contextual bandits learning or offline policy learning in contexutal bandits, this sequential batch learning problem provides a finer-grained formulation of many personalized sequential decision making problems in practical applications, including medical treatment in clinical trials, product recommendation in e-commerce and adaptive experiment design in crowdsourcing. We study two settings of the problem: one where the contexts are arbitrarily generated and the other where the contexts are \textit{iid} drawn from some distribution. In each setting, we establish a regret lower bound and provide an algorithm, whose regret upper bound nearly matches the lower bound. As an important insight revealed therefrom, in the former setting, we show that the number of batches required to achieve the fully online performance is polynomial in the time horizon, while for the latter setting, a pure-exploitation algorithm with a judicious batch partition scheme achieves the fully online performance even when the number of batches is less than logarithmic in the time horizon. Together, our results provide a near-complete characterization of sequential decision making in linear contextual bandits when batch constraints are present.

Yanjun Han, Zhengqing Zhou, Zhengyuan Zhou, Jose Blanchet, Peter W Glynn, Yinyu Ye
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.06321

A model to estimate bed demand for COVID-19 related hospitalization

Teng Zhang, Kelly McFarlane, Jacqueline Vallon, Linying Yang, Jin Xie, Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn, Kristan Staudenmayer, Kevin Schulman, David Scheinker. A model to estimate bed demand for COVID-19 related hospitalization. medRxiv 2020.03.24.20042762; doi:


As of March 23, 2020 there have been over 354,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in over 180 countries, the World Health Organization characterized COVID-19 as a pandemic, and the United States (US) announced a national state of emergency.1, 2, 3 In parts of China and Italy the demand for intensive care (IC) beds was higher than the number of available beds.4, 5 We sought to build an accessible interactive model that could facilitate hospital capacity planning in the presence of significant uncertainty about the proportion of the population that is COVID-19+ and the rate at which COVID-19 is spreading in the population. Our approach was to design a tool with parameters that hospital leaders could adjust to reflect their local data and easily modify to conduct sensitivity analyses.

We developed a model to facilitate hospital planning with estimates of the number of Intensive Care (IC) beds, Acute Care (AC) beds, and ventilators necessary to accommodate patients who require hospitalization for COVID-19 and how these compare to the available resources. Inputs to the model include estimates of the characteristics of the patient population and hospital capacity. We deployed this model as an interactive online tool. The model is implemented in R 3.5, RStudio, RShiny 1.4.0 and Python 3.7. The parameters used may be modified as data become available, for use at other institutions, and to generate sensitivity analyses.

We illustrate the use of the model by estimating the demand generated by COVID-19+ arrivals for a hypothetical acute care medical center. The model calculated that the number of patients requiring an …

Teng Zhang, Kelly McFarlane, Jacqueline Vallon, Linying Yang, Jin Xie, Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn, Kristan Staudenmayer, Kevin Schulman, David Scheinker
Publication date
2020.03. 24.20042762
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Optimal scenario generation for heavy-tailed chance constrained optimization

Blanchet, J., Zhang, F., & Zwart, B. (2020). Efficient Scenario Generation for Heavy-tailed Chance Constrained Optimization. ArXiv. /abs/2002.02149


We consider a generic class of chance-constrained optimization problems with heavy-tailed (ie, power-law type) risk factors. In this setting, we use the scenario approach to obtain a constant approximation to the optimal solution with a computational complexity that is uniform in the risk tolerance parameter. We additionally illustrate the efficiency of our algorithm in the context of solvency in insurance networks.

JOSE Blanchet, F Zhang, BERT Zwart
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.02149

Distributionally robust parametric maximum likelihood estimation

Nguyen, V. A., Zhang, X., Blanchet, J., & Georghiou, A. (2020). Distributionally Robust Parametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation. ArXiv. /abs/2010.05321


We consider the parameter estimation problem of a probabilistic generative model prescribed using a natural exponential family of distributions. For this problem, the typical maximum likelihood estimator usually overfits under limited training sample size, is sensitive to noise and may perform poorly on downstream predictive tasks. To mitigate these issues, we propose a distributionally robust maximum likelihood estimator that minimizes the worst-case expected log-loss uniformly over a parametric Kullback-Leibler ball around a parametric nominal distribution. Leveraging the analytical expression of the Kullback-Leibler divergence between two distributions in the same natural exponential family, we show that the min-max estimation problem is tractable in a broad setting, including the robust training of generalized linear models. Our novel robust estimator also enjoys statistical consistency and delivers promising empirical results in both regression and classification tasks.

Viet Anh Nguyen, Xuhui Zhang, Jose Blanchet, Angelos Georghiou
Publication date
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems

Quantifying the empirical wasserstein distance to a set of measures: Beating the curse of dimensionality

Si, N., Blanchet, J.H., Ghosh, S., & Squillante, M.S. (2020). Quantifying the Empirical Wasserstein Distance to a Set of Measures: Beating the Curse of Dimensionality. Neural Information Processing Systems.


We consider the problem of estimating the Wasserstein distance between the empirical measure and a set of probability measures whose expectations over a class of functions (hypothesis class) are constrained. If this class is sufficiently rich to characterize a particular distribution (eg, all Lipschitz functions), then our formulation recovers the Wasserstein distance to such a distribution. We establish a strong duality result that generalizes the celebrated Kantorovich-Rubinstein duality. We also show that our formulation can be used to beat the curse of dimensionality, which is well known to affect the rates of statistical convergence of the empirical Wasserstein distance. In particular, examples of infinite-dimensional hypothesis classes are presented, informed by a complex correlation structure, for which it is shown that the empirical Wasserstein distance to such classes converges to zero at the standard parametric rate. Our formulation provides insights that help clarify why, despite the curse of dimensionality, the Wasserstein distance enjoys favorable empirical performance across a wide range of statistical applications.

Nian Si, Jose Blanchet, Soumyadip Ghosh, Mark Squillante
Publication date
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems

Distributionally robust local non-parametric conditional estimation

Nguyen, V. A., Zhang, F., Blanchet, J., Delage, E., & Ye, Y. (2020). Distributionally Robust Local Non-parametric Conditional Estimation. ArXiv. /abs/2010.05373


Conditional estimation given specific covariate values (ie, local conditional estimation or functional estimation) is ubiquitously useful with applications in engineering, social and natural sciences. Existing data-driven non-parametric estimators mostly focus on structured homogeneous data (eg, weakly independently and stationary data), thus they are sensitive to adversarial noise and may perform poorly under a low sample size. To alleviate these issues, we propose a new distributionally robust estimator that generates non-parametric local estimates by minimizing the worst-case conditional expected loss over all adversarial distributions in a Wasserstein ambiguity set. We show that despite being generally intractable, the local estimator can be efficiently found via convex optimization under broadly applicable settings, and it is robust to the corruption and heterogeneity of the data. Various experiments show the competitive performance of this new class of estimator.

Viet Anh Nguyen, Fan Zhang, Jose Blanchet, Erick Delage, Yinyu Ye
Publication date
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems


Learning in Generalized Linear Contextual Bandits with Stochastic Delays

Jose Blanchet, Renyuan Xu, Zhengyuan Zhou (2023) Delay-Adaptive Learning in Generalized Linear Contextual Bandits. Mathematics of Operations Research 49(1):326-345.


In this paper, we consider online learning in generalized linear contextual bandits where rewards are not immediately observed. Instead, rewards are available to the decision maker only after some delay, which is unknown and stochastic, even though a decision must be made at each time step for an incoming set of contexts. We study the performance of upper confidence bound (UCB) based algorithms adapted to this delayed setting. In particular, we design a delay-adaptive algorithm, which we call Delayed UCB, for generalized linear contextual bandits using UCB-style exploration and establish regret bounds under various delay assumptions. In the important special case of linear contextual bandits, we further modify this algorithm and establish a tighter regret bound under the same delay assumptions. Our results contribute to the broad landscape of contextual bandits literature by establishing that UCB algorithms, which are widely deployed in modern recommendation engines, can be made robust to delays.

Authors: Zhengyuan Zhou, Renyuan Xu, Jose Blanchet
Publication date: 2019
Journal: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems
Volume: 32

A distributionally robust boosting algorithm

J. Blanchet, F. Zhang, Y. Kang and Z. Hu, “A Distributionally Robust Boosting Algorithm,” 2019 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), National Harbor, MD, USA, 2019, pp. 3728-3739, doi: 10.1109/WSC40007.2019.9004804. keywords: {Boosting;Robustness;Prediction algorithms;Uncertainty;Decision making;Tuning;Atmospheric measurements},


Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) has been shown to provide a flexible framework for decision making under uncertainty and statistical estimation. For example, recent works in DRO have shown that popular statistical estimators can be interpreted as the solutions of suitable formulated data-driven DRO problems. In turn, this connection is used to optimally select tuning parameters in terms of a principled approach informed by robustness considerations. This paper contributes to this growing literature, connecting DRO and statistics, by showing how boosting algorithms can be studied via DRO. We propose a boosting type algorithm, named DRO-Boosting, as a procedure to solve our DRO formulation. Our DRO-Boosting algorithm recovers Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost) in particular, thus showing that AdaBoost is effectively solving a DRO problem. We apply our algorithm to a financial dataset on credit card …

Jose Blanchet, Fan Zhang, Yang Kang, Zhangyi Hu
Publication date
2019 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)

Data-driven optimal transport cost selection for distributionally robust optimization

J. Blanchet, Y. Kang, K. Murthy and F. Zhang, “Data-Driven Optimal Transport Cost Selection For Distributionally Robust Optimization,” 2019 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), National Harbor, MD, USA, 2019, pp. 3740-3751, doi: 10.1109/WSC40007.2019.9004785. keywords: {Uncertainty;Measurement;Machine learning;Cost function;Perturbation methods;Robustness},


Some recent works showed that several machine learning algorithms, such as square-root Lasso, Support Vector Machines, and regularized logistic regression, among many others, can be represented exactly as distributionally robust optimization (DRO) problems. The distributional uncertainty set is defined as a neighborhood centered at the empirical distribution, and the neighborhood is measured by optimal transport distance. In this paper, we propose a methodology which learns such neighborhood in a natural data-driven way. We show rigorously that our framework encompasses adaptive regularization as a particular case. Moreover, we demonstrate empirically that our proposed methodology is able to improve upon a wide range of popular machine learning estimators.

Jose Blanchet, Yang Kang, Karthyek Murthy, Fan Zhang
Publication date
2019 winter simulation conference (WSC)

Semi-parametric dynamic contextual pricing


Semi-parametric dynamic contextual pricing Page 1 Semi-parametric dynamic contextual pricing Virag Shah — Jose Blanchet — Ramesh Johari Stanford University September 27, 2019 1 / 15 Page 2 Dynamic pricing ▶ Several platforms have access to data describing history of different users. ▶ Platforms can leverage this information to price different products and optimize revenue. ▶ This requires learning online the mapping from user context to optimal price, efficiently. 2 / 15 Page 3 Basic Framework ▶ Discrete times 1,2,...,n, one user arrives per time step ▶ Each user is shown one product, which is ex-ante fixed ▶ Let Vt be the value tth user assigns to the product. ▶ Let pt be the price set by the platform. ▶ The user buys the product if pt ≤ Vt. ▶ Platform does not know or observe Vt, but has access to covariates Xt ∈ Rd which may describe user’s history and product’s type ▶ Goal: set …

R Johari, J Blanchet
Publication date
Advances in Neural Infor

Queue length asymptotics for the multiple-server queue with heavy-tailed Weibull service times

Bazhba, M., Blanchet, J., Rhee, CH. et al. Queue length asymptotics for the multiple-server queue with heavy-tailed Weibull service times. Queueing Syst 93, 195–226 (2019).


We study the occurrence of large queue lengths in the GI / GI / d queue with heavy-tailed Weibull-type service times. Our analysis hinges on a recently developed sample path large-deviations principle for Lévy processes and random walks, following a continuous mapping approach. Also, we identify and solve a key variational problem which provides physical insight into the way a large queue length occurs. In contrast to the regularly varying case, we observe several subtle features such as a non-trivial trade-off between the number of big jobs and their sizes and a surprising asymmetric structure in asymptotic job sizes leading to congestion.

Mihail Bazhba, Jose Blanchet, Chang-Han Rhee, Bert Zwart
Publication date
Queueing Systems
Springer US

Exact sampling for some multi-dimensional queueing models with renewal input

Blanchet J, Pei Y, Sigman K. Exact sampling for some multi-dimensional queueing models with renewal input. Advances in Applied Probability. 2019;51(4):1179-1208. doi:10.1017/apr.2019.45


Using a result of Blanchet and Wallwater (2015) for exactly simulating the maximum of a negative drift random walk queue endowed with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) increments, we extend it to a multi-dimensional setting and then we give a new algorithm for simulating exactly the stationary distribution of a first-in–first-out (FIFO) multi-server queue in which the arrival process is a general renewal process and the service times are i.i.d.: the FIFO GI/GI/c queue with . Our method utilizes dominated coupling from the past (DCFP) as well as the random assignment (RA) discipline, and complements the earlier work in which Poisson arrivals were assumed, such as the recent work of Connor and Kendall (2015). We also consider the models in continuous time, and show that with mild further assumptions, the exact simulation of those stationary distributions can also be achieved. We also give, using our …

Jose Blanchet, Yanan Pei, Karl Sigman
Publication date
Advances in Applied Probability
Cambridge University Press

On logarithmically optimal exact simulation of max-stable and related random fields on a compact set

Zhipeng Liu. Jose H. Blanchet. A.B. Dieker. Thomas Mikosch. “On logarithmically optimal exact simulation of max-stable and related random fields on a compact set.” Bernoulli 25 (4A) 2949 – 2981, November 2019.


We consider the random field \begin{equation*}M(t)=\mathop{\mathrm{sup}}_{n\geq1}\{-\log A_{n}+X_{n}(t)\},\qquad t\in T,\end{equation*} for a set , where is an i.i.d. sequence of centered Gaussian random fields on and are the arrivals of a general renewal process on , independent of . In particular, a large class of max-stable random fields with Gumbel marginals have such a representation. Assume that one needs function evaluations to sample at locations . We provide an algorithm which samples with complexity as measured in the norm sense for any . Moreover, if has an a.s. converging series representation, then can be a.s. approximated with error uniformly over and with complexity , where relates to the Hölder continuity exponent of the process (so, if is Brownian …

Zhipeng Liu, Jose H Blanchet, ANTONIUS B Dieker, Thomas Mikosch
Publication date

Sample path large deviations for Lévy processes and random walks with regularly varying increments

Rhee, C.-H., Blanchet, J., & Zwart, B. (2019). SAMPLE PATH LARGE DEVIATIONS FOR LÉVY PROCESSES AND RANDOM WALKS WITH REGULARLY VARYING INCREMENTS. The Annals of Probability, 47(6), 3551–3605.


Let X be a Lévy process with regularly varying Lévy measure ν. We obtain sample-path large deviations for scaled processes X̄n(t) and obtain a similar result for random walks with regularly varying increments. Our results yield detailed asymptotic estimates in scenarios where multiple big jumps in the increment are required to make a rare event happen; we illustrate this through detailed conditional limit theorems. In addition, we investigate connections with the classical large deviations framework. In that setting, we show that a weak large deviation principle (with logarithmic speed) holds, but a full large deviation principle does not hold.

Chang-Han Rhee, Jose Blanchet, Bert Zwart
Publication date
The Annals of Probability
Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Optimal uncertainty size in distributionally robust inverse covariance estimation

Blanchet, J., & Si, N. (2019). Optimal uncertainty size in distributionally robust inverse covariance estimation. Operations Research Letters, 47(6), 618-621.


In a recent paper, Nguyen et al. (2018) built a distributionally robust estimator for the precision matrix of the Gaussian distribution. The distributional uncertainty size is a key ingredient in the construction of this estimator. We develop a statistical theory which shows how to optimally choose the uncertainty size to minimize the associated Stein loss. Surprisingly, rather than the expected canonical square-root scaling rate, the optimal uncertainty size scales linearly with the sample size.

Jose Blanchet, Nian Si
Publication date
Operations Research Letters

Robust Wasserstein profile inference and applications to machine learning

Blanchet J, Kang Y, Murthy K. Robust Wasserstein profile inference and applications to machine learning. Journal of Applied Probability. 2019;56(3):830-857. doi:10.1017/jpr.2019.49


We show that several machine learning estimators, including square-root least absolute shrinkage and selection and regularized logistic regression, can be represented as solutions to distributionally robust optimization problems. The associated uncertainty regions are based on suitably defined Wasserstein distances. Hence, our representations allow us to view regularization as a result of introducing an artificial adversary that perturbs the empirical distribution to account for out-of-sample effects in loss estimation. In addition, we introduce RWPI (robust Wasserstein profile inference), a novel inference methodology which extends the use of methods inspired by empirical likelihood to the setting of optimal transport costs (of which Wasserstein distances are a particular case). We use RWPI to show how to optimally select the size of uncertainty regions, and as a consequence we are able to choose regularization …

Authors: Jose Blanchet, Yang Kang, Karthyek Murthy
Publication date: 2019/9
Journal: Journal of Applied Probability
Volume: 56
Issue: 3
Pages: 830-857
Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Rare-event simulation for distribution networks

Jose Blanchet, Juan Li, Marvin K. Nakayama (2019) Rare-Event Simulation for Distribution Networks. Operations Research 67(5):1383-1396.


We model optimal allocations in a distribution network as the solution of a linear program (LP) that minimizes the cost of unserved demands across nodes in the network. The constraints in the LP dictate that, after a given node’s supply is exhausted, its unserved demand is distributed among neighboring nodes. All nodes do the same, and the resulting solution is the optimal allocation. Assuming that the demands are random (following a jointly Gaussian law), our goal is to study the probability that the optimal cost of unserved demands exceeds a large threshold, which is a rare event. Our contribution is the development of importance sampling and conditional Monte Carlo algorithms for estimating this probability. We establish the asymptotic efficiency of our algorithms and also present numerical results that illustrate strong performance of our procedures.

Jose Blanchet, Juan Li, Marvin K Nakayama
Publication date
Operations Research

Convergence Rate Analysis of a Stochastic Trust-Region Method via Supermartingales

Jose Blanchet, Coralia Cartis, Matt Menickelly, Katya Scheinberg (2019) Convergence Rate Analysis of a Stochastic Trust-Region Method via Supermartingales. INFORMS Journal on Optimization 1(2):92-119.


We propose a novel framework for analyzing convergence rates of stochastic optimization algorithms with adaptive step sizes. This framework is based on analyzing properties of an underlying generic stochastic process; in particular, we derive a bound on the expected stopping time of this process. We utilize this framework to analyze the expected global convergence rates of a stochastic variant of a traditional trust-region method. Although traditional trust-region methods rely on exact computations of the gradient, Hessian, and values of the objective function, this method assumes that these values are available only up to some dynamically adjusted accuracy. Moreover, this accuracy is assumed to hold only with some sufficiently large—but fixed—probability without any additional restrictions on the variance of the errors. This setting applies, for example, to standard stochastic optimization and machine learning …

Authors: Jose Blanchet, Coralia Cartis, Matt Menickelly, Katya Scheinberg
Publication date: 2019/4
Journal: INFORMS journal on optimization
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Pages: 92-119
Publisher: INFORMS

Optimal transport relaxations with application to wasserstein GANs

Mahdian, S., Blanchet, J., & Glynn, P. (2019). Optimal Transport Relaxations with Application to Wasserstein GANs. ArXiv. /abs/1906.03317


We propose a family of relaxations of the optimal transport problem which regularize the problem by introducing an additional minimization step over a small region around one of the underlying transporting measures. The type of regularization that we obtain is related to smoothing techniques studied in the optimization literature. When using our approach to estimate optimal transport costs based on empirical measures, we obtain statistical learning bounds which are useful to guide the amount of regularization, while maintaining good generalization properties. To illustrate the computational advantages of our regularization approach, we apply our method to training Wasserstein GANs. We obtain running time improvements, relative to current benchmarks, with no deterioration in testing performance (via FID). The running time improvement occurs because our new optimality-based threshold criterion reduces the number of expensive iterates of the generating networks, while increasing the number of actor-critic iterations.

Saied Mahdian, Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.03317

Probability functional descent: A unifying perspective on GANs, variational inference, and reinforcement learning

Chu, C., Blanchet, J. & Glynn, P.. (2019). Probability Functional Descent: A Unifying Perspective on GANs, Variational Inference, and Reinforcement Learning. Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 97:1213-1222 Available from


The goal of this paper is to provide a unifying view of a wide range of problems of interest in machine learning by framing them as the minimization of functionals defined on the space of probability measures. In particular, we show that generative adversarial networks, variational inference, and actor-critic methods in reinforcement learning can all be seen through the lens of our framework. We then discuss a generic optimization algorithm for our formulation, called probability functional descent (PFD), and show how this algorithm recovers existing methods developed independently in the settings mentioned earlier.

Casey Chu, Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn
Publication date
International Conference on Machine Learning

Perfect sampling of generalized Jackson networks

Jose Blanchet, Xinyun Chen (2019) Perfect Sampling of Generalized Jackson Networks. Mathematics of Operations Research 44(2):693-714.


We provide the first perfect sampling algorithm for a generalized Jackson network of first-in, first-out queues under arbitrary topology and non-Markovian assumptions on the input of the network. We assume (in addition to stability) that the interarrival and service times of customers have a finite moment-generating function in a neighborhood of the origin, and the interarrival times have unbounded support.

Jose Blanchet, Xinyun Chen
Publication date
Mathematics of Operations Research

Unbiased multilevel Monte Carlo: Stochastic optimization, steady-state simulation, quantiles, and other applications

Blanchet, J. H., Glynn, P. W., & Pei, Y. (2019). Unbiased Multilevel Monte Carlo: Stochastic Optimization, Steady-state Simulation, Quantiles, and Other Applications. ArXiv. /abs/1904.09929


We present general principles for the design and analysis of unbiased Monte Carlo estimators in a wide range of settings. Our estimators posses finite work-normalized variance under mild regularity conditions. We apply our estimators to various settings of interest, including unbiased optimization in Sample Average Approximations, unbiased steady-state simulation of regenerative processes, quantile estimation and nested simulation problems.

Jose H Blanchet, Peter W Glynn, Yanan Pei
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.09929

Quantifying Distributional Model Risk via Optimal Transport

Jose Blanchet, Karthyek Murthy (2019) Quantifying Distributional Model Risk via Optimal Transport. Mathematics of Operations Research 44(2):565-600.


This paper deals with the problem of quantifying the impact of model misspecification when computing general expected values of interest. The methodology that we propose is applicable in great generality; in particular, we provide examples involving path-dependent expectations of stochastic processes. Our approach consists of computing bounds for the expectation of interest regardless of the probability measure used, as long as the measure lies within a prescribed tolerance measured in terms of a flexible class of distances from a suitable baseline model. These distances, based on optimal transportation between probability measures, include Wasserstein’s distances as particular cases. The proposed methodology is well suited for risk analysis and distributionally robust optimization, as we demonstrate with applications. We also discuss how to estimate the tolerance region nonparametrically using Skorokhod …

Authors: Jose Blanchet, Karthyek Murthy
Publication date: 2019/5
Journal: Mathematics of Operations Research
Volume: 44
Issue: 2
Pages: 565-600
Publisher: INFORMS

Perfect Sampling for Generalized Jackson Networks

Chen, X., & Blanchet, J. (2019). Perfect Sampling for Generalized Jackson Networks.


Xinyun Chen, Jose Blanchet
Publication date

Exact sampling of the infinite horizon maximum of a random walk over a nonlinear boundary

Blanchet J, Dong J, Liu Z. Exact sampling of the infinite horizon maximum of a random walk over a nonlinear boundary. Journal of Applied Probability. 2019;56(1):116-138. doi:10.1017/jpr.2019.9


We present the first algorithm that samples maxn≥0{Sn − nα}, where Sn is a mean zero random walk, and nα with defines a nonlinear boundary. We show that our algorithm has finite expected running time. We also apply this algorithm to construct the first exact simulation method for the steady-state departure process of a GI/GI/∞ queue where the service time distribution has infinite mean.

Jose Blanchet, Jing Dong, Zhipeng Liu
Publication date
Journal of Applied Probability
Cambridge University Press

Robust actuarial risk analysis

Blanchet, J., Lam, H., Tang, Q., & Yuan, Z. (2019). Robust Actuarial Risk Analysis. North American Actuarial Journal, 23(1), 33–63.


This article investigates techniques for the assessment of model error in the context of insurance risk analysis. The methodology is based on finding robust estimates for actuarial quantities of interest, which are obtained by solving optimization problems over the unknown probabilistic models, with constraints capturing potential nonparametric misspecification of the true model. We demonstrate the solution techniques and the interpretations of these optimization problems, and illustrate several examples, including calculating loss probabilities and conditional value-at-risk.

Jose Blanchet, Henry Lam, Qihe Tang, Zhongyi Yuan
Publication date
North American Actuarial Journal

Multivariate distributionally robust convex regression under absolute error loss

Blanchet, J., Glynn, P. W., Yan, J., & Zhou, Z. (2019). Multivariate Distributionally Robust Convex Regression under Absolute Error Loss. ArXiv. /abs/1905.12231


This paper proposes a novel non-parametric multidimensional convex regression estimator which is designed to be robust to adversarial perturbations in the empirical measure. We minimize over convex functions the maximum (over Wasserstein perturbations of the empirical measure) of the absolute regression errors. The inner maximization is solved in closed form resulting in a regularization penalty involves the norm of the gradient. We show consistency of our estimator and a rate of convergence of order , matching the bounds of alternative estimators based on square-loss minimization. Contrary to all of the existing results, our convergence rates hold without imposing compactness on the underlying domain and with no a priori bounds on the underlying convex function or its gradient norm.

Jose Blanchet, Peter W Glynn, Jun Yan, Zhengqing Zhou
Publication date
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems

Semi-parametric dynamic contextual pricing

Shah, V., Blanchet, J., & Johari, R. (2019). Semi-parametric dynamic contextual pricing. ArXiv. /abs/1901.02045


Motivated by the application of real-time pricing in e-commerce platforms, we consider the problem of revenue-maximization in a setting where the seller can leverage contextual information describing the customer's history and the product's type to predict her valuation of the product. However, her true valuation is unobservable to the seller, only binary outcome in the form of success-failure of a transaction is observed. Unlike in usual contextual bandit settings, the optimal price/arm given a covariate in our setting is sensitive to the detailed characteristics of the residual uncertainty distribution. We develop a semi-parametric model in which the residual distribution is non-parametric and provide the first algorithm which learns both regression parameters and residual distribution with regret. We empirically test a scalable implementation of our algorithm and observe good performance.

Virag Shah, Ramesh Johari, Jose Blanchet
Publication date
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems

Online exp3 learning in adversarial bandits with delayed feedback

Ilai Bistritz, Zhengyuan Zhou, Xi Chen, Nicholas Bambos, and Jose Blanchet. 2019. Online EXP3 learning in adversarial bandits with delayed feedback. Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems. Curran Associates Inc., Red Hook, NY, USA, Article 1018, 11349–11358.


Consider a player that in each of T rounds chooses one of K arms. An adversary chooses the cost of each arm in a bounded interval, and a sequence of feedback delays\left {d {t}\right} that are unknown to the player. After picking arm a {t} at round t, the player receives the cost of playing this arm d {t} rounds later. In cases where t+ d {t}> T, this feedback is simply missing. We prove that the EXP3 algorithm (that uses the delayed feedback upon its arrival) achieves a regret of O\left (\sqrt {\ln K\left (KT+\sum {t= 1}^{T} d {t}\right)}\right). For the case where\sum {t= 1}^{T} d {t} and T are unknown, we propose a novel doubling trick for online learning with delays and prove that this adaptive EXP3 achieves a regret of O\left (\sqrt {\ln K\left (K^{2} T+\sum {t= 1}^{T} d {t}\right)}\right). We then consider a two player zero-sum game where players experience asynchronous delays. We show that even when the delays are large enough such that players no longer enjoy the “no-regret property”,(eg, where d {t}= O\left (t\log t\right)) the ergodic average of the strategy profile still converges to the set of Nash equilibria of the game. The result is made possible by choosing an adaptive step size\eta {t} that is not summable but is square summable, and proving a “weighted regret bound” for this general case.

Ilai Bistritz, Zhengyuan Zhou, Xi Chen, Nicholas Bambos, Jose Blanchet
Publication date
Advances in neural information processing systems

Malliavin-based multilevel Monte Carlo estimators for densities of max-stable processes

Blanchet, J., Liu, Z. (2018). Malliavin-Based Multilevel Monte Carlo Estimators for Densities of Max-Stable Processes. In: Owen, A., Glynn, P. (eds) Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods. MCQMC 2016. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 241. Springer, Cham.


We introduce a class of unbiased Monte Carlo estimators for multivariate densities of max-stable fields generated by Gaussian processes. Our estimators take advantage of recent results on the exact simulation of max-stable fields combined with identities studied in the Malliavin calculus literature and ideas developed in the multilevel Monte Carlo literature. Our approach allows estimating multivariate densities of max-stable fields with precision at a computational cost of order .

Jose Blanchet, Zhipeng Liu
Publication date
Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods: MCQMC 2016, Stanford, CA, August 14-19 12
Springer International Publishing


Towards optimal running times for optimal transport

Blanchet, J., Jambulapati, A., Kent, C., & Sidford, A. (2018). Towards Optimal Running Times for Optimal Transport. ArXiv. /abs/1810.07717


In this work, we provide faster algorithms for approximating the optimal transport distance, e.g. earth mover's distance, between two discrete probability distributions . Given a cost function where quantifies the penalty of transporting a unit of mass from to , we show how to compute a coupling between and in time whose expected transportation cost is within an additive of optimal. This improves upon the previously best known running time for this problem of . We achieve our results by providing reductions from optimal transport to canonical optimization problems for which recent algorithmic efforts have provided nearly-linear time algorithms. Leveraging nearly linear time algorithms for solving packing linear programs and for solving the matrix balancing problem, we obtain two separate proofs of our stated running time. Further, one of our algorithms is easily parallelized and can be implemented with depth . Moreover, we show that further algorithmic improvements to our result would be surprising in the sense that any improvement would yield an algorithm for \textit{maximum cardinality bipartite matching}, for which currently the only known algorithms for achieving such a result are based on fast-matrix multiplication.

Authors: Jose Blanchet, Arun Jambulapati, Carson Kent, Aaron Sidford
Publication date: 2018/10/17
Journal: arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.07717

Queueing theory-based perspective of the kinetics of “channeled” enzyme cascade reactions

Stanislav Tsitkov, Theo Pesenti, Henri Palacci, Jose Blanchet, and Henry Hess. Queueing Theory-Based Perspective of the Kinetics of “Channeled” Enzyme Cascade Reactions. ACS Catalysis 2018 8 (11), 10721-10731, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.8b02760


Queueing approaches can capture the stochastic dynamics of chemical reactions and provide a more accurate picture of the reaction kinetics than coupled differential equations in situations where the number of molecules is small. A striking example of such a situation is an enzyme cascade with substrate channeling, where reaction intermediates are directly passed from one enzyme to the next via tunnels or surface paths with limited capacity. In order to better understand the contribution of the stochastic dynamics to the observed enhancement in cascade throughput as a result from substrate channeling, we compare the results of a model using differential equations to describe concentration changes with a queueing model. The continuum model and the queueing model yield identical results, except when the maximum rate of reaction of the enzymes are similar. In two enzyme cascades, the queueing model …

Stanislav Tsitkov, Theo Pesenti, Henri Palacci, Jose Blanchet, Henry Hess
Publication date
ACS Catalysis
American Chemical Society

Perfect sampling of GI/GI/c queues

Blanchet, J., Dong, J. & Pei, Y. Perfect sampling of GI/GI/c queues. Queueing Syst 90, 1–33 (2018).


We introduce the first class of perfect sampling algorithms for the steady-state distribution of multi-server queues with general interarrival time and service time distributions. Our algorithm is built on the classical dominated coupling from the past protocol. In particular, we use a coupled multi-server vacation system as the upper bound process and develop an algorithm to simulate the vacation system backward in time from stationarity at time zero. The algorithm has finite expected termination time with mild moment assumptions on the interarrival time and service time distributions.

Jose Blanchet, Jing Dong, Yanan Pei
Publication date
Queueing Systems
Springer US

A model robust real options valuation methodology incorporating climate risk

Dolan, C., Blanchet, J., Iyengar, G., & Lall, U. (2018). A model robust real options valuation methodology incorporating climate risk. Resources Policy, 57, 81-87.


Physical climate risk faced by companies is emerging as a significant concern for long term investors, such as sovereign wealth funds. For the mining sector, each physical asset may have a significant financial exposure to extreme climate events such as floods and droughts. Often, these financial risks are difficult to value given the paucity of data on climate extremes, and limited company assessment and disclosure of the associated financial liability. We propose a generalization of the Brennan-Schwartz approach to real option valuation to address this situation. A Poisson point process is used to model arrivals of extreme events that exceed the estimated design return period of the flood/drought mitigation infrastructure at the site. Using techniques from the field of robust performance analysis, we are able to calculate upper and lower bounds over all the probability models within a certain distance from the original …

C Dolan, J Blanchet, G Iyengar, U Lall
Publication date
Resources Policy

Exact simulation of multidimensional reflected Brownian motion

Blanchet J, Murthy K. Exact simulation of multidimensional reflected Brownian motion. Journal of Applied Probability. 2018;55(1):137-156. doi:10.1017/jpr.2018.10


We present the first exact simulation method for multidimensional reflected Brownian motion (RBM). Exact simulation in this setting is challenging because of the presence of correlated local-time-like terms in the definition of RBM. We apply recently developed so-called ε-strong simulation techniques (also known as tolerance-enforced simulation) which allow us to provide a piecewise linear approximation to RBM with ε (deterministic) error in uniform norm. A novel conditional acceptance–rejection step is then used to eliminate the error. In particular, we condition on a suitably designed information structure so that a feasible proposal distribution can be applied.

Jose Blanchet, Karthyek Murthy
Publication date
Journal of Applied Probability
Cambridge University Press

Bandit learning with positive externalities

Shah, V., Blanchet, J., & Johari, R. (2018). Bandit Learning with Positive Externalities. ArXiv. /abs/1802.05693


In many platforms, user arrivals exhibit a self-reinforcing behavior: future user arrivals are likely to have preferences similar to users who were satisfied in the past. In other words, arrivals exhibit {\em positive externalities}. We study multiarmed bandit (MAB) problems with positive externalities. We show that the self-reinforcing preferences may lead standard benchmark algorithms such as UCB to exhibit linear regret. We develop a new algorithm, Balanced Exploration (BE), which explores arms carefully to avoid suboptimal convergence of arrivals before sufficient evidence is gathered. We also introduce an adaptive variant of BE which successively eliminates suboptimal arms. We analyze their asymptotic regret, and establish optimality by showing that no algorithm can perform better.

Virag Shah, Jose Blanchet, Ramesh Johari
Publication date
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems

Rates of convergence and CLTs for subcanonical debiased MLMC

Zheng, Z., Blanchet, J., Glynn, P.W. (2018). Rates of Convergence and CLTs for Subcanonical Debiased MLMC. In: Owen, A., Glynn, P. (eds) Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods. MCQMC 2016. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 241. Springer, Cham.


In constructing debiased multi-level Monte Carlo (MLMC) estimators, one must choose a randomization distribution. In some algorithmic contexts, an optimal choice for the randomization distribution leads to a setting in which the mean time to generate an unbiased observation is infinite. This paper extends the well known efficiency theory for Monte Carlo algorithms in the setting of a finite mean for this generation time to the infinite mean case. The theory draws upon stable law weak convergence results, and leads directly to exact convergence rates and central limit theorems (CLTs) for various debiased MLMC algorithms, most particularly as they arise in the context of stochastic differential equations. Our CLT theory also allows simulators to construct asymptotically valid confidence intervals for such infinite mean MLMC algorithms.

Zeyu Zheng, Jose Blanchet, Peter W Glynn
Publication date
Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods: MCQMC 2016, Stanford, CA, August 14-19 12
Springer International Publishing


Private Risk and Valuation: A Distributionally Robust Optimization View


This chapter summarizes a body of work which has as objective the quantification of risk exposures that are particularly important in the context of industries such as the mining industry and which are inherently difficult to calibrate against a probabilistic model due to lack of information. In order to address this problem, we propose an approach based on game theoretic representations which are known in the operations research literature as distributionally robust optimization (DRO) problems. Our goal in this chapter is to provide a high level and conceptual discussion of this approach and explain how we extended it and applied it to the mining setting which is the topic of this project.

J Blanchet, U Lall
Publication date
to be submitted

Computing worst-case expectations given marginals via simulation

J. Blanchet, F. He and H. Lam, “Computing worst-case expectations given marginals via simulation,” 2017 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2017, pp. 2315-2323, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2017.8247962. keywords: {Convergence;Monte Carlo methods;Optimization;Estimation;Random variables;Standards;Algorithm design and analysis},


We study a direct Monte-Carlo-based approach for computing the worst-case expectation of two multidimensional random variables given a specification of their marginal distributions. This problem is motivated by several applications in risk quantification and statistics. We show that if one of the random variables takes finitely many values, a direct Monte Carlo approach allows to evaluate such worst case expectation with O(n -1/2 ) convergence rate as the number of Monte Carlo samples, n, increases to infinity.

Jose Blanchet, Fei He, Henry Lam
Publication date
2017 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)

Unbiased simulation for optimizing stochastic function compositions

Blanchet, J., Goldfarb, D., Iyengar, G., Li, F., & Zhou, C. (2017). Unbiased Simulation for Optimizing Stochastic Function Compositions. ArXiv. /abs/1711.07564


In this paper, we introduce an unbiased gradient simulation algorithms for solving convex optimization problem with stochastic function compositions. We show that the unbiased gradient generated from the algorithm has finite variance and finite expected computation cost. We then combined the unbiased gradient simulation with two variance reduced algorithms (namely SVRG and SCSG) and showed that the proposed optimization algorithms based on unbiased gradient simulations exhibit satisfactory convergence properties. Specifically, in the SVRG case, the algorithm with simulated gradient can be shown to converge linearly to optima in expectation and almost surely under strong convexity. Finally, for the numerical experiment,we applied the algorithms to two important cases of stochastic function compositions optimization: maximizing the Cox's partial likelihood model and training conditional random fields.

Jose Blanchet, Donald Goldfarb, Garud Iyengar, Fengpei Li, Chaoxu Zhou
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.07564

Distributionally robust groupwise regularization estimator

Blanchet, J. & Kang, Y.. (2017). Distributionally Robust Groupwise Regularization Estimator. Proceedings of the Ninth Asian Conference on Machine Learning, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 77:97-112 Available from


Regularized estimators in the context of group variables have been applied successfully in model and feature selection in order to preserve interpretability. We formulate a Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) problem which recovers popular estimators, such as Group Square Root Lasso (GSRL). Our DRO formulation allows us to interpret GSRL as a game, in which we learn a regression parameter while an adversary chooses a perturbation of the data. We wish to pick the parameter to minimize the expected loss under any plausible model chosen by the adversary-who, on the other hand, wishes to increase the expected loss. The regularization parameter turns out to be precisely determined by the amount of perturbation on the training data allowed by the adversary. In this paper, we introduce a data-driven (statistical) criterion for the optimal choice of regularization, which we evaluate asymptotically, in closed form, as the size of the training set increases. Our easy-to-evaluate regularization formula is compared against cross-validation, showing comparable performance.

Jose Blanchet, Yang Kang
Publication date
Asian Conference on Machine Learning

On Optimal Exact Simulation of Max-Stable and Related Random Fields

Liu, Z., Blanchet, J. H., Dieker, A. B., & Mikosch, T. (2016). On Optimal Exact Simulation of Max-Stable and Related Random Fields. ArXiv. /abs/1609.06001


We consider the random field M (t)= sup n≥ 1 {− log An+ Xn (t)}, t∈ T, for a set T⊂ Rm, where (Xn) is an iid sequence of centered Gaussian random fields on T and 0< A1< A2 0, samples M (t1),..., M (td) with complexity o (c (d) dϵ) as measured in the Lp norm sense for any p≥ 1. Moreover, if Xn has an as converging series representation, then M can be as approximated with error δ uniformly over T and with complexity O (1/(δ log (1/δ)) 1/α), where α relates to the Hölder continuity exponent of the process Xn (so, if Xn is Brownian motion, α= 1/2).

Publication date

Exact Simulation for Multivariate Itô Diffusions

Blanchet, J., & Zhang, F. (2017). Exact Simulation for Multivariate It\^o Diffusions. ArXiv.


We provide the first generic exact simulation algorithm for multivariate diffusions. Current exact sampling algorithms for diffusions require the existence of a transformation which can be used to reduce the sampling problem to the case of a constant diffusion matrix and a drift which is the gradient of some function. Such transformation, called Lamperti transformation, can be applied in general only in one dimension. So, completely different ideas are required for exact sampling of generic multivariate diffusions. The development of these ideas is the main contribution of this paper. Our strategy combines techniques borrowed from the theory of rough paths, on one hand, and multilevel Monte Carlo on the other.

Jose Blanchet, Fan Zhang
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.05124

Doubly robust data-driven distributionally robust optimization

Blanchet, J., Kang, Y., Zhang, F., He, F., & Hu, Z. (2017). Doubly Robust Data-Driven Distributionally Robust Optimization. ArXiv.


Data-driven Distributionally Robust Optimization (DD-DRO) via optimal transport has been shown to encompass a wide range of popular machine learning algorithms. The distributional uncertainty size is often shown to correspond to the regularization parameter. The type of regularization (e.g. the norm used to regularize) corresponds to the shape of the distributional uncertainty. We propose a data-driven robust optimization methodology to inform the transportation cost underlying the definition of the distributional uncertainty. We show empirically that this additional layer of robustification, which produces a method we called doubly robust data-driven distributionally robust optimization (DD-R-DRO), allows to enhance the generalization properties of regularized estimators while reducing testing error relative to state-of-the-art classifiers in a wide range of data sets.

Jose Blanchet, Yang Kang, Fan Zhang, Fei He, Zhangyi Hu
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.07168

Unraveling limit order books using just bid/ask prices


How much of the structure of a Limit Order Book (LOB) by only observing the bid/ask price dynamics? In this paper we provide a model which, surprisingly, allows us to recover with reasonable empirical accuracy the general profile of the LOB in the setting of some small-tick stocks. Our approach exploits the empirically observed multi-scale dynamics of the LOB and we also apply such multi-scale analysis to obtain a jump diffusion model which connects the distribution of jumps with the distribution of orders inside the LOB.

Jose Blanchet, Xinyun Chen, Yanan Pei
Publication date
Preprint. Available at http://www. columbia. edu/∼ jb2814/papers/LOB_v1. pdf

Applied robust performance analysis for actuarial applications

Blanchet, J.H., Lam, H., Tang, Q., & Yuan, Z. (2016). Applied Robust Performance Analysis for Actuarial Applications.


This paper investigates techniques for the assessment of model error in the context of insurance risk analysis. The methodology is based on finding bounds for quantities of interest, such as loss probabilities and conditional value-at-risk, which are obtained by solving optimization problems where the variable to optimize is the model itself in a non-parametric framework. The non-parametric aspect of the approach is crucial for model error quantification.

Jose Blanchet, Henry Lam, Qihe Tang, Zhongyi Yuan
Publication date
Technical Report, Society of Actuaries

ε-Strong Simulation for Multidimensional Stochastic Differential Equations via Rough Path Analysis

Jose Blanchet. Xinyun Chen. Jing Dong. “ε-Strong simulation for multidimensional stochastic differential equations via rough path analysis.” Ann. Appl. Probab. 27 (1) 275 – 336, February 2017.


Consider a multidimensional diffusion process . Let be a deterministic, user defined, tolerance error parameter. Under standard regularity conditions on the drift and diffusion coefficients of , we construct a probability space, supporting both and an explicit, piecewise constant, fully simulatable process such that

with probability one. Moreover, the user can adaptively choose so that (also piecewise constant and fully simulatable) can be constructed conditional on to ensure an error smaller than with probability one. Our construction requires a detailed study of continuity estimates of the Itô map using Lyons’ theory of rough paths. We approximate the underlying Brownian motion, jointly with the Lévy areas with a deterministic error in the underlying rough path metric.

Jose Blanchet, Xinyun Chen, Jing Dong
Publication date


Convergence rate analysis of a stochastic trust region method for nonconvex optimization

Blanchet, J., Cartis, C., Menickelly, M., & Scheinberg, K. (2016). Convergence Rate Analysis of a Stochastic Trust Region Method for Nonconvex Optimization. ArXiv. /abs/1609.07428


We introduce a variant of a traditional trust region method which is aimed at stochastic optimization. While traditional trust region method relies on exact computations of the gradient and values of the objective function, our method assumes that these values are available up to some dynamically adjusted accuracy. Moreover, this accuracy is assumed to hold only with some sufficiently large, but fixed, probability, without any additional restrictions on the variance of the errors. We show that our assumptions apply to the standard stochastic setting assumed in the machine learning problems, but also include more general settings. We then proceed to provide a bound on the expected number of iterations the stochastic algorithm requires to reach accuracy∇ f (x)≤ ǫ, for any ǫ> 0. The resulting bound is O (ǫ− 2), under the assumption of sufficiently accurate stochastic gradient.

Jose Blanchet, Coralia Cartis, Matt Menickelly, Katya Scheinberg
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.07428
Working paper, Columbia University, New York

Convergence Rate Analysis of a Stochastic Trust Region Method via Submartingales

Blanchet, J., Cartis, C., Menickelly, M., & Scheinberg, K. (2016). Convergence Rate Analysis of a Stochastic Trust Region Method via Submartingales. ArXiv. /abs/1609.07428


We propose a novel framework for analyzing convergence rates of stochastic optimization algorithms with adaptive step sizes. This framework is based on analyzing properties of an underlying generic stochastic process, in particular by deriving a bound on the expected stopping time of this process. We utilize this framework to analyze the bounds on expected global convergence rates of a stochastic variant of a traditional trust region method, introduced in \cite{ChenMenickellyScheinberg2014}. While traditional trust region methods rely on exact computations of the gradient, Hessian and values of the objective function, this method assumes that these values are available up to some dynamically adjusted accuracy. Moreover, this accuracy is assumed to hold only with some sufficiently large, but fixed, probability, without any additional restrictions on the variance of the errors. This setting applies, for example, to standard stochastic optimization and machine learning formulations. Improving upon the analysis in \cite{ChenMenickellyScheinberg2014}, we show that the stochastic process defined by the algorithm satisfies the assumptions of our proposed general framework, with the stopping time defined as reaching accuracy . The resulting bound for this stopping time is , under the assumption of sufficiently accurate stochastic gradient, and is the first global complexity bound for a stochastic trust-region method. Finally, we apply the same framework to derive second order complexity bound under some additional assumptions.

Jose Blanchet, Coralia Cartis, Matt Menickelly, Katya Scheinberg
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.07428

On optimal exact simulation of max-stable and related random fields

Liu, Z., Blanchet, J. H., Dieker, A. B., & Mikosch, T. (2016). On Optimal Exact Simulation of Max-Stable and Related Random Fields. ArXiv. /abs/1609.06001


We consider the random field M(t)=\sup_{n\geq 1}\big\{-\log A_{n}+X_{n}(t)\big\}\,,\qquad t\in T\, for a set , where is an iid sequence of centered Gaussian random fields on and are the arrivals of a general renewal process on , independent of . In particular, a large class of max-stable random fields with Gumbel marginals have such a representation. Assume that one needs function evaluations to sample at locations . We provide an algorithm which, for any , samples with complexity . Moreover, if has an a.s. converging series representation, then can be a.s. approximated with error uniformly over and with complexity , where relates to the H\"{o}lder continuity exponent of the process (so, if is Brownian motion, ).

Zhipeng Liu, Jose H Blanchet, AB Dieker, Thomas Mikosch
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.06001

Analysis of a stochastic approximation algorithm for computing quasi-stationary distributions

Blanchet J, Glynn P, Zheng S. Analysis of a stochastic approximation algorithm for computing quasi-stationary distributions. Advances in Applied Probability. 2016;48(3):792-811. doi:10.1017/apr.2016.28


We study the convergence properties of a Monte Carlo estimator proposed in the physics literature to compute the quasi-stationary distribution on a transient set of a Markov chain (see De Oliveira and Dickman (2005), (2006), and Dickman and Vidigal (2002)). Using the theory of stochastic approximations we verify the consistency of the estimator and obtain an associated central limit theorem. We provide an example showing that convergence might occur very slowly if a certain eigenvalue condition is violated. We alleviate this problem using an easy-to-implement projection step combined with averaging.

Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn, Shuheng Zheng
Publication date
Advances in Applied Probability
Cambridge University Press

A Markov Chain Approximation to Choice Modeling

Jose Blanchet, Guillermo Gallego, Vineet Goyal (2016) A Markov Chain Approximation to Choice Modeling. Operations Research 64(4):886-905.


Assortment planning is an important problem that arises in many industries such as retailing and airlines. One of the key challenges in an assortment planning problem is to identify the “right” model for the substitution behavior of customers from the data. Error in model selection can lead to highly suboptimal decisions. In this paper, we consider a Markov chain based choice model and show that it provides a simultaneous approximation for all random utility based discrete choice models including the multinomial logit (MNL), the probit, the nested logit and mixtures of multinomial logit models. In the Markov chain model, substitution from one product to another is modeled as a state transition in the Markov chain. We show that the choice probabilities computed by the Markov chain based model are a good approximation to the true choice probabilities for any random utility based choice model under mild conditions …

Authors: Jose Blanchet, Guillermo Gallego, Vineet Goyal
Publication date: 2016/8
Journal: Operations Research
Volume: 64
Issue: 4
Pages: 886-905
Publisher: INFORMS

Sample path large deviations for heavy-tailed Lévy processes and random walks

Rhee, C., Blanchet, J., & Zwart, B. (2016). Sample Path Large Deviations for Heavy-Tailed L\’evy Processes and Random Walks. ArXiv. /abs/1606.02795


Let X be a Lévy process with regularly varying Lévy measure ν. We obtain sample-path large deviations of scaled processes Xn (t) X (nt)/n and obtain a similar result for random walks. Our results yield detailed asymptotic estimates in scenarios where multiple big jumps in the increment are required to make a rare event happen. In addition, we investigate connections with the classical large-deviations framework. In that setting, we show that a weak large deviations principle (with logarithmic speed) holds, but a full large-deviations principle does not hold.

Chang-Han Rhee, Jose Blanchet, Bert Zwart
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.02795

A weak convergence criterion for constructing changes of measure

Blanchet, J., & Ruf, J. (2015). A weak convergence criterion for constructing changes of measure. Stochastic Models, 32(2), 233–252.


Based on a weak convergence argument, we provide a necessary and sufficient condition that guarantees that a nonnegative local martingale is indeed a martingale. Typically, conditions of this sort are expressed in terms of integrability conditions (such as the well-known Novikov condition). The weak convergence approach that we propose allows to replace integrability conditions by a suitable tightness condition. We then provide several applications of this approach ranging from simplified proofs of classical results to characterizations of processes conditioned on first passage time events and changes of measures for jump processes.

Jose Blanchet, Johannes Ruf
Publication date
Stochastic Models
Taylor & Francis

Stochastic models and control for electrical power line temperature

Bienstock, D., Blanchet, J. & Li, J. Stochastic models and control for electrical power line temperature. Energy Syst 7, 173–192 (2016).


In this paper we present a rigorous analysis of the evolution of the temperature of a power line under stochastic exogenous factors such as ambient temperature. We present a solution to the resulting stochastic heat equation and we propose a number of control algorithms designed to maximize delivered power under chance constraints used to limit the probability that a line exceeds its critical temperature.

Daniel Bienstock, Jose Blanchet, Juan Li
Publication date
Energy Systems
Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Rates of convergence to stationarity for multidimensional RBM

Blanchet, J., & Chen, X. (2016). Rates of Convergence to Stationarity for Multidimensional RBM. ArXiv. /abs/1601.04111


We provide the first rate of convergence analysis for RBM as the dimension grows under natural uniformity conditions. In particular, if the underlying routing matrix is uniformly contractive, uniform stability of the drift vector holds, and the variances of the underlying Brownian Motion (BM) are bounded, then we show that the RBM converges exponentially fast to stationarity with a relaxation time of order

Jose Blanchet, Xinyun Chen
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:1601.04111


Tail asymptotics for delay in a half-loaded GI/GI/2 queue with heavy-tailed job sizes

Blanchet, J., A. Murthy, K.R. Tail asymptotics for delay in a half-loaded GI/GI/2 queue with heavy-tailed job sizes. Queueing Syst 81, 301–340 (2015).


We obtain asymptotic bounds for the tail distribution of steady-state waiting time in a two-server queue where each server processes incoming jobs at a rate equal to the rate of their arrivals (that is, the half-loaded regime). The job sizes are taken to be regularly varying. When the incoming jobs have finite variance, there are basically two types of effects that dominate the tail asymptotics. While the quantitative distinction between these two manifests itself only in the slowly varying components, the two effects arise from qualitatively very different phenomena (arrival of one extremely big job or two big jobs). Then there is a phase transition that occurs when the incoming jobs have infinite variance. In that case, only one of these effects dominates the tail asymptotics; the one involving arrival of one extremely big job.

Jose Blanchet, Karthyek R A. Murthy
Publication date
Queueing Systems
Springer US

Unbiased Monte Carlo computation of smooth functions of expectations via taylor expansions

J. H. Blanchet, Nan Chen and P. W. Glynn, “Unbiased Monte Carlo computation of smooth functions of expectations via Taylor expansions,” 2015 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Huntington Beach, CA, 2015, pp. 360-367, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2015.7408178.


Many Monte Carlo computations involve computing quantities that can be expressed as g(EX), where g is nonlinear and smooth, and X is an easily simulatable random variable. The nonlinearity of g makes the conventional Monte Carlo estimator for such quantities biased. In this paper, we show how such quantities can be estimated without bias. However, our approach typically increases the variance. Thus, our approach is primarily of theoretical interest in the above setting. However, our method can also be applied to the computation of the inner expectation associated with Eg ((EX|Z)), and in this setting, the application of this method can have a significant positive effect on improving the rate of convergence relative to conventional “nested schemes” for carrying out such calculations.

Jose H Blanchet, Nan Chen, Peter W Glynn
Publication date
2015 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)

Budget-constrained stochastic approximation

U. V. Shanbhag and J. H. Blanchet, “Budget-constrained stochastic approximation,” 2015 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Huntington Beach, CA, USA, 2015, pp. 368-379, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2015.7408179.


Traditional stochastic approximation (SA) schemes employ a single gradient or a fixed batch of noisy gradients in computing a new iterate. We consider SA schemes in which N k samples are utilized at step k and the total simulation budget is M, where Σ k=1 K N k ≤M and K denotes the terminal step. This paper makes the following contributions in the strongly convex regime: (I) We conduct an error analysis for constant batches (N k = N) under constant and diminishing steplengths and prove linear convergence in terms of expected error in solution iterates based on prescribing N k in terms of simulation and computational budgets; (II) we extend the linear convergence rates to the setting where N k is increased at a prescribed rate dependent on simulation and computational budgets; (III) finally, when steplengths are constant, we obtain the optimal number of projection steps that minimizes the bound on the mean …

Uday V Shanbhag, Jose H Blanchet
Publication date
2015 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)

Budget-constrained stochastic approximation

U. V. Shanbhag and J. H. Blanchet, “Budget-constrained stochastic approximation,” 2015 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Huntington Beach, CA, USA, 2015, pp. 368-379, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2015.7408179.


Traditional stochastic approximation (SA) schemes employ a single gradient or a fixed batch of noisy gradients in computing a new iterate. We consider SA schemes in which N k samples are utilized at step k and the total simulation budget is M, where Σ k=1 K N k ≤M and K denotes the terminal step. This paper makes the following contributions in the strongly convex regime: (I) We conduct an error analysis for constant batches (N k = N) under constant and diminishing steplengths and prove linear convergence in terms of expected error in solution iterates based on prescribing N k in terms of simulation and computational budgets; (II) we extend the linear convergence rates to the setting where N k is increased at a prescribed rate dependent on simulation and computational budgets; (III) finally, when steplengths are constant, we obtain the optimal number of projection steps that minimizes the bound on the mean …

Uday V Shanbhag, Jose H Blanchet
Publication date
2015 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)

Unbiased Monte Carlo for optimization and functions of expectations via multi-level randomization

J. H. Blanchet and P. W. Glynn, “Unbiased Monte Carlo for optimization and functions of expectations via multi-level randomization,” 2015 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Huntington Beach, CA, USA, 2015, pp. 3656-3667, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2015.7408524.


We present general principles for the design and analysis of unbiased Monte Carlo estimators for quantities such as α = g(E (X)), where E (X) denotes the expectation of a (possibly multidimensional) random variable X, and g(·) is a given deterministic function. Our estimators possess finite work-normalized variance under mild regularity conditions such as local twice differentiability of g(·) and suitable growth and finite-moment assumptions. We apply our estimator to various settings of interest, such as optimal value estimation in the context of Sample Average Approximations, and unbiased steady-state simulation of regenerative processes. Other applications include unbiased estimators for particle filters and conditional expectations.

Jose H Blanchet, Peter W Glynn
Publication date
2015 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)

Steady-state simulation of reflected Brownian motion and related stochastic networks

Jose Blanchet. Xinyun Chen. “Steady-state simulation of reflected Brownian motion and related stochastic networks.” Ann. Appl. Probab. 25 (6) 3209 – 3250, December 2015.


This paper develops the first class of algorithms that enable unbiased estimation of steady-state expectations for multidimensional reflected Brownian motion. In order to explain our ideas, we first consider the case of compound Poisson (possibly Markov modulated) input. In this case, we analyze the complexity of our procedure as the dimension of the network increases and show that, under certain assumptions, the algorithm has polynomial-expected termination time. Our methodology includes procedures that are of interest beyond steady-state simulation and reflected processes. For instance, we use wavelets to construct a piecewise linear function that can be guaranteed to be within distance (deterministic) in the uniform norm to Brownian motion in any compact time interval.

Jose Blanchet, Xinyun Chen
Publication date

Exact sampling of stationary and time-reversed queues

Jose Blanchet and Aya Wallwater. 2015. Exact Sampling of Stationary and Time-Reversed Queues. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 25, 4, Article 26 (November 2015), 27 pages.


We provide the first algorithm that, under minimal assumptions, allows simulation of the stationary waiting-time sequence of a single-server queue backward in time, jointly with the input processes of the queue (interarrival and service times). The single-server queue is useful in applications of Dominated Coupling from the Past (DCFTP), which is a well-known protocol for simulation without bias from steady-state distributions. Our algorithm terminates in finite time, assuming only finite mean of the interarrival and service times. To simulate the single-server queue in stationarity until the first idle period in finite expected termination time, we require the existence of finite variance. This requirement is also necessary for such idle time (which is a natural coalescence time in DCFTP applications) to have finite mean. Thus, in this sense, our algorithm is applicable under minimal assumptions.

Jose Blanchet, Aya Wallwater
Publication date
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS)

Affine point processes: Approximation and efficient simulation

Xiaowei Zhang, Jose Blanchet, Kay Giesecke, Peter W. Glynn (2015) Affine Point Processes: Approximation and Efficient Simulation. Mathematics of Operations Research 40(4):797-819.


We establish a central limit theorem and a large deviations principle for affine point processes, which are stochastic models of correlated event timing widely used in finance and economics. These limit results generate closed-form approximations to the distribution of an affine point process. They also facilitate the construction of an asymptotically optimal importance sampling estimator of tail probabilities. Numerical tests illustrate our results.

Xiaowei Zhang, Jose Blanchet, Kay Giesecke, Peter W Glynn
Publication date
Mathematics of Operations Research

Perfect sampling for infinite server and loss systems

Blanchet J, Dong J. Perfect sampling for infinite server and loss systems. Advances in Applied Probability. 2015;47(3):761-786. doi:10.1239/aap/1444308881


We present the first class of perfect sampling (also known as exact simulation) algorithms for the steady-state distribution of non-Markovian loss systems. We use a variation of dominated coupling from the past. We first simulate a stationary infinite server system backwards in time and analyze the running time in heavy traffic. In particular, we are able to simulate stationary renewal marked point processes in unbounded regions. We then use the infinite server system as an upper bound process to simulate the loss system. The running time analysis of our perfect sampling algorithm for loss systems is performed in the quality-driven (QD) and the quality-and-efficiency-driven regimes. In both cases, we show that our algorithm achieves subexponential complexity as both the number of servers and the arrival rate increase. Moreover, in the QD regime, our algorithm achieves a nearly optimal rate of complexity.

Jose Blanchet, Jing Dong
Publication date
Advances in Applied Probability
Cambridge University Press

Stochastic risk networks: Modeling, analysis and efficient Monte Carlo

Blanchet, Jose and Li, Juan and Shi, Yixi, Stochastic Risk Networks: Modeling, Analysis and Efficient Monte Carlo (September 1, 2015). Available at SSRN: or


We propose an insurance network model that allows to deal with default contagion risks with a particular aim of capturing cascading effects at the time of defaults. We capture these effects by finding an equilibrium allocation of settlements which can be found as the unique optimal solution of an optimization problem. This equilibrium allocation recognizes 1) the correlation among the risk factors, 2) the contractual obligations, which are assumed to follow popular contracts in the insurance industry (such as stop-loss), and 3) the interconnections of the insurance-reinsurance network. We are able to obtain an asymptotic description of the most likely ways in which the default of a specific group of participants can occur, by means of solving a multidimensional Knapsack integer programming problem. Finally, we propose a class of strongly efficient estimators (in a precise large deviations sense) for computing the expected loss of the network conditioning on the failure of a specific set of companies of companies.

Jose Blanchet, Juan Li, Yixi Shi
Publication date
Analysis and Efficient Monte Carlo (September 1, 2015)

Budget-Constrained Stochastic Approximation

U. V. Shanbhag and J. H. Blanchet, “Budget-constrained stochastic approximation,” 2015 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Huntington Beach, CA, USA, 2015, pp. 368-379, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2015.7408179.


Traditional stochastic approximation (SA) schemes for stochastic optimization employ a single gradient or a fixed batch of noisy gradients in computing a new iterate. We consider the development of SA schemes in which Nk gradient samples are utilized at step k and the total computational budget is M, so that∑ K k= 1 Nk≤ M where K denotes the terminal step. This paper makes the following contributions:(i) We conduct an error analysis for constant batches (Nk= N) both for constant and diminishing steplength regime and show linear convergence in terms of expected optimal value;(ii) we extend the two schemes in (i), and the corresponding linear convergence rates, now in the setting of increasing sample sizes (increasing Nk), assuming constant or diminishing steplength;(iii) finally, when steplengths are constant, we obtain the optimal number of projection steps that minimize the bound on the mean-squared error.

Uday V Shanbhag, José Blanchet

Unbiased sampling of multidimensional partial differential equations with random coefficients

Blanchet, J., Li, F., & Li, X. (2018). Unbiased Sampling of Multidimensional Partial Differential Equations with Random Coefficients. ArXiv. /abs/1806.03362


We construct an unbiased estimator for function value evaluated at the solution of a partial differential equation with random coefficients. We show that the variance and expected computational cost of our estimator are finite and our estimator is unsensitive to the problem dimension so that it can be applied in problems across various disciplines. For the error analysis, we connect the parabolic partial differential equations with the expectations of stochastic differential equations and perform rough path estimation.

Jose Blanchet, Fengpei Li, Xiaoou Li
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.03362

On the limiting ratio of current age to total life for null recurrent renewal processes

Blanchet, J., Glynn, P., & Thorisson, H. (2015). On the Limiting Ratio of Current Age to Total Life for Null Recurrent Renewal Processes. ArXiv. /abs/1503.08374


If the inter-arrival time distribution of a renewal process is regularly varying with index (i.e. the inter-arrival times have infinite mean) and if is the associated age process at time . Then we show that if is the length of the current cycle at time ,
where is . This extends a classical result in renewal theory in the finite mean case which indicates that the limit is .

Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn, Hermann Thorisson
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.08374

State-independent importance sampling for random walks with regularly varying increments

Karthyek R. A. Murthy, Sandeep Juneja, Jose Blanchet (2014) State-independent Importance Sampling for Random Walks with Regularly Varying Increments. Stochastic Systems 4(2):321-374.


We develop importance sampling based efficient simulation techniques for three commonly encountered rare event probabilities associated with random walks having i.i.d. regularly varying increments; namely, 1) the large deviation probabilities, 2) the level crossing probabilities, and 3) the level crossing probabilities within a regenerative cycle. Exponential twisting based state-independent methods, which are effective in efficiently estimating these probabilities for light-tailed increments are not applicable when the increments are heavy-tailed. To address the latter case, more complex and elegant state-dependent efficient simulation algorithms have been developed in the literature over the last few years. We propose that by suitably decomposing these rare event probabilities into a dominant and further residual components, simpler state-independent importance sampling algorithms can be devised for each …

Karthyek RA Murthy, Sandeep Juneja, Jose Blanchet
Publication date
Stochastic Systems

Theoretical analysis of a Stochastic Approximation approach for computing Quasi-Stationary distributions of general state space Markov chains

Blanchet, J. H., Glynn, P., & Zheng, S. (2015). Theoretical analysis of a Stochastic Approximation approach for computing Quasi-Stationary distributions of general state space Markov chains. ArXiv. /abs/1502.06451


An algorithm for estimating quasi-stationary distribution of finite state space Markov chains has been proven in a previous paper. Now this paper proves a similar algorithm that works for general state space Markov chains under very general assumptions.

Jose H Blanchet, Peter Glynn, Shuheng Zheng
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.06451

Towards a robust top-down model for valuation of mining assets


Our goal is to create a simple, yet robust, statistical model which can be used to quantify the risk present in a portfolio of mining assets. In pursuit of this goal we aim at explaining a systematic approach which takes as input a model which is constructed based on fundamental economic principles and simple statistical technniques (eg a mixed-effect linear model with explanatory variables chosen from economic reasoning). Additional enrichment is then imposed, based on input coming from a more detailed model (built, for instance, from bottom up). And finally, the robustification step is obtained by computing worst-case performance analysis among all models that are within some distance of our simple model. This step quantifies the error induced by using a simple-yet-tractable model, which might be incorrect.

J Blanchet, C Dolan, G Iyengar, U Lall
Publication date


On the Laplace Transform of the Lognormal Distribution

Asmussen, S., Jensen, J.L. & Rojas-Nandayapa, L. On the Laplace Transform of the Lognormal Distribution. Methodol Comput Appl Probab 18, 441–458 (2016).


Integral transforms of the lognormal distribution are of great importance in statistics and probability, yet closed-form expressions do not exist. A wide variety of methods have been employed to provide approximations, both analytical and numerical. In this paper, we analyse a closed-form approximation  of the Laplace transform  which is obtained via a modified version of Laplace’s method. This approximation, given in terms of the Lambert W(⋅) function, is tractable enough for applications. We prove that ~(𝜃) is asymptotically equivalent to ℒ(𝜃) as 𝜃 → . We apply this result to construct a reliable Monte Carlo estimator of ℒ(𝜃) and prove it to be logarithmically efficient in the rare event sense as 𝜃 → .

Authors: Søren Asmussen, Jens Ledet Jensen, Leonardo Rojas-Nandayapa
Publication date: 2016/6
Journal: Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability
Volume: 18
Issue: 2
Pages: 441-458
Publisher: Springer US

Robust rare-event performance analysis with natural non-convex constraints

J. Blanchet, C. Dolan and H. Lam, “Robust rare-event performance analysis with natural non-convex constraints,” Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference 2014, Savannah, GA, USA, 2014, pp. 595-603, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2014.7019924.


We consider a common type of robust performance analysis that is formulated as maximizing an expectation among all probability models that are within some tolerance of a baseline model in the Kullback-Leibler sense. The solution of such concave program is tractable and provides an upper bound which is robust to model misspecification. However, this robust formulation fails to preserve some natural stochastic structures, such as i.i.d. model assumptions, and as a consequence, the upper bounds might be pessimistic. Unfortunately, the introduction of i.i.d. assumptions as constraints renders the underlying optimization problem very challenging to solve. We illustrate these phenomena in the rare event setting, and propose a large-deviations based approach for solving this challenging problem in an asymptotic sense for a natural class of random walk problems.

Jose Blanchet, Christopher Dolan, Henry Lam
Publication date
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference 2014

Rare-event simulation for many-server queues

Jose Blanchet, Henry Lam (2014) Rare-Event Simulation for Many-Server Queues. Mathematics of Operations Research 39(4):1142-1178.


We develop rare-event simulation methodology for the analysis of loss events in a many-server loss system under the quality-driven regime, focusing on the steady-state loss probability (i.e., fraction of lost customers over arrivals) and the behavior of the whole system leading to loss events. The analysis of these events requires working with the full measure-valued process describing the system. This is the first algorithm that is shown to be asymptotically optimal, in the rare-event simulation context, under the setting of many-server queues involving a full measure-valued representation.

Jose Blanchet, Henry Lam
Publication date
Mathematics of Operations Research

Two-parameter sample path large deviations for infinite-server queues

Jose Blanchet, Xinyun Chen, Henry Lam (2014) Two-parameter Sample Path Large Deviations for Infinite-Server Queues. Stochastic Systems 4(1):206-249.


Let Qλ(t, y) be the number of people present at time t with at least y units of remaining service time in an infinite server system with arrival rate equal to λ > 0. In the presence of a non-lattice renewal arrival process and assuming that the service times have a continuous distribution, we obtain a large deviations principle for Qλ(·)/λ under the topology of uniform convergence on [0, T] × [0, ∞). We illustrate our results by obtaining the most likely paths, represented as surfaces, to overflow in the setting of loss queues, and also to ruin in life insurance portfolios.

Jose Blanchet, Xinyun Chen, Henry Lam
Publication date
Stochastic Systems

Exact simulation of multidimensional reflected Brownian motion

Blanchet, J., & Murthy, K. R. (2014). Exact Simulation of Multidimensional Reflected Brownian Motion. ArXiv. /abs/1405.6469


We present the first exact simulation method for multidimensional reflected Brownian motion (RBM). Exact simulation in this setting is challenging because of the presence of correlated local-time-like terms in the definition of RBM. We apply recently developed so-called strong simulation techniques (also known as Tolerance-Enforced Simulation) which allow us to provide a piece-wise linear approximation to RBM with (deterministic) error in uniform norm. A novel conditional acceptance/rejection step is then used to eliminate the error. In particular, we condition on a suitably designed information structure so that a feasible proposal distribution can be applied.

Jose Blanchet, Karthyek RA Murthy
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:1405.6469

Total variation approximations and conditional limit theorems for multivariate regularly varying random walks conditioned on ruin

Jose Blanchet. Jingchen Liu. “Total variation approximations and conditional limit theorems for multivariate regularly varying random walks conditioned on ruin.” Bernoulli 20 (2) 416 – 456, May 2014.


We study a new technique for the asymptotic analysis of heavy-tailed systems conditioned on large deviations events. We illustrate our approach in the context of ruin events of multidimensional regularly varying random walks. Our approach is to study the Markov process described by the random walk conditioned on hitting a rare target set. We construct a Markov chain whose transition kernel can be evaluated directly from the increment distribution of the associated random walk. This process is shown to approximate the conditional process of interest in total variation. Then, by analyzing the approximating process, we are able to obtain asymptotic conditional joint distributions and a conditional functional central limit theorem of several objects such as the time until ruin, the whole random walk prior to ruin, and the overshoot on the target set. These types of joint conditional limit theorems have been obtained …

Jose Blanchet, Jingchen Liu
Publication date

Two-parameter Sample Path Large Deviations for Infinite Server Queues

Chen, X., Blanchet, J., & Lam, H. (2014). Two-parameter Sample Path Large Deviations for Infinite Server Queues.


Xinyun Chen, Jose Blanchet, Henry Lam
Publication date

Theoretical analysis of a stochastic approximation approach for computing quasi-stationary distributions

Blanchet, J., Glynn, P., & Zheng, S. (2014). Theoretical analysis of a Stochastic Approximation approach for computing Quasi-Stationary distributions. ArXiv. /abs/1401.0364


This paper studies a method, which has been proposed in the Physics literature by [8, 7, 10], for estimating the quasi-stationary distribution. In contrast to existing methods in eigenvector estimation, the method eliminates the need for explicit transition matrix manipulation to extract the principal eigenvector. Our paper analyzes the algorithm by casting it as a stochastic approximation algorithm (Robbins-Monro) [23, 16]. In doing so, we prove its convergence and obtain its rate of convergence. Based on this insight, we also give an example where the rate of convergence is very slow. This problem can be alleviated by using an improved version of the algorithm that is given in this paper. Numerical experiments are described that demonstrate the effectiveness of this improved method.

Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn, Shuheng Zheng
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.0364


Rare-event simulation for stochastic recurrence equations with heavy-tailed innovations

Jose Blanchet, Henrik Hult, and Kevin Leder. 2013. Rare-event simulation for stochastic recurrence equations with heavy-tailed innovations. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 23, 4, Article 22 (October 2013), 25 pages.


In this article, rare-event simulation for stochastic recurrence equations of the form

Xn+1=An+1Xn+Bn+1, X0=0

is studied, where {An;n≥ 1} and {Bn;n≥ 1} are independent sequences consisting of independent and identically distributed real-valued random variables. It is assumed that the tail of the distribution of B1 is regularly varying, whereas the distribution of A1 has a suitably light tail. The problem of efficient estimation, via simulation, of quantities such as P{Xn>b} and P{supk≤nXk > b} for large b and n is studied. Importance sampling strategies are investigated that provide unbiased estimators with bounded relative error as b and n tend to infinity.

Jose Blanchet, Henrik Hult, Kevin Leder
Publication date
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS)

Power line control under uncertainty of ambient temperature

J. Blanchet, D. Bienstock and J. Li, “Power line control under uncertainty of ambient temperature,” 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Firenze, Italy, 2013, pp. 4977-4982, doi: 10.1109/CDC.2013.6760670.


This paper discusses a control scheme for maintaining low tripping probability of a transmission system power line under thermal stress. We construct a stochastic differential equation to describe the temperature evolution in a line subject to randomness of the ambient temperature. When the distribution of the ambient temperature changes, so does the dependence of the tripping probability as a function of line current. The theory of extremes of Gaussian random fields is used to guide the size of the underlying frequency inspection so as to insure that current is effective for controlling the risk of overheating. In particular, we show that only when the change of temperature is suitably light-tailed (according to a precise definition discussed in the paper), the current provides a powerful enough mechanism to control tripping probabilities due to overheating. We then provide bounds that can be used to control the tripping …

Jose Blanchet, Daniel Bienstock, Juan Li
Publication date
52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control

Optimal rare event Monte Carlo for Markov modulated regularly varying random walks

K. R. A. Murthy, S. Juneja and J. Blanchet, “Optimal rare event Monte Carlo for Markov modulated regularly varying random walks,” 2013 Winter Simulations Conference (WSC), Washington, DC, USA, 2013, pp. 564-576, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2013.6721451.


Most of the efficient rare event simulation methodology for heavy-tailed systems has concentrated on processes with stationary and independent increments. Motivated by applications such as insurance risk theory, in this paper we develop importance sampling estimators that are shown to achieve asymptotically vanishing relative error property (and hence are strongly efficient) for the estimation of large deviation probabilities in Markov modulated random walks that possess heavy-tailed increments. Exponential twisting based methods, which are effective in light-tailed settings, are inapplicable even in the simpler case of random walk involving i.i.d. heavy-tailed increments. In this paper we decompose the rare event of interest into a dominant and residual component, and simulate them independently using state-independent changes of measure that are both intuitive and easy to implement.

Karthyek RA Murthy, Sandeep Juneja, Jose Blanchet
Publication date
2013 Winter Simulations Conference (WSC)

Efficient splitting-based rare event simulation algorithms for heavy-tailed sums

J. Blanchet and Y. Shi, “Efficient splitting-based rare event simulation algorithms for heavy-tailed sums,” 2013 Winter Simulations Conference (WSC), Washington, DC, USA, 2013, pp. 724-735, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2013.6721465.


Rare events in heavy-tailed systems are challenging to analyze using splitting algorithms because large deviations occur suddenly. So, every path prior to the rare event is viable and there is no clear mechanism for rewarding and splitting paths that are moving towards the rare event of interest. We propose and analyze a splitting algorithm for the tail distribution of a heavy-tailed random walk. We prove that our estimator achieves the best possible performance in terms of the growth rate of the relative mean squared error, while controlling the population size of the particles.

Jose Blanchet, Yixi Shi
Publication date
2013 Winter Simulations Conference (WSC)

Optimal sampling of overflow paths in Jackson networks

Jose Blanchet (2013) Optimal Sampling of Overflow Paths in Jackson Networks. Mathematics of Operations Research 38(4):698-719.


We consider the problems of computing overflow probabilities at level N in any subset of stations in a Jackson network and of simulating sample paths conditional on overflow. We construct algorithms that take O(N) function evaluations to estimate such overflow probabilities within a prescribed relative accuracy and to simulate paths conditional on overflow at level N. The algorithms that we present are optimal in the sense that the best possible performance that can be expected for conditional sampling involves Ω(N) running time. As we explain in our development, our techniques have the potential to be applicable to more general classes of networks.

Jose Blanchet
Publication date
Mathematics of Operations Research

Asymptotics of the area under the graph of a Lévy-driven workload process

Blanchet, J., & Mandjes, M. (2013). Asymptotics of the area under the graph of a Lévy-driven workload process. Operations Research Letters, 41(6), 730-736.


Let (Q t) t∈ R be the stationary workload process of a Lévy-driven queue, where the driving Lévy process is light-tailed. For various functions T (u), we analyze P (∫ 0 T (u) Q s d s> u) for u large. For T (u)= o (u) the asymptotics resemble those of the steady-state workload being larger than u/T (u). If T (u) is proportional to u they look like e− α u for some α> 0. Interestingly, the asymptotics are still valid when u= o (T (u)), T (u)= o (u), and T (u)= β u for β suitably small.

J Blanchet, Michel Mandjes
Publication date
Operations Research Letters

Continuous-time modeling of bid-ask spread and price dynamics in limit order books

Blanchet, J., & Chen, X. (2013). Continuous-time Modeling of Bid-Ask Spread and Price Dynamics in Limit Order Books. ArXiv. /abs/1310.1103


We derive a continuous time model for the joint evolution of the mid price and the bid-ask spread from a multiscale analysis of the whole limit order book (LOB) dynamics. We model the LOB as a multiclass queueing system and perform our asymptotic analysis using stylized features observed empirically. We argue that in the asymptotic regime supported by empirical observations the mid price and bid-ask-spread can be described using only certain parameters of the book (not the whole book itself). Our limit process is characterized by reflecting behavior and state-dependent jumps. Our analysis allows to explain certain characteristics observed in practice such as: the connection between power-law decaying tails in the volumes of the order book and the returns, as well as statistical properties of the long-run spread distribution.

Jose Blanchet, Xinyun Chen
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:1310.1103

Efficient rare event simulation for heavy-tailed systems via cross entropy

Blanchet, J., & Shi, Y. (2013). Efficient rare event simulation for heavy-tailed systems via cross entropy. Operations Research Letters, 41(3), 271-276.


The cross entropy method is an iterative technique that is used to obtain a low-variance importance sampling (IS) distribution from a given parametric family, which must satisfy two properties. First, subsequent iterations of the parameters must be easily computable and, second, the family should approximate the zero-variance IS distribution. We obtain parametric families for which these two properties are satisfied for a large class of heavy-tailed systems. Our estimators are shown to be strongly efficient in these settings.

Jose Blanchet, Yixi Shi
Publication date
Operations Research Letters

Large deviations for the empirical mean of an M/M/1 queue

Blanchet, J., Glynn, P. & Meyn, S. Large deviations for the empirical mean of an M/M/1 queue. Queueing Syst 73, 425–446 (2013).


Let be an queue with traffic intensity Consider the quantity $$\begin{aligned} S_{n}(p)=\frac{1}{n}\sum _{j=1}^{n}Q\left( j\right) ^{p} \end{aligned}$$for any The ergodic theorem yields that , where is geometrically distributed with mean It is known that one can explicitly characterize such that $$\begin{aligned} \lim \limits _{n\rightarrow \infty }\frac{1}{n}\log P\big (S_{n}(p)0. \end{aligned}$$In this paper, we show that the approximation of the right tail asymptotics requires a different logarithm scaling, giving $$\begin{aligned} \lim \limits _{n\rightarrow \infty }\frac{1}{n^{1/(1+p)}}\log P\big (S_{n} (p)>\mu \big (p\big )+\varepsilon \big )=-C\big (p\big ) \varepsilon ^{1/(1+p)}, \end{aligned}$$where is obtained as the solution of a variational problem. We …

Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn, Sean Meyn
Publication date
Queueing Systems
Springer US

Editorial foreword to special issue on Simulation of Stochastic Networks and related topics

Blanchet, J., Roberts, G. Editorial foreword to special issue on Simulation of Stochastic Networks and related topics. Queueing Syst 73, 341–343 (2013).


This special issue contains a selection of papers which are based on some of the invited lectures that were given at the workshop on Simulation of Stochastic Networks which took place on June 21–23, 2010 at the Newton Institute of Mathematical Sciences in Cambridge, UK. The workshop, which was dedicated to topics related to estimation of rare events as well as other aspects including simulation of stochastic differential equations (SDEs), and steady-state simulation, was attended by over fifty active researchers and leading experts in the fields of applied probability and stochastic simulation. The special issue cuts across different areas at the intersection of applied probability and stochastic simulation and we believe that an important strength of the issue is that the contributions suggest interesting research avenues in their respective areas. We therefore hope that the readers will enjoy these contributions and …

Jose Blanchet, Gareth Roberts
Publication date
Queueing Systems
Springer US

Characterizing optimal sampling of binary contingency tables via the configuration model

Blanchet, J., & Stauffer, A. (2013). Characterizing optimal sampling of binary contingency tables via the configuration model. Random Structures & Algorithms, 42(2), 159-184.


A binary contingency table is an m× n array of binary entries with row sums r=(r1,…, rm) and column sums c=(c1,…, cn). The configuration model generates a contingency table by considering ri tokens of type 1 for each row i and cj tokens of type 2 for each column j, and then taking a uniformly random pairing between type‐1 and type‐2 tokens. We give a necessary and sufficient condition so that the probability that the configuration model outputs a binary contingency table remains bounded away from 0 as article mathrsfs amsmath empty N= i= 1^ m r_i= j= 1^ n c_j goes to∞. Our finding shows surprising differences from recent results for binary symmetric contingency tables.© 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Random Struct. Alg., 2012

Jose Blanchet, Alexandre Stauffer
Publication date
Random Structures & Algorithms
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company

A heavy traffic approach to modeling large life insurance portfolios

Blanchet, J., & Lam, H. (2013). A heavy traffic approach to modeling large life insurance portfolios. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 53(1), 237-251.


We explore a new framework to approximate life insurance risk processes in the scenario of plentiful policyholders, via a bottom-up approach. Given the insurance contract structure, we aggregate the balance of individual policy accounts, and derive an approximating Gaussian process with computable correlation structure. The methodology is borrowed from heavy traffic theory in the literature of many-server queues, and involves the so-called fluid and diffusion approximations. Our framework is different from the individual risk model in that it takes into account the time dimension and the specific policy structure including the premium payments. It is also different from classical risk theory in that it builds the risk process from micro-level contracts and parameters instead of assuming aggregated claim and premium processes outright. As a result, our approximating process behaves differently depending on the issued …

Jose Blanchet, Henry Lam
Publication date
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics

Uniform large deviations for heavy-tailed queues under heavy traffic


We provide a complete large and moderate deviations asymptotic for the steady-state waiting time of a class of subexponential M/G/1 queues under heavy traffic. The asymptotic is uniform over the positive axis, and reduces to heavy-traffic asymptotics and heavy-tail asymptotics on two ends, both of which are known to be valid over restricted asymptotic regimes. The link between these two well-known asymptotics is a transition term that is expressible as a convolution-type integral. The class of service times that we consider includes regularly varying and Weibull tails in particular.

It is our pleasure to contribute to this special issue dedicated to the International Year of Statistics. In response to the request of the editors of this special issue we briefly overview the research topics that we have investigated recently. Our research group has pursued several themes in recent years. All of them lie under the scope of applied probability. Some of our projects deal with computational probability. In this context, our goal is to enable efficient computation in stochastic systems using (and often developing) theory of probability to inform the design of algorithm that are optimal and robust in certain sense (see Blanchet and Glynn (2008)). Most of the computations that we study relate to stochastic simulation (also known as Monte Carlo) methods (see Blanchet and Lam (2012)). Other projects that we pursue relate to classical analysis in probability, such as asymptotic approximations, large deviations, and heavy-traffic limits (Blanchet and Glynn (2006) and Lam et al (2011)). All of our research efforts are motivated by models and problems in areas such as: Finance …

Jose Blanchet, Henry Lam
Publication date
Bull. of the Mex. Math. Soc.(3)

Empirical analysis of a stochastic approximation approach for computing quasi-stationary distributions

Blanchet, J., Glynn, P., Zheng, S. (2013). Empirical Analysis of a Stochastic Approximation Approach for Computing Quasi-stationary Distributions. In: Schütze, O., et al. EVOLVE – A Bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics, and Evolutionary Computation II. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 175. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.


This paper studies a method for estimating the quasi-stationary distribution of various interacting particle processes has been proposed by [6, 5, 8]. This method improved upon existing methods in eigenvector estimation by eliminating the need for explicit transition matrix representation and multiplication. However, this method has no firm theoretical foundation. Our paper analyzes the algorithm by casting it as a stochastic approximation algorithm (Robbins-Monro) [12]. In doing so, we prove its convergence and rate of convergence. Based on this insight, we also give an example where the rate of convergence is very slow. This problem can be alleviated by using an improved version of this algorithm that is given in this paper. Numerical experiments are described that demonstrate the effectiveness of this improved method.

Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn, Shuheng Zheng
Publication date
EVOLVE-A Bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics, and Evolutionary Computation II
Springer Berlin Heidelberg


Sampling point processes on stable unbounded regions and exact simulation of queues

J. Blanchet and J. Dong, “Sampling point processes on stable unbounded regions and exact simulation of queues,” Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Berlin, Germany, 2012, pp. 1-12, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2012.6465250.


Given a marked renewal point process (assuming that the marks are i.i.d.) we say that an unbounded region is stable if it contains finitely many points of the point process with probability one. In this paper we provide algorithms that allow to sample these finitely many points efficiently. We explain how exact simulation of the steady-state measure valued state descriptor of the infinite server queue follows as a simple corollary of our algorithms. We provide numerical evidence supporting that our algorithms are not only theoretically sound but also practical. Finally, having simulation optimization in mind, we also apply our results to gradient estimation of steady-state performance measures.

Jose Blanchet, Jing Dong
Publication date
Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)

Measuring systemic risks in insurance-reinsurance networks


Measuring Systemic Risks in Insurance - Reinsurance Networks Page 1 Measuring Systemic Risks in Insurance - Reinsurance Networks - Stanford University 2012 - Jose Blanchet and Yixi Shi Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Columbia University November, 2012 Blanchet & Shi (Columbia) Systemic Risks in Insurance Networks 11/2012 1 / 32 Page 2 Modeling Focus, Framework and Question of Interests Outline 1 Modeling Focus, Framework and Question of Interests Focus of the Talk: Insurance Risk The Model: A High-level Overview Insurance: Basics Modeling Framework Questions of Interest 2 Counter-party Risk and Settlement Mechanism A Stylized Contractual Model Default Settlement Mechanism 3 Qualitative Risk Analysis A Tractable Stylized Risk Factor Model A First Qualitative Analysis The Role of Risk Mitigators 4 Enhancing Qualitative Analysis with Efficient Simulation …

Jose Blanchet, Yixi Shi
Publication date

Efficient rare-event simulation for perpetuities

Blanchet, J., Lam, H., & Zwart, B. (2012). Efficient rare-event simulation for perpetuities. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 122(10), 3361-3392.


We consider perpetuities of the form where the Yj’s and Bj’s might be i.i.d. or jointly driven by a suitable Markov chain. We assume that the Yj’s satisfy the so-called Cramér condition with associated root θ∗∈(0,∞) and that the tails of the Bj’s are appropriately behaved so that D is regularly varying with index θ∗. We illustrate by means of an example that the natural state-independent importance sampling estimator obtained by exponentially tilting the Yj’s according to θ∗ fails to provide an efficient estimator (in the sense of appropriately controlling the relative mean squared error as the tail probability of interest gets smaller). Then, we construct estimators based on state-dependent importance sampling that are rigorously shown to be efficient.

Jose Blanchet, Henry Lam, Bert Zwart
Publication date
Stochastic Processes and their Applications

On Lyapunov inequalities and subsolutions for efficient importance sampling

Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn, and Kevin Leder. 2012. On Lyapunov Inequalities and Subsolutions for Efficient Importance Sampling. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 22, 3, Article 13 (August 2012), 27 pages.


In this article we explain some connections between Lyapunov methods and subsolutions of an associated Isaacs equation for the design of efficient importance sampling schemes. As we shall see, subsolutions can be derived by taking an appropriate limit of an associated Lyapunov inequality. They have been recently proposed in several works of Dupuis, Wang, and others and applied to address several important problems in rare-event simulation. Lyapunov inequalities have been used for testing the efficiency of state-dependent importance sampling schemes in heavy-tailed or discrete settings in a variety of works by Blanchet, Glynn, and others. While subsolutions provide an analytic criterion for the construction of efficient samplers, Lyapunov inequalities are useful for finding more precise information, in the form of bounds, for the behavior of the coefficient of variation of the associated importance sampling …

Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn, Kevin Leder
Publication date
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS)

Efficient simulation and conditional functional limit theorems for ruinous heavy-tailed random walks

Blanchet, J., & Liu, J. (2012). Efficient simulation and conditional functional limit theorems for ruinous heavy-tailed random walks. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 122(8), 2994-3031.


The contribution of this paper is to introduce change of measure based techniques for the rare-event analysis of heavy-tailed random walks. Our changes of measures are parameterized by a family of distributions admitting a mixture form. We exploit our methodology to achieve two types of results. First, we construct Monte Carlo estimators that are strongly efficient (i.e. have bounded relative mean squared error as the event of interest becomes rare). These estimators are used to estimate both rare-event probabilities of interest and associated conditional expectations. We emphasize that our techniques allow us to control the expected termination time of the Monte Carlo algorithm even if the conditional expected stopping time (under the original distribution) given the event of interest is infinity–a situation that sometimes occurs in heavy-tailed settings. Second, the mixture family serves as a good Markovian …

Jose Blanchet, Jingchen Liu
Publication date
Stochastic Processes and Their Applications


Blanchet JH, Pacheco-González CG. UNIFORM CONVERGENCE TO A LAW CONTAINING GAUSSIAN AND CAUCHY DISTRIBUTIONS. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences. 2012;26(3):437-448. doi:10.1017/S0269964812000101


A source of light is placed d inches apart from the center of a detection bar of length L ≥ d. The source spins very rapidly, while shooting beams of light according to, say, a Poisson process with rate λ. The positions of the beams, relative to the center of the bar, are recorded for those beams that actually hit the bar. Which law best describes the time-average position of the beams that hit the bar given a fixed but long time horizon t? The answer is given in this paper by means of a uniform weak convergence result in L, d as t → ∞. Our approximating law includes as particular cases the Cauchy and Gaussian distributions.

Jose H Blanchet, Carlos G Pacheco-González
Publication date
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences
Cambridge University Press

Efficient Monte Carlo for high excursions of Gaussian random fields

Robert J. Adler. Jose H. Blanchet. Jingchen Liu. “Efficient Monte Carlo for high excursions of Gaussian random fields.” Ann. Appl. Probab. 22 (3) 1167 – 1214, June 2012.


Our focus is on the design and analysis of efficient Monte Carlo methods for computing tail probabilities for the suprema of Gaussian random fields, along with conditional expectations of functionals of the fields given the existence of excursions above high levels, b. Naïve Monte Carlo takes an exponential, in b, computational cost to estimate these probabilities and conditional expectations for a prescribed relative accuracy. In contrast, our Monte Carlo procedures achieve, at worst, polynomial complexity in b, assuming only that the mean and covariance functions are Hölder continuous. We also explain how to fine tune the construction of our procedures in the presence of additional regularity, such as homogeneity and smoothness, in order to further improve the efficiency.

Authors: Robert J Adler, Jose H Blanchet, Jingchen Liu
Publication date: 2012/6/1
Volume: 22
Issue: 3
Pages: 1167-1214

Large deviations

Blanchet, J. H., & Pacheco-González, C. G. Large Deviations.


Modern large deviations theory, pioneered by Donsker and Varadhan, concerns the study of rare events, and it has become a common tool for the analysis of stochastic systems in a variety of scientific disciplines and in engineering. The theory developed by Donsker and Varadhan is a generalization of Laplace's principle and Cramér's theorem. Here we concentrate on applications to finance and risk management.

Jose H Blanchet, Carlos G Pacheco‐González
Publication date
Encyclopedia of Quantitative Finance
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

Rare-event simulation for multi-server queues in the Halfin-Whitt regime

Jose Blanchet and Jing Dong. 2012. Rare-event simulation for multi-server queues in the Halfin-Whitt regime. SIGMETRICS Perform. Eval. Rev. 39, 4 (March 2012), 35.


We consider a FCFS M/Hd/n queue which has a Poisson arrival process (M) and iid service times following a hyper-exponential distribution with d components (Hd). We develop rare-event simulation methodology to analyze large deviations for the queue length process in steady-state under the Halfin-Whitt regime. The key strategy consists of constructing two objects: I) a regenerative set A whose probability is bounded away from zero as n→∞, and II) a free process for which the most likely path to overflow is easy to handle. In particular, the free process is coupled with the original system outside the set A and it is not sensitive to boundary behavior. The successful application of the algorithm takes crucial advantage of the simulation and evaluation of a time-inhomogeneous Markov chain that is defined in terms of matrix exponential functions.

Jose Blanchet, Jing Dong
Publication date
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review

State-dependent importance sampling for rare-event simulation: An overview and recent advances

Blanchet, J., & Lam, H. (2011). State-dependent importance sampling for rare-event simulation: An overview and recent advances. Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science, 17(1), 38-59.


This paper surveys recent techniques that have been developed for rare-event analysis of stochastic systems via simulation. We review standard (state-independent) techniques that take advantage of large deviations results for the design of efficient importance sampling estimators. Classical examples and counter-examples are discussed to illustrate the reach and limitations of the state-independent approach. Then we move to state-dependent techniques. These techniques can be applied to both light and heavy-tailed systems and are based on subsolutions (see e.g. Dupuis and Wang (2004) [5], Dupuis and Wang (2007) [6], Dupuis and Wang (2009) [80], Dupuis et al. (2007) [7]) and Lyapunov bounds (Blanchet and Glynn (2008) [9], Blanchet et al. (2007) [11], Blanchet (2009) [12]). We briefly review the ideas behind these techniques, and provide several examples in which they are applicable.

Authors: Jose Blanchet, Henry Lam
Publication date: 2012/1/1
Source: Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science
Volume: 17
Issue: 1
Pages: 38-59
Publisher: Elsevier

Exact sampling of loss systems

Blanchet, Jose & Dong, Jing. Exact Sampling of Loss Systems.


Exact sampling of loss systems is important in evaluating system performance. We are interested in designing a series of algorithms that allow us to obtain perfect sampling of these systems in steady state.
In this paper, we develop an exact sampling algorithm to simulate steady state infinite server queues, multi-server loss queues and loss networks. Our method is a derivation from the coupling from the past algorithm. The key is to identify a sequence of coupling times and simulate the process backward in time accordingly. In order to simulate the loss system, we use a coupled infinite server system as a dominating process. We then define the coupling time using the same idea as in [Blanchet and Lam]. This dominated coupling from the past algorithm is shown to be efficient in the asymptotic quality driven regime.

Jose Blanchet, Jing Dong
Publication date


Importance sampling for actuarial cost analysis under a heavy traffic model

J. Blanchet and H. Lam, “Importance sampling for actuarial cost analysis under a heavy traffic model,” Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Phoenix, AZ, USA, 2011, pp. 3812-3823, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2011.6148073.


Jose Blanchet, Henry Lam
Publication date
Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)
We explore a bottom-up approach to revisit the problem of cash flow modeling in insurance business, and propose a methodology to efficiently simulate the related tail quantities, namely the fixed-time and the finite-horizon ruin probabilities. Our model builds upon the micro-level contract structure issued by the insurer, and aims to capture the bankruptcy risk exhibited by the aggregation of policyholders. This distinguishes from traditional risk theory that uses random-walk-type model, and also enhances risk evaluation in actuarial pricing practice by incorporating the dynamic arrivals of policyholders in emerging cost analysis. The simulation methodology relies on our model's connection to infinite-server queues with non-homogeneous cost under heavy traffic. We will construct a sequential importance sampler with provable efficiency, along with large deviations asymptotics.

A conditional monte carlo method for estimating the failure probability of a distribution network with random demands

J. Blanchet, J. Li and M. K. Nakayama, “A conditional Monte Carlo method for estimating the failure probability of a distribution network with random demands,” Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Phoenix, AZ, USA, 2011, pp. 3832-3843, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2011.6148075.


We consider a model of an irreducible network in which each node is subjected to a random demand, where the demands are jointly normally distributed. Each node has a given supply that it uses to try to meet its demand; if it cannot, the node distributes its unserved demand equally to its neighbors, which in turn do the same. The equilibrium is determined by solving a linear program (LP) to minimize the sum of the unserved demands across the nodes in the network. One possible application of the model might be the distribution of electricity in an electric power grid. This paper considers estimating the probability that the optimal objective function value of the LP exceeds a large threshold, which is a rare event. We develop a conditional Monte Carlo algorithm for estimating this probability, and we provide simulation results indicating that our method can significantly improve statistical efficiency.

Jose Blanchet, Juan Li, Marvin K Nakayama
Publication date
Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)

Importance sampling for stochastic recurrence equations with heavy tailed increments

J. Blanchet, H. Hult and K. Leder, “Importance sampling for stochastic recurrence equations with heavy tailed increments,” Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Phoenix, AZ, USA, 2011, pp. 3824-3831, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2011.6148074.


Importance sampling in the setting of heavy tailed random variables has generally focused on models with additive noise terms. In this work we extend this concept by considering importance sampling for the estimation of rare events in Markov chains of the form equation where the B n 's and A n 's are independent sequences of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables and the B n 's are regularly varying and the A n 's are suitably light tailed relative to B n . We focus on efficient estimation of the rare event probability P(X n >; b) as b↗∞. In particular we present a strongly efficient importance sampling algorithm for estimating these probabilities, and present a numerical example showcasing the strong efficiency.

Jose Blanchet, Henrik Hult, Kevin Leder
Publication date
Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)

Efficient rare event simulation for heavy-tailed systems via cross entropy

J. Blanchet and Y. Shi, “Efficient rare event simulation for heavy-tailed systems via cross entropy,” Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Phoenix, AZ, USA, 2011, pp. 516-527, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2011.6147781.


The cross entropy method is a popular technique that has been used in the context of rare event simulation in order to obtain a good selection (in the sense of variance performance tested empirically) of an importance sampling distribution. This iterative method requires the selection of a suitable parametric family to start with. The selection of the parametric family is very important for the successful application of the method. Two properties must be enforced in such a selection. First, subsequent updates of the parameters in the iterations must be easily computable and, second, the parametric family should be powerful enough to approximate, in some sense, the zero-variance importance sampling distribution. We obtain parametric families for which these two properties are satisfied for a large class of heavy-tailed systems including Pareto and Weibull tails. Our estimators are shown to be strongly efficient in these …

Jose Blanchet, Yixi Shi
Publication date
Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)

Corrections to the central limit theorem for heavy-tailed probability densities

Lam, H., Blanchet, J., Burch, D. et al. Corrections to the Central Limit Theorem for Heavy-tailed Probability Densities. J Theor Probab 24, 895–927 (2011).


Classical Edgeworth expansions provide asymptotic correction terms to the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) up to an order that depends on the number of moments available. In this paper, we provide subsequent correction terms beyond those given by a standard Edgeworth expansion in the general case of regularly varying distributions with diverging moments (beyond the second). The subsequent terms can be expressed in a simple closed form in terms of certain special functions (Dawson’s integral and parabolic cylinder functions), and there are qualitative differences depending on whether the number of moments available is even, odd, or not an integer, and whether the distributions are symmetric or not. If the increments have an even number of moments, then additional logarithmic corrections must also be incorporated in the expansion parameter. An interesting feature of our correction terms for the CLT …

Henry Lam, Jose Blanchet, Damian Burch, Martin Z Bazant
Publication date
Journal of Theoretical Probability
Springer US

Analysis of a splitting estimator for rare event probabilities in Jackson networks

Jose Blanchet, Kevin Leder, Yixi Shi (2011) Analysis of a Splitting Estimator for Rare Event Probabilities in Jackson Networks. Stochastic Systems 1(2):306-339.


We consider a standard splitting algorithm for the rare-event simulation of overflow probabilities in any subset of stations in a Jackson network at level n, starting at a fixed initial position. It was shown in [8] that a subsolution to the Isaacs equation guarantees that a subexponential number of function evaluations (in n) suffices to estimate such overflow probabilities within a given relative accuracy. Our analysis here shows that in fact O(n2βV + 1) function evaluations suffice to achieve a given relative precision, where βV is the number of bottleneck stations in the subset of stations under consideration in the network. This is the first rigorous analysis that favorably compares splitting against directly computing the overflow probability of interest, which can be evaluated by solving a linear system of equations with O(nd) variables.

Jose Blanchet, Kevin Leder, Yixi Shi
Publication date
Stochastic Systems

Efficient simulation of tail probabilities of sums of correlated lognormals

Asmussen, S., Blanchet, J., Juneja, S. et al. Efficient simulation of tail probabilities of sums of correlated lognormals. Ann Oper Res 189, 5–23 (2011).


We consider the problem of efficient estimation of tail probabilities of sums of correlated lognormals via simulation. This problem is motivated by the tail analysis of portfolios of assets driven by correlated Black-Scholes models. We propose two estimators that can be rigorously shown to be efficient as the tail probability of interest decreases to zero. The first estimator, based on importance sampling, involves a scaling of the whole covariance matrix and can be shown to be asymptotically optimal. A further study, based on the Cross-Entropy algorithm, is also performed in order to adaptively optimize the scaling parameter of the covariance. The second estimator decomposes the probability of interest in two contributions and takes advantage of the fact that large deviations for a sum of correlated lognormals are (asymptotically) caused by the largest increment. Importance sampling is then applied to each of …

Søren Asmussen, José Blanchet, Sandeep Juneja, Leonardo Rojas-Nandayapa
Publication date
Annals of Operations Research
Springer US

Efficient simulation of tail probabilities of sums of dependent random variables

Blanchet JH, Rojas-Nandayapa L. Efficient simulation of tail probabilities of sums of dependent random variables. Journal of Applied Probability. 2011;48(A):147-164. doi:10.1239/jap/1318940462


We study asymptotically optimal simulation algorithms for approximating the tail probability of P(eX1+⋯+ eXd>u) as u→∞. The first algorithm proposed is based on conditional Monte Carlo and assumes that (X1,…,Xd) has an elliptical distribution with very mild assumptions on the radial component. This algorithm is applicable to a large class of models in finance, as we demonstrate with examples. In addition, we propose an importance sampling algorithm for an arbitrary dependence structure that is shown to be asymptotically optimal under mild assumptions on the marginal distributions and, basically, that we can simulate efficiently (X1,…,Xd|Xj >b) for large b. Extensions that allow us to handle portfolios of financial options are also discussed.

Jose H Blanchet, Leonardo Rojas-Nandayapa
Publication date
Journal of Applied Probability
Cambridge University Press

On exact sampling of stochastic perpetuities

Blanchet JH, Sigman K. On exact sampling of stochastic perpetuities. Journal of Applied Probability. 2011;48(A):165-182. doi:10.1239/jap/1318940463


A stochastic perpetuity takes the form D∞=∑n=0∞ exp(Y1+⋯+Yn)Bn, where Yn:n≥0) and (Bn:n≥0) are two independent sequences of independent and identically distributed random variables (RVs). This is an expression for the stationary distribution of the Markov chain defined recursively by Dn+1=AnDn+Bn, n≥0, where An=eYn; D∞ then satisfies the stochastic fixed-point equation D∞D̳AD∞+B, where A and B are independent copies of the An and Bn (and independent of D∞ on the right-hand side). In our framework, the quantity Bn, which represents a random reward at time n, is assumed to be positive, unbounded with EBnp 0, and have a suitably regular continuous positive density. The quantity Yn is assumed to be light tailed and represents a discount rate from time n to n-1. The RV D∞ then represents the net present value, in a stochastic economic environment, of an infinite stream of …

Jose H Blanchet, Karl Sigman
Publication date
Journal of Applied Probability
Cambridge University Press

A conditional Monte Carlo method for estimating the failure probability of a distribution network with random demands

J. Blanchet, J. Li and M. K. Nakayama, “A conditional Monte Carlo method for estimating the failure probability of a distribution network with random demands,” Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Phoenix, AZ, USA, 2011, pp. 3832-3843, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2011.6148075.


We consider a model of an irreducible network in which each node is subjected to a random demand, where the demands are jointly normally distributed. Each node has a given supply that it uses to try to meet its demand; if it cannot, the node distributes its unserved demand equally to its neighbors, which in turn do the same. The equilibrium is determined by solving a linear program (LP) to minimize the sum of the unserved demands across the nodes in the network. One possible application of the model might be the distribution of electricity in an electric power grid. This paper considers estimating the probability that the optimal objective function value of the LP exceeds a large threshold, which is a rare event. We develop a conditional Monte Carlo algorithm for estimating this probability, and we provide simulation results indicating that our method can significantly improve statistical efficiency.

Jose Blanchet, Juan Li

A practical implementation of the Bernoulli factory

Thomas, A. C., & Blanchet, J. H. (2011). A Practical Implementation of the Bernoulli Factory. ArXiv. /abs/1106.2508


The Bernoulli Factory is an algorithm that takes as input a series of i.i.d. Bernoulli random variables with an unknown but fixed success probability , and outputs a corresponding series of Bernoulli random variables with success probability , where the function is known and defined on the interval . While several practical uses of the method have been proposed in Monte Carlo applications, these require an implementation framework that is flexible, general and efficient. We present such a framework for functions that are either strictly linear, concave, or convex on the unit interval using a series of envelope functions defined through a cascade, and show that this method not only greatly reduces the number of input bits needed in practice compared to other currently proposed solutions for more specific problems, and is easy to specify for simple forms, but can easily be coupled to asymptotically efficient methods to allow for theoretically strong results.

Andrew C Thomas, Jose H Blanchet
Publication date
arXiv preprint arXiv:1106.2508

Efficient simulation for the maximum of infinite horizon discrete-time Gaussian processes

Blanchet J, Li C. Efficient Simulation for the Maximum of Infinite Horizon Discrete-Time Gaussian Processes. Journal of Applied Probability. 2011;48(2):467-489. doi:10.1239/jap/1308662639


We consider the problem of estimating the probability that the maximum of a Gaussian process with negative mean and indexed by positive integers reaches a high level, say b. In great generality such a probability converges to 0 exponentially fast in a power of b. Under mild assumptions on the marginal distributions of the process and no assumption on the correlation structure, we develop an importance sampling procedure, called the target bridge sampler (TBS), which takes a polynomial (in b) number of function evaluations to achieve a small relative error. The procedure also yields samples of the underlying process conditioned on hitting b in finite time. In addition, we apply our method to the problem of estimating the tail of the maximum of a superposition of a large number, n, of independent Gaussian sources. In this situation TBS achieves a prescribed relative error with a bounded number of function …
Jose Blanchet, Chenxin Li
Publication date
Journal of Applied Probability
Cambridge University Press

On the transition from heavy traffic to heavy tails for the M/G/1 queue: the regularly varying case

Mariana Olvera-Cravioto. Jose Blanchet. Peter Glynn. “On the transition from heavy traffic to heavy tails for the M/G/1 queue: The regularly varying case.” Ann. Appl. Probab. 21 (2) 645 – 668, April 2011.


Two of the most popular approximations for the distribution of the steady-state waiting time, W∞, of the M/G/1 queue are the so-called heavy-traffic approximation and heavy-tailed asymptotic, respectively. If the traffic intensity, ρ, is close to 1 and the processing times have finite variance, the heavy-traffic approximation states that the distribution of W∞ is roughly exponential at scale O((1 − ρ)−1), while the heavy tailed asymptotic describes power law decay in the tail of the distribution of W∞ for a fixed traffic intensity. In this paper, we assume a regularly varying processing time distribution and obtain a sharp threshold in terms of the tail value, or equivalently in terms of (1 − ρ), that describes the point at which the tail behavior transitions from the heavy-traffic regime to the heavy-tailed asymptotic. We also provide new approximations that are either uniform in the traffic intensity, or uniform on the positive axis, that …

Mariana Olvera-Cravioto, Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn
Publication date

Efficient rare event simulation for heavy-tailed compound sums

Jose Blanchet and Chenxin Li. 2011. Efficient rare event simulation for heavy-tailed compound sums. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 21, 2, Article 9 (February 2011), 23 pages.


We develop an efficient importance sampling algorithm for estimating the tail distribution of heavy-tailed compound sums, that is, random variables of the form SM=Z1+…+ZM where the Zi's are independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables in R and M is a nonnegative, integer-valued random variable independent of the Zi's. We construct the first estimator that can be rigorously shown to be strongly efficient only under the assumption that the Zi's are subexponential and M is light-tailed. Our estimator is based on state-dependent importance sampling and we use Lyapunov-type inequalities to control its second moment. The performance of our estimator is empirically illustrated in various instances involving popular heavy-tailed models.

Jose Blanchet, Chenxin Li
Publication date
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS)


Monte Carlo for large credit portfolios with potentially high correlations

J. H. Blanchet, J. Liu and X. Yang, “Monte Carlo for large credit portfolios with potentially high correlations,” Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, Baltimore, MD, USA, 2010, pp. 2810-2820, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2010.5678976.


In this paper we develop efficient Monte Carlo methods for large credit portfolios. We assume the default indicators admit a Gaussian copula. Therefore, we are able to embed the default correlations into a continuous Gaussian random field, which is capable of incorporating an infinite size portfolio and potentially highly correlated defaults. We are particularly interested in estimating the expectations, such as the expected number of defaults given that there is at least one default and the expected loss given at least one default. All these quantities turn out to be closely related to the geometric structure of the random field. We will heavily employ random field techniques to construct importance sampling based estimators and provide rigorous efficiency analysis.

Jose H Blanchet, Jingchen Liu, Xuan Yang
Publication date
Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference

Asymptotic expansions of defective renewal equations with applications to perturbed risk models and processor sharing queues

Blanchet, J., Zwart, B. Asymptotic expansions of defective renewal equations with applications to perturbed risk models and processor sharing queues. Math Meth Oper Res 72, 311–326 (2010).


We consider asymptotic expansions for defective and excessive renewal equations that are close to being proper. These expansions are applied to the analysis of processor sharing queues and perturbed risk models, and yield approximations that can be useful in applications where moments are computable, but the distribution is not.

Jose Blanchet, Bert Zwart
Publication date
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research

Efficient rare-event simulation for multiple jump events in regularly varying random walks and compound Poisson processes

Bohan Chen, Jose Blanchet, Chang-Han Rhee, Bert Zwart (2019) Efficient Rare-Event Simulation for Multiple Jump Events in Regularly Varying Random Walks and Compound Poisson Processes. Mathematics of Operations Research 44(3):919-942.


We propose a class of strongly efficient rare-event simulation estimators for random walks and compound Poisson processes with a regularly varying increment/jump-size distribution in a general large deviations regime. Our estimator is based on an importance sampling strategy that hinges on a recently established heavy-tailed sample-path large deviations result. The new estimators are straightforward to implement and can be used to systematically evaluate the probability of a wide range of rare events with bounded relative error. They are “universal” in the sense that a single importance sampling scheme applies to a very general class of rare events that arise in heavy-tailed systems. In particular, our estimators can deal with rare events that are caused by multiple big jumps (therefore, beyond the usual principle of a single big jump) as well as multidimensional processes such as the buffer content process of a …

Bohan Chen, Jose Blanchet, Chang-Han Rhee, Bert Zwart
Publication date
Mathematics of Operations Research

Monte Carlo for large credit portfolios with potentially high correlations

J. H. Blanchet, J. Liu and X. Yang, “Monte Carlo for large credit portfolios with potentially high correlations,” Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, Baltimore, MD, USA, 2010, pp. 2810-2820, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2010.5678976.


In this paper we develop efficient Monte Carlo methods for large credit portfolios. We assume the default indicators admit a Gaussian copula. Therefore, we are able to embed the default correlations into a continuous Gaussian random field, which is capable of incorporating an infinite size portfolio and potentially highly correlated defaults. We are particularly interested in estimating the expectations, such as the expected number of defaults given that there is at least one default and the expected loss given at least one default. All these quantities turn out to be closely related to the geometric structure of the random field. We will heavily employ random field techniques to construct importance sampling based estimators and provide rigorous efficiency analysis.

Jose H Blanchet, Jingchen Liu, Xuan Yang

Efficient Simulation for Rare Events


Eh cient Simulation for Rare Events Page 1 Eh cient Simulation for Rare Events Jose Blanchet Columbia Department of IEOR Lunteren Conference 2010 Blanchet (Columbia) Monte Carlo and Rare Events 1 / 43 Page 2 Agenda Introduction A Simple Random Walk Example Systematic Approach Testing Eh ciency Counter%examples, Heavy%tails and Beyond Blanchet (Columbia) Monte Carlo and Rare Events 2 / 43 Page 3 Rare Event Analysis: Areas of Applicability Rare events are consequential in many areas Insurance / Finance Blanchet (Columbia) Monte Carlo and Rare Events 3 / 43 Page 4 Rare Event Analysis: Areas of Applicability Rare events are consequential in many areas Insurance / Finance Congestion models (queues) Blanchet (Columbia) Monte Carlo and Rare Events 3 / 43 Page 5 Rare Event Analysis: Areas of Applicability Rare events are consequential in many areas Insurance / Finance …

Jose Blanchet

Efficient importance sampling in ruin problems for multidimensional regularly varying random walks

Blanchet J, Liu J. Efficient importance sampling in ruin problems for multidimensional regularly varying random walks. Journal of Applied Probability. 2010;47(2):301-322. doi:10.1239/jap/1276784893


We consider the problem of efficient estimation via simulation of first passage time probabilities for a multidimensional random walk with heavy-tailed increments. In addition to being a natural generalization to the problem of computing ruin probabilities in insurance - in which the focus is the maximum of a one-dimensional random walk with negative drift - this problem captures important features of large deviations for multidimensional heavy-tailed processes (such as the role played by the mean of the process in connection to the location of the target set). We develop a state-dependent importance sampling estimator for this class of multidimensional problems. Then, using techniques based on Lyapunov inequalities, we argue that our estimator is strongly efficient in the sense that the relative mean squared error of our estimator can be made arbitrarily small by increasing the number of replications, uniformly as the …

Jose Blanchet, Jingchen Liu
Publication date
Journal of Applied Probability
Cambridge University Press

On-Line Supplement: Rare-event simulation for stochastic recurrence equations with heavy-tailed innovations

Jose Blanchet, Henrik Hult, and Kevin Leder, 2013. Rare-event simulation for stochastic recurrence equations with heavy-tailed innovations. ACM Trans. Embedd. Comput. Syst. 9, 4, Article 39 (March 2010), 7 pages. DOI:


One shortcoming of utilizing the conditional mixture algorithm is the necessity to sample from the conditional distribution. A natural way to get around that is to utilize a scaling based approach introduced in [Hult and Svensson 2012]. When simulating Bj+ 1 given that Xj= x the following sampling density is used, where a∈(0, 1), gS Bj+ 1 (y| x)


Asymptotic robustness of estimators in rare-event simulation

Pierre L’Ecuyer, Jose H. Blanchet, Bruno Tuffin, and Peter W. Glynn. 2010. Asymptotic robustness of estimators in rare-event simulation. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 20, 1, Article 6 (January 2010), 41 pages.


The asymptotic robustness of estimators as a function of a rarity parameter, in the context of rare-event simulation, is often qualified by properties such as bounded relative error (BRE) and logarithmic efficiency (LE), also called asymptotic optimality. However, these properties do not suffice to ensure that moments of order higher than one are well estimated. For example, they do not guarantee that the variance of the empirical variance remains under control as a function of the rarity parameter. We study generalizations of the BRE and LE properties that take care of this limitation. They are named bounded relative moment of order k (BRM-k) and logarithmic efficiency of order k (LE-k), where k ≥ 1 is an arbitrary real number. We also introduce and examine a stronger notion called vanishing relative centered moment of order k, and exhibit examples where it holds. These properties are of interest for various estimators …

Authors: Pierre L'ecuyer, Jose H Blanchet, Bruno Tuffin, Peter W Glynn
Publication date: 2010/2/8
Journal: ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS)
Volume: 20
Issue: 1
Pages: 1-41
Publisher: ACM


Rare event simulation for a generalized Hawkes process

X. -W. Zhang, P. W. Glynn, K. Giesecke and J. Blanchet, “Rare event simulation for a generalized Hawkes process,” Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Austin, TX, USA, 2009, pp. 1291-1298, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2009.5429693.


In this paper we study rare event simulation for the tail probability of an affine point process (J t ) t¿0 that generalizes the Hawkes process. By constructing a suitable exponential martingale, we are able to construct an importance sampling algorithm that is logarithmically efficient in the Gartner-Ellis asymptotic regime.

Xiao-Wei Zhang, Peter W Glynn, Kay Giesecke, Jose Blanchet
Publication date
Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)

Efficient rare event simulation of continuous time Markovian perpetuities

J. Blanchet and P. Glynn, “Efficient rare event simulation of continuous time Markovian perpetuities,” Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Austin, TX, USA, 2009, pp. 444-451, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2009.5429355.


We develop rare event simulation methodology for the tail of a perpetuity driven by a continuous time Markov chain. We present a state-dependent importance sampling estimator in continuous time that can be shown to be asymptotically optimal in the context of small interest rates.

Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn
Publication date
Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)

Rare event simulation for a slotted time M/G/s model

Blanchet, J., Glynn, P. & Lam, H. Rare event simulation for a slotted time M/G/s model. Queueing Syst 63, 33 (2009).


This paper develops a rare-event simulation algorithm for a discrete-time version of the M/G/s loss system and a related Markov-modulated variant of the same loss model. The algorithm is shown to be efficient in the many-server asymptotic regime in which the number of servers and the arrival rate increase to infinity in fixed proportion. A key idea is to study the system as a measure-valued Markov chain and to steer the system to the rare event through a randomization of the time horizon over which the rare event is induced.

Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn, Henry Lam
Publication date
Queueing Systems
Springer US

Efficient simulation of light-tailed sums: an old-folk song sung to a faster new tune...

Blanchet, J.H., Leder, K., Glynn, P.W. (2009). Efficient Simulation of Light-Tailed Sums: an Old-Folk Song Sung to a Faster New Tune…. In: L’ Ecuyer, P., Owen, A. (eds) Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2008. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.


We revisit a classical problem in rare-event simulation, namely, efficient estimation of the probability that the sample mean of n independent identically distributed light tailed (i.e. with finite moment generating function in a neighborhood of the origin) random variables lies in a sufficiently regular closed convex set that does not contain their mean. It is well known that the optimal exponential tilting (OET), although logarithmically efficient, is not strongly efficient (typically, the squared coefficient of variation of the estimator grows at rate n 1/2). After discussing some important differences between the optimal change of measure and OET (for instance, in the one dimensional case the size of the overshoot is bounded for the optimal importance sampler and of order O(n 1/2) for OET) that indicate why OET is not strongly efficient, we provide a state-dependent importance sampling that can be proved to …

Jose H Blanchet, Kevin Leder, Peter W Glynn
Publication date
Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2008
Springer Berlin Heidelberg

State-dependent importance sampling and large deviations

Jose Blanchet, Jingchen Liu, and Peter Glynn. 2006. State-dependent Importance Sampling and large Deviations. In Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Performance evaluation methodolgies and tools (valuetools ’06). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 20–es.


Large deviations analysis for light-tailed systems provides an asymptotic description of the optimal importance sampler in the scaling of the Law of Large Numbers. As we will show by means of a simple example related to computational finance, such asymptotic description can be interpreted indifferent ways suggesting several importance sampling algorithms, some of them state-dependent. In turn, the performance of the suggested algorithms can be substantially different.

Jose Blanchet, Jingchen Liu, Peter Glynn
Publication date
Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Performance evaluation methodolgies and tools

Efficient importance sampling for binary contingency tables

Jose H. Blanchet. “Efficient importance sampling for binary contingency tables.” Ann. Appl. Probab. 19 (3) 949 – 982, June 2009.


Importance sampling has been reported to produce algorithms with excellent empirical performance in counting problems. However, the theoretical support for its efficiency in these applications has been very limited. In this paper, we propose a methodology that can be used to design efficient importance sampling algorithms for counting and test their efficiency rigorously. We apply our techniques after transforming the problem into a rare-event simulation problem—thereby connecting complexity analysis of counting problems with efficiency in the context of rare-event simulation. As an illustration of our approach, we consider the problem of counting the number of binary tables with fixed column and row sums, cj’s and ri’s, respectively, and total marginal sums d=∑jcj. Assuming that max jcj=o(d1/2), ∑cj2=O(d) and the rj’s are bounded, we show that a suitable importance sampling algorithm, proposed by Chen …

Jose H Blanchet
Publication date

Rare event simulation and counting problems


Randomized approximation algorithms for counting problems have been the subject of many papers and monographs in theoretical computer science (see [13, 15, 25, 26]). At the same time, rare event simulation methodology has a long history of development within the applied probability and operations research communities. In this chapter, we offer a primer on the subject of approximate counting using rare event simulation techniques, thereby connecting two distinct points of view. The use of rare event simulation techniques for counting is very recent (see [5, 22]) and we hope that this chapter will motivate researchers in the rare event simulation community to consider the types of problems that we will discuss. Our focus, consequently, is on the theoretical properties of randomized approximation algorithms for counting and their connections to rare event simulation. Even though powerful heuristic algorithms …

José Blanchet, Daniel Rudoy
Publication date
Rare Event Simulation Using Monte Carlo Methods
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

Rare event simulation for queues


This chapter describes state-of-the-art techniques in rare event simulation for queuing systems, the rare events under consideration being overflow probabilities, probabilities of extremely long delays, etc. We first consider a number of generic examples (and counterexamples) that are very useful in the queuing context. Then we systematically assess importance sampling for the cases of light-tailed input (where large-deviations arguments play a crucial role) and heavy-tailed input (where the change of measure is typically state-dependent). Other issues dealt with are: results under the many-sources scaling, estimation of the tail of the sojourn time distribution for processor-sharing queues, tandem and intree networks, and loss networks.

José Blanchet, Michel Mandjes
Publication date
Rare Event Simulation Using Monte Carlo Methods
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

Rare event Simulation for Multidimensional Regularly Varying Random Walks

Blanchet, Jose & Liu, Jingchen. Rare-event Simulation for Multidimensional Regularly Varying Random Walks.


We consider the problem of effi cient estimation via simulation of first passage time probabilities for a multidimensional random walk with regularly varying increments. In addition of being a natural gen# eralization of the problem of computing ruin probabilities in insurance nin which the focus is a one dimensional random walk nthis problem captures important features of large deviations for multidimensional heavy# tailed processes (such as the role played by the mean of the process in connection to the location of the target set). We develop a state# dependent importance sampling estimator for this class of mul# tidimensional problems. Then, we argue using techniques based on Lyapunov inequalities that our estimator is strongly effi cient in the sense that the mean square error of our estimator can be made ar# bitrarily small by increasing the number of replications, uniformly as the probability of interest approaches zero. An important feature of our algorithm involves the interplay between large deviations for reg# ularly varying processes and linear programming. When the target set is the union of half# spaces, our sampler, which can be described in terms of mixtures, can be shown to approximate in total variation the conditional distribution of the walk given that it hits the target set in finite time.

Jose Blanchet, Jingchen Liu
Publication date


State-dependent importance sampling for regularly varying random walks

Blanchet JH, Liu J. State-dependent importance sampling for regularly varying random walks. Advances in Applied Probability. 2008;40(4):1104-1128. doi:10.1239/aap/1231340166


Consider a sequence (Xk: k ≥ 0) of regularly varying independent and identically distributed random variables with mean 0 and finite variance. We develop efficient rare-event simulation methodology associated with large deviation probabilities for the random walk (Sn: n ≥ 0). Our techniques are illustrated by examples, including large deviations for the empirical mean and path-dependent events. In particular, we describe two efficient state-dependent importance sampling algorithms for estimating the tail of Sn in a large deviation regime as n ↗ ∞. The first algorithm takes advantage of large deviation approximations that are used to mimic the zero-variance change of measure. The second algorithm uses a parametric family of changes of measure based on mixtures. Lyapunov-type inequalities are used to appropriately select the mixture parameters in order to guarantee bounded relative error (or efficiency) of the …

Authors: Jose H Blanchet, Jingchen Liu
Publication date: 2008/12
Journal: Advances in Applied Probability
Volume: 40
Issue: 4
Pages: 1104-1128
Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Efficient tail estimation for sums of correlated lognormals

J. Blanchet, S. Juneja and L. Rojas-Nandayapa, “Efficient tail estimation for sums of correlated lognormals,” 2008 Winter Simulation Conference, Miami, FL, USA, 2008, pp. 607-614, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2008.4736120.


Our focus is on efficient estimation of tail probabilities of sums of correlated lognormals. This problem is motivated by the tail analysis of portfolios of assets driven by correlated Black-Scholes models. We propose three different procedures that can be rigorously shown to be asymptotically optimal as the tail probability of interest decreases to zero. The first algorithm is based on importance sampling and is as easy to implement as crude Monte Carlo. The second algorithm is based on an elegant conditional Monte Carlo strategy which involves polar coordinates and the third one is an importance sampling algorithm that can be shown to be strongly efficient.

Jose Blanchet, Sandeep Juneja, Leonardo Rojas-Nandayapa
Publication date
2008 Winter Simulation Conference

Large deviations perspective on ordinal optimization of heavy-tailed systems

J. Blanchet, J. Liu and B. Zwart, “Large deviations perspective on ordinal optimization of heavy-tailed systems,” 2008 Winter Simulation Conference, Miami, FL, USA, 2008, pp. 489-494, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2008.4736104.


We consider the problem of selecting the best among several heavy-tailed systems using a large deviations perspective. In contrast to the light-tailed setting studied by Glynn and Juneja (2004), in the heavy-tailed setting, the probability of false selection is characterized by a rate function that does not require as detailed information about the probability distributions of the system's performance. This motivates the question of studying static policies that could potentially provide convenient implementable in heavy-tailed settings. We concentrate in studying sharp large deviations estimates for the probability of false detection which suggest precise optimal allocation policies when the systems have comparable heavy-tails. Additional optimality insights are given for systems with non-comparable tails.

Jose Blanchet, Jingchen Liu, Bert Zwart
Publication date
2008 Winter Simulation Conference

Efficient simulation for tail probabilities of Gaussian random fields

R. J. Adler, J. Blanchet and J. Liu, “Efficient simulation for tail probabilities of Gaussian random fields,” 2008 Winter Simulation Conference, Miami, FL, USA, 2008, pp. 328-336, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2008.4736085.


We are interested in computing tail probabilities for the maxima of Gaussian random fields. In this paper, we discuss two special cases: random fields defined over a finite number of distinct point and fields with finite Karhunen-Loeve expansions. For the first case we propose an importance sampling estimator which yields asymptotically zero relative error. Moreover, it yields a procedure for sampling the field conditional on it having an excursion above a high level with a complexity that is uniformly bounded as the level increases. In the second case we propose an estimator which is asymptotically optimal. These results serve as a first step analysis of rare-event simulation for Gaussian random fields.

Robert J Adler, Jose Blanchet, Jingchen Liu
Publication date
2008 Winter Simulation Conference

Efficient rare-event simulation for the maximum of heavy-tailed random walks

Jose Blanchet. Peter Glynn. “Efficient rare-event simulation for the maximum of heavy-tailed random walks.” Ann. Appl. Probab. 18 (4) 1351 – 1378, August 2008.


Let (Xn : n≥0) be a sequence of i.i.d. r.v.’s with negative mean. Set S0=0 and define Sn=X1+⋯+Xn. We propose an importance sampling algorithm to estimate the tail of M=max {Sn : n≥0} that is strongly efficient for both light and heavy-tailed increment distributions. Moreover, in the case of heavy-tailed increments and under additional technical assumptions, our estimator can be shown to have asymptotically vanishing relative variance in the sense that its coefficient of variation vanishes as the tail parameter increases. A key feature of our algorithm is that it is state-dependent. In the presence of light tails, our procedure leads to Siegmund’s (1979) algorithm. The rigorous analysis of efficiency requires new Lyapunov-type inequalities that can be useful in the study of more general importance sampling algorithms.

Authors: Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn
Publication date: 2008/8/1
Volume: 18
Issue: 4
Pages: 1351-1378

Strongly efficient algorithms for light-tailed random walks: An old folk song sung to a faster new tune

Blanchet, J., Leder, K., & Glynn, P. (2008). Strongly efficient algorithms for light-tailed random walks: An old folk song sung to a faster new tune. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing (MCQMC 2008). Springer, Berlin (pp. 227-248).


Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing (MCQMC 2008). Springer, Berlin

J Blanchet, K Leder, P Glynn
Publication date

Efficient rare event simulation for heavy-tailed multiserver queues


This paper develops an effi cient importance sampling algorithm for comput $ ing steady $ state tail probabilities for customer waiting times in a G/G/2 queue in which the service time requirements are heavy $ tailed random variables. Un $ der appropriate regularity conditions, we prove that our estimator has bounded relative variance whenever the rate at which work arrives to the system is less than 2 (but not equal to one). The argument hinges on the construction of an appropriate Lyapunov function that can be used to bound the second moment of our estimator. The construction followed here uses fluid heuiristics to guess the form of the Lyapunov function, after which tuning constants that define the algorithmic implementation are then chosen in order to force the function to satisfy the required Lyapunov inequality. In addition, the Lyapunov function can be used to obtain upper bounds for large deviation probabilities; thereby not only allowing to study the performance of the algorithm but also provide large deviations estimates. Our approach takes advantage of the regenerative representation for the steady $ state distribution. We therefore also discuss the use of importance sampling, and related effi ciency issues, in conjunction with regenerative steady $ state simulation.

J Blanchet, P Glynn, J Liu
Publication date
Department of Statistics, Columbia University


Importance sampling of compounding processes

J. Blanchet and B. Zwart, “Importance sampling of compounding processes,” 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, DC, USA, 2007, pp. 372-379, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2007.4419625.


Compounding processes, also known as perpetuities, play an important role in many applications; in particular, in time series analysis and mathematical finance. Apart from some special cases, the distribution of a perpetuity is hard to compute, and large deviations estimates sometimes involve complicated constants which depend on the complete distribution. Motivated by this, we propose provably efficient importance sampling algorithms which apply to qualitatively different cases, leading to light and heavy tails. Both algorithms have the non-standard feature of being state-dependent. In addition, in order to verify the efficiency, we apply recently developed techniques based on Lyapunov inequalities.

Jose Blanchet, Bert Zwart
Publication date
2007 Winter Simulation Conference

Path-sampling for state-dependent importance sampling

J. H. Blanchet and Jingchen Liu, “Path-sampling for state-dependent importance sampling,” 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, DC, USA, 2007, pp. 380-388, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2007.4419626.


State-dependent importance sampling (SDIS) has proved to be particularly useful in simulation (specially in rare event analysis of stochastic systems). One approach for designing SDIS is to mimic the zero-variance change-of-measure by using a likelihood ratio that is proportional to an asymptotic approximation that may be available for the problem at hand. Using such approximation poses the problem of computing the corresponding normalizing constants at each step. In this paper, we propose the use of path-sampling, which allows to estimate such normalizing constants in terms of one dimensional integrals. We apply path-sampling to estimate the tail of the delay in a G/G/1 queue with regularly varying input. We argue that such tail estimation can be performed with good relative precision in quadratic complexity (in terms of the tail parameter) - assuming that path-sampling is combined with an appropriate …

Jose H Blanchet, Jingchen Liu
Publication date
2007 Winter Simulation Conference

Efficient suboptimal rare-event simulation

Xiaowei Zhang, J. Blanchet and P. W. Glynn, “Efficient suboptimal rare-event simulation,” 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, DC, 2007, pp. 389-394, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2007.4419627.


Much of the rare-event simulation literature is concerned with the development of asymptotically optimal algorithms. Because of the difficulties associated with applying these ideas to complex models, this paper focuses on sub-optimal procedures that can be shown to be much more efficient than conventional crude Monte Carlo. We provide two such examples, one based on "repeated acceptance/rejection" as a mean of computing tail probabilities for hitting time random variables and the other based on filtered conditional Monte Carlo.

Xiaowei Zhang, Jose Blanchet, Peter W Glynn
Publication date
2007 Winter Simulation Conference

Rare-event simulation for a multidimensional random walk with t distributed increments

J. H. Blanchet and Jingchen Liu, “Rare-event simulation for a multidimensional random walk with t distributed increments,” 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, DC, USA, 2007, pp. 395-402, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2007.4419628.


We consider the problem of efficient estimation of first passage time probabilities for a multidimensional random walk with t distributed increments, via simulation. In addition of being a natural generalization of the problem of computing ruin probabilities in insurance - in which the focus is a one dimensional random walk - this problem captures important features of large deviations for multidimensional heavy-tailed processes (such as the role played by the mean of the random walk in connection to the spatial location of the target set). We develop a state-dependent importance sampling estimator for this class of multidimensional problems. Then, we argue - using techniques based on Lyapunov type inequalities - that our estimator is strongly efficient.

Jose H Blanchet, Jingchen Liu
Publication date
2007 Winter Simulation Conference

Uniform renewal theory with applications to expansions of random geometric sums

Blanchet J, Glynn P. Uniform renewal theory with applications to expansions of random geometric sums. Advances in Applied Probability. 2007;39(4):1070-1097. doi:10.1239/aap/1198177240


Consider a sequence X = (Xn: n ≥ 1) of independent and identically distributed random variables, and an independent geometrically distributed random variable M with parameter p. The random variable SM = X1 + ∙ ∙ ∙ + XM is called a geometric sum. In this paper we obtain asymptotic expansions for the distribution of SM as p ↘ 0. If EX1 > 0, the asymptotic expansion is developed in powers of p and it provides higher-order correction terms to Renyi's theorem, which states that P(pSM > x) ≈ exp(-x/EX1). Conversely, if EX1 = 0 then the expansion is given in powers of √p. We apply the results to obtain corrected diffusion approximations for the M/G/1 queue. These expansions follow in a unified way as a consequence of new uniform renewal theory results that are also developed in this paper.

J Blanchet, P Glynn
Publication date
Advances in Applied Probability
Cambridge University Press

Fluid heuristics, Lyapunov bounds and efficient importance sampling for a heavy-tailed G/G/1 queue

Blanchet, J., Glynn, P. & Liu, J.C. Fluid heuristics, Lyapunov bounds and efficient importance sampling for a heavy-tailed G/G/1 queue. Queueing Syst 57, 99–113 (2007).


We develop a strongly efficient rare-event simulation algorithm for computing the tail of the steady-state waiting time in a single server queue with regularly varying service times. Our algorithm is based on a state-dependent importance sampling strategy that is constructed so as to be straightforward to implement. The construction of the algorithm and its asymptotic optimality rely on a Lyapunov-type inequality that is used to bound the second moment of the estimator. The solution to the Lyapunov inequality is constructed using fluid heuristics. Our approach takes advantage of the regenerative ratio formula for the steady-state distribution—and does not use the first passage time representation that is particular to the delay in the G/G/1 queue. Hence, the strategy has the potential to be applied in more general queueing models.

José Blanchet, Peter Glynn, Jingchen C Liu
Publication date
Queueing Systems
Springer US

Exact simulation and error-controlled sampling via regeneration and a Bernoulli factory

Blanchet, Jose & Thomas, Andrew. (2007). Exact Simulation and Error-Controlled Sampling via Regeneration and a Bernoulli Factory.


Methods using regeneration have been used to draw approximations to the stationary distribution of Markov Chain Monte Carlo processes. We introduce an algorithm that allows exact sampling of the stationary distribution through the use of a regeneration method and a Bernoulli Factory to select samples within each regeneration cycle that are shown to be from the desired density. We demonstrate the algorithm on a probit model Markov Chain using a known data set for comparison to other approximate methods.

Jose Blanchet, Andrew C Thomas
Publication date
Technical report, Harvard University. Available at: http://www. acthomas. ca/papers/factory-sampling. pdf

Eo cient Rare Event Simulation for Heavy $ tailed Multiserver Queues

Blanchet, J., Glynn, P., & Liu, J. C. (2007). Eo cient Rare Event Simulation for Heavy $ tailed Multiserver Queues.


This paper develops an eo cient importance sampling algorithm for comput $ ing steady $ state tail probabilities for customer waiting times in a G/G/2 queue in which the service time requirements are heavy $ tailed random variables. Un $ der appropriate regularity conditions, we prove that our estimator has bounded relative variance whenever the rate at which work arrives to the system is less than 2 (but not equal to one). The argument hinges on the construction of an appropriate Lyapunov function that can be used to bound the second moment of our estimator. The construction followed here uses fluid heuiristics to guess the form of the Lyapunov function, after which tuning constants that define the algorithmic implementation are then chosen in order to force the function to satisfy the required Lyapunov inequality. In addition, the Lyapunov function can be used to obtain upper bounds for large deviation …

J Blanchet, P Glynn, JC Liu
Publication date

Editorial (Special issue on Rare-event simulation for queues)

Blanchet, J., & Mandjes, M. R. H. (2007). Editorial (Special issue on Rare-event simulation for queues). Queueing Systems, 57(2-3), 57-59.


Editorial (Special issue on Rare-event simulation for queues) — Eindhoven University of Technology research portal Skip to main navigation Skip to search Skip to main content Eindhoven University of Technology research portal Home Eindhoven University of Technology research portal Logo Help & FAQ English Nederlands Home Researchers Research output Organisational Units Activities Projects Prizes Press/Media Facilities / Equipment Datasets Courses Research areas Student theses Search by expertise, name or affiliation Editorial (Special issue on Rare-event simulation for queues) J. Blanchet, MRH Mandjes Eurandom Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Academic › peer-review 2 Citations (Scopus) Overview Fingerprint Abstract Without abstract. Original language English Pages (from-to) 57-59 Journal Queueing Systems Volume 57 Issue number 2-3 DOIs…

J Blanchet, MRH Mandjes
Publication date
Queueing Systems


Efficient simulation for large deviation probabilities of sums of heavy-tailed increments

J. H. Blanchet and J. Liu, “Efficient Simulation for Large Deviation Probabilities of Sums of Heavy-Tailed Increments,” Proceedings of the 2006 Winter Simulation Conference, Monterey, CA, USA, 2006, pp. 757-764, doi: 10.1109/WSC.2006.323156.


Let (X n :n ges 0) be a sequence of iid rv's with mean zero and finite variance. We describe an efficient state-dependent importance sampling algorithm for estimating the tail of S n = X 1 + ... + X n in a large deviations framework as n - infin. Our algorithm can be shown to be strongly efficient basically throughout the whole large deviations region as n - infin (in particular, for probabilities of the form P (S n > kn) as k > 0). The techniques combine results of the theory of large deviations for sums of regularly varying distributions and the basic ideas can be applied to other rare-event simulation problems involving both light and heavy-tailed features

Jose H Blanchet, Jingchen Liu
Publication date
Proceedings of the 2006 Winter Simulation Conference

Strongly efficient estimators for light-tailed sums

J. Blanchet and P. Glynn. 2006. Strongly efficient estimators for light-tailed sums. In Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Performance evaluation methodolgies and tools (valuetools ’06). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 18–es.


Let (Sn : n ≥ 0) be a mean zero random walk (rw) with light-tailed increments. One of the most fundamental problems in rare-event simulation involves computing P (Sn > nβ) for β > 0 when n is large. It is well known that the optimal exponential tilting (OET), although logarithmically efficient, is not strongly efficient (the squared coefficient of variation of the estimator grows at rate n1/2). Our analysis of the zero-variance change-of-measure provides useful insights into why OET is not strongly efficient. In particular, the iid nature of OET induces an overshoot over the boundary nβ that is too big and causes the coefficient of variation to grow as [EQUATION]. We study techniques used to provide a state-dependent change-of-measure that yields a strongly efficient estimator. The application of our state-dependent algorithm to the Gaussian case reveals the fine structure of the zero-variance change-of-measure. We see how …

Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn
Publication date
Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Performance evaluation methodolgies and tools

Heavy traffic limits via Brownian embeddings

Peköz EA, Blanchet J. HEAVY TRAFFIC LIMITS VIA BROWNIAN EMBEDDINGS. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences. 2006;20(4):595-598. doi:10.1017/S0269964806060360


For the GI/GI/1 queue we show that the scaled queue size converges to reflected Brownian motion in a critical queue and converges to reflected Brownian motion with drift for a sequence of subcritical queuing models that approach a critical model. Instead of invoking the topological argument of the usual continuous-mapping approach, we give a probabilistic argument using Skorokhod embeddings in Brownian motion.

Erol A Peköz, Jose Blanchet
Publication date
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences
Cambridge University Press

Complete corrected diffusion approximations for the maximum of a random walk

Jose Blanchet. Peter Glynn. “Complete corrected diffusion approximations for the maximum of a random walk.” Ann. Appl. Probab. 16 (2) 951 – 983, May 2006.


Consider a random walk (Sn:n≥0) with drift −μ and S0=0. Assuming that the increments have exponential moments, negative mean, and are strongly nonlattice, we provide a complete asymptotic expansion (in powers of μ>0) that corrects the diffusion approximation of the all time maximum M=maxn≥0Sn. Our results extend both the first-order correction of Siegmund [Adv. in Appl. Probab. 11 (1979) 701–719] and the full asymptotic expansion provided in the Gaussian case by Chang and Peres [Ann. Probab. 25 (1997) 787–802]. We also show that the Cramér–Lundberg constant (as a function of μ) admits an analytic extension throughout a neighborhood of the origin in the complex plane ℂ. Finally, when the increments of the random walk have nonnegative mean μ, we show that the Laplace transform, Eμexp(−bR(∞)), of the limiting overshoot, R(∞), can be analytically extended throughout a disc centered at …

Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn
Publication date

Importance sampling and efficient counting of 0-1 contingency tables

Blanchet, J. (2006). Importance sampling and efficient counting of 0-1 contingency tables. In Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Performance evaluation methodolgies and tools.


Importance sampling has been reported to produce algorithms with excellent empirical performance in counting problems. However, the theoretical support for its efficiency in these applications has been very limited. In this paper, we propose a methodology that can be used to design efficient importance sampling algorithms for counting and test their efficiency rigorously. Our techniques for complexity analysis are based on Lyapunov-type bounds for Markov chains and are specially well-suited for the analysis of state-dependent importance sampling algorithms. These techniques are applied after transforming the problem into a rare-event simulation problem–thereby connecting complexity analysis of counting problems with efficiency in the context of rare-event simulation. As an illustration of our approach, we consider the problem of counting the number of binary contingency tables with fixed column and row …

Jose Blanchet
Publication date
Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Performance evaluation methodolgies and tools

Corrected diffusion approximations for the maximum of light-tailed random walk

Blanchet, J., & Glynn, P. (2006). Corrected diffusion approximations for the maximum of light-tailed random walk. Ann. App. Prob, 16, 951-953.


J Blanchet, P Glynn
Publication date
Ann. App. Prob


Large deviations and exact asymptotics for perpetuities with small discount rates


0 e-Γ (t-) dΛ (t). In this paper, we develop large deviation theory for D in a context in which the accumulated discount process, Γ, is small. More precisely, in this paper we provide: 1) logarithmic large deviations that hold in great generality in both discrete and continuous time, and 2) exact asymptotics derived in the iid (independent and identically distributed) case and also in the case in which Λ is a Levy process and Γ (t) is a function of a Markov process. This setting is motivated by applications in insurance risk theory with return on investments. Our development of logarithmic asymptotics requires the study of a certain non-standard topology in order to apply contraction principles. Finally, our exact asymptotic results, although analogous to classical results for sums of iid random variables, present important qualitative differences that we also explain here.

J Blanchet, P Glynn
Publication date
Working paper

Approximations for the Distribution of Perpetuities with Small Discount Rates

Blanchet, J., & Glynn, P. (2023). Approximations for the distribution of perpetuities with small discount rates. Naval Research Logistics (NRL), 70(5), 454-471.


0 e− Γ (t−) dΛ (t) play an important role in many application settings. We develop approximations for the distribution of D when the “accumulated short rate process”, Γ, is small. We provide: 1) Characterizations for the distribution of D when Γ and Λ are driven by Markov processes; 2) General sufficient conditions under which weak convergence results can be derived for D, and 3) Edgeworth expansions for the distribution of D in the iid case and the case in which Λ is a Levy process and the interest rate is a function of an ergodic Markov process.

J Blanchet, P Glynn
Publication date

Exact sampling, regeneration and minorization conditions


Suppose that Χ φ (Χn: η 0) is a positive recurrent Harris chain. We investigate the connection between various types of drift and minoriza# tion conditions on Χ and exact simulation. We present an exact simula# tion algorithm that can be implemented if three elements are available: 1) We can identify the regeneration epochs of Χ, 2) We can find a pos# itive lower bound for the probability of regeneration in one step, and 3) We can find an upper bound for moments of order larger than 1 for the regeneration time of Χ. We also discuss explicit minorization and drift conditions that provide the bounds required in item 3).

J Blanchet, X Meng
Publication date
Technical report, Columbia University. Available at: http://www. columbia. edu/~ jb2814/papers/JSMsent. pdf


Limit theorems and approximations with applications to insurance risk and queueing theory


The analysis of ruin probabilities constitutes a cornerstone of insurance risk theory. This dissertation develops limit theorems and approximations that can be used to obtain the probability that an insurer faces eventual ruin in both the case of zero interest rates and when of stochastic return on investments are present. This theory is also relevant in the analysis of the single most important model in queueing theory, namely the single-server queue. Other applications to statistical sequential analysis and time series analysis are also discussed.

Jose H Blanchet
Publication date
stanford university


Corrected Diffusion Approximations for the Maximum of Heavy-Tailed Random Walk


Let (Xn: n≥ 1) be a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables with E (X1)= 0, and let S=(Sn: n≥ 0) be its associated random walk (so that S0= 0 and Sn= X1+...+ Xn for n≥ 1). Let us introduce a small location parameter δ> 0 representing the drift of the random walk. That is, let us consider a parametric family of random walks, Sδ=(Sδ n: n≥ 0), defined by

Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn
Publication date